Ye Feng naturally knows the rules of TSL. Even if he was taken into custody by the investigation department just now, they only have the right to take him into custody for the time being. As for how to interrogate himself and how to investigate himself, he needs to report to Jack first, and Jack needs to report again. After the above information comes down, he can be interrogated.

That's why Ye Feng resisted at that time. If Amy was alone in an interrogation room, the process of waiting for the report might be two or three days. If there were many things, it might be about a week. After all, Amy was recovering from a serious illness, and it was still two consciousness in her body. Naturally, she could not stay in one place for too long, and she was not around .

Ye Feng thought of this and nodded to Jack, "you're right, so I can only investigate this by myself! So I have to leave the island and investigate the organizations associated with Jackson. I'll give it to you after I have the evidence! "

Jack nodded and said, "if that's the case, it's the best!" Said to see a leaf maple in front of the coffee way, "don't drink again cold!"

Amy had already taken a big sip of coffee and put down her tea cup. Then she said to Jack, "if it's necessary for him to investigate by himself, can he deal with Jackson himself without going through TSL?"

Jack sniffs a pair of eyes staring at Amy, then takes out his mobile phone to light up the screen and says to Amy, "it seems that you know our TSL very well?" Then he looked at Ye Feng, who was holding a coffee cup, and said, "you said it all?"

Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders and said, "I'm not so bored. I'll tell her this..."

Just then, Amy suddenly touched her head and said, "how can I feel dizzy?"

After hearing this, Ye Feng thought that Amy and Du Yuexiu's consciousness began to change. He quickly put down his coffee cup and said, "what's the matter with you?"

Amy shook her head and said, "I feel dizzy and sleepy..." Just then, Amy has fallen on Ye Feng's shoulder, no longer moving.

Ye Feng saw this, immediately pushed Amy two ways, "wake up, this is not a place to sleep!"

Amy is still motionless. Ye Feng looks at Jack and says, "it seems that she is really tired!"

Jack's face moved slightly, then shrugged to Ye Feng and said, "it's OK, she's tired and can rest here!"

Ye Feng nodded, did not say anything, and then picked up the coffee cup, but saw Jack immediately staring at the coffee cup in his hand.

Ye Feng didn't say anything. He took a sip from the mouth of the house and put down the cup. He said to Jack, "in this case, we won't disturb. I'll leave the island first..."

At this time, Jack sneered, "old leader, don't you think that since Jackson wants to move you, why can we call the security guard of our investigation department? What's more, is it such a big battle of the investigation department to arrest you this time? "

Ye Feng said to Jack, "I'm also thinking about this. I didn't say that just now. It shows that you have Jackson in the investigation department!"

Jack said with a smile, "yes, there must be an accomplice of Jackson in the investigation department, but old leader, do you think who this person is? Can we call the security of the whole investigation department? "

Ye Feng took another sip of the coffee cup and then said with a smile to Jack, "how can it be you?"

Jack took a deep breath and said to Ye Feng, "why can't it be me?"

After putting down the coffee cup, Ye Feng shook his head and said, "it can't be you!"

Jack was surprised, "Oh? Why can't it be me? "

Ye Feng immediately said, "I know you. You are not a greedy man. Jackson's plan is obviously for money. His money interests can't attract you!"

Jack nodded and said, "yes, I'm really not interested in money!"

Ye Feng immediately said, "and since your legs had an accident, you have been in the investigation department. I feel that you are living a good life. At least you have some time to make your life full, and there should be no dissatisfaction with your position!"

Jack immediately nodded again and said, "yes, I really don't have much interest in power and position. Besides, in TSL, power and position can't be solved by a director of Technology Department like Jackson!"

Ye Feng immediately said with a smile, "yes, so what reason do you have to sell yourself to help Jackson?"

Jack said, "not necessarily! There must be reasons you can't think of! "

Ye Feng frowned at Jack and said, "I can't think of a reason?"

Jack said with a smile to Ye Feng, "for example, I already knew that Cao Yihai is Satan?"

Ye Feng smell speech a dismay, immediately another smile way, "that more impossible!"

Jack said, "I can investigate all the monitoring of your technology department here. I can see clearly what happened in Cao Yihai's laboratory at that time, so I want to know who you are. It should be very easy!"Ye Feng shook his head and said, "it's because you already know I'm Satan that I say you're even more impossible! You and I are old friends. You can't help Jackson deal with me! "

Jack then picked up his mobile phone to light up the screen, looked at it and said, "maybe if you are Cao Yihai, I don't have any interest, but you are Satan, I am very excited!"

Ye Feng frowned and said, "don't tease me!"

But Jack said with a smile, "I'm not joking with you!"

Ye Feng immediately looked at Jack, then frowned, "what have I offended you before? No? "

Jack immediately sneered, "no Right? You're not sure, are you? "

Ye Feng stares at Jack and says, "in my impression, I've never done anything wrong to you, have I? Don't be kidding

Jack looked at Ye Feng for a long time without saying a word. His eyes became more and more overcast. Then he looked at Amy who was lying on Ye Feng's shoulder and fell asleep and said, "do you think she is really sleepy?"

Ye Feng looked at Amy's face on her shoulder and said to Jack, "isn't it?"

Jack immediately looked at the two coffee cups on the table and said, "actually, I've already drugged your coffee!"

Ye Feng immediately face a change, toward Jack way, "what did you put?"

Jack said with a smile, "don't be nervous. If it's poison, she won't just sleep!"

Ye Feng at this time immediately to buckle his throat, but Jack reminded Ye Feng, "it's useless, you can hold on for two or three minutes at most, you will also sleep like her!"

But Ye Feng stared at Jack and said, "I don't understand. Where did I offend you?"

But Jack looked at Ye Feng and said, "so far you can't remember, where are you sorry for me?"

Ye Feng shook his head and said, "in my impression, I always treat you as my brother!"

Jack laughs and says, "brother? Have you ever seen a brother risk his life? Have you ever seen a brother lose his legs? "

Ye Feng listens to jack so a say, the facial expression can't help looking at Jack a way, "do you think your legs didn't have, is because of my problem?"

Jack asked Ye Feng, "isn't it?" Then he lifted the blanket over his legs, revealing the empty bottom half.

Then Jack said to Ye Feng, "that action, I put forward the second plan. Why don't you accept it? If you accept my plan, I can't get hurt at all, and the task can be completed more perfectly!"

Ye Feng then said to Jack, "you said that action, yes, you gave me a more perfect plan, but why don't I accept it? Don't you think about the reason?"

Jack snorted coldly and said harshly, "what's the reason? You're jealous. You're afraid that my plan is better and you're incompetent!"

But Ye Feng looks at Jack and sighs, "so you see me like this!"

Jack sneered, "not only me, but also Hades In fact, many people have long despised you, your autocracy and your personal heroism It's just that everyone has not refuted you because of their face! "

Ye Feng sighed, "so you all look at me like this?"

Jack immediately sneered again, "the whole group, except for your loyal Dixie, who doesn't have a problem with you? We can't stand it for a long time. We just didn't say it! "

Ye Feng stares at Jack and says, "now you say it!"

Jack immediately said, "yes, I said it now, because I'm not afraid of you. Don't forget, this is my territory, and you've taken the medicine I gave you..."

Ye Feng pouts his mouth and sprays it on the table. Suddenly, a black coffee juice sprays on the coffee table. Then he looks at Jack and says, "are you sure I took your medicine?"

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