Jack looks at Ye Feng in horror. The thing Ye Feng vomited out of his mouth just now is obviously that the coffee Ye Feng just drank has been in his mouth without swallowing. Now he has vomited out completely.

Ye Feng saw Jack staring at himself, surprised. Then he took out a piece of paper on the tea table and wiped his mouth. Then he looked at Jack and said, "do you think that a mere drug can put me down? Do you think it's too much to look down on me?"

Jack stares at Ye Feng, and finally glances at Amy who is still lying on Ye Feng's shoulder. He knows that Amy must have fainted suddenly just now, causing Ye Feng's suspicion.

Ye Feng looked at Jack and said, "you don't have to look at her. Even if she didn't faint, I would have seen through you already!"

Jack immediately sneered and said, "don't make yourself so amazing. Besides that she fainted before you, what else did I show to let you see through?"

Ye Feng said to Jack, "since you brought out the coffee, your eyes skimmed the coffee cup in front of us at least ten times. Although you just swept it, it has revealed that there is something wrong with your coffee! Especially every time I pick up the coffee cup, you look into my hand intentionally or unintentionally. If I still can't see this detail, I've been fooling around in TSL for so many years! "

The corner of Jack's eye twitches. He looks at Ye Feng coldly. At this time, his hand tightly grasps the handle of his own wheelchair, and then the two handles immediately hear a bang.

Ye Feng has been paying attention to Jack's abnormal behavior for a long time. At the same time, Ye Feng immediately hugs Amy on one side and falls to the ground. When she lies on the ground, Ye Feng immediately jumps up with a carp.

Ye Feng just stood up, Jack immediately pulled the trigger on the handle of the wheelchair, but Ye Feng immediately volleyed over, dodged Jack's two shots, jumped directly from Jack's head, fell behind him, and then strangled Jack's neck.

Jack just ready to resist at the same time, the handle of a spoon in Ye Feng's hand has been against his neck, Jack's heart is awe inspiring, he didn't even notice that the spoon in Ye Feng's coffee cup was missing, let alone when it was missing.

Ye Feng has long been seen through the trick, but also think that everything is still in their own hands, so careless, it is not wrong to lose.

Thinking of this, Jack closed his eyes and said to Ye Feng, "kill me!"

But Ye Feng said with a smile, "kill you? You think too much. Although you want me to die, I don't want you to die now! "

Jack then said, "if you don't kill me, I won't appreciate you. Without you, I won't be today, and you can't expect to use me to leave the island. Even if I die, you won't feel better!"

Ye Feng smell speech immediately and smile way, "you all say that even if you die, I will not be better, then I can't kill you more!"

With that, Ye Feng reaches out and turns over Jack's body. After checking that he has no other weapons, he directly lifts him up and throws him on the sofa.

Jack is sitting on the sofa at this time. He looks at Ye Feng angrily and says, "what do you want?"

Ye Feng is sitting opposite jack, his fingers are clasping the bullet just shot from Jack's wheelchair, hitting the fear on the back of the sofa, and he says to Jack, "now there is no place on the island safer than your side!"

Jack can't help frowning when he hears the words, "are you going to stay with me?"

Ye Feng then said with a smile, "you haven't heard of it. There's an old Oriental saying that it's easier to ask God than to send him away? Since you and Jackson conspired to invite me here, it's not so easy for me to leave! "

Ye Feng stood up and went to Jack's desk. Then he opened the drawer of his desk and found a pistol to hold in his hand. Then he went back to the opposite side of Jack and looked at him.

Jack frowned and said to Ye Feng, "even before the plan started, I knew it was possible to fail, but I still wanted to gamble this time. I didn't expect that I really failed. I totally gave up!"

Ye Feng frowned and said, "give up?"

Jack nodded and said, "I admit defeat, but it doesn't mean I'm convinced!"

Ye Feng stares at Jack and says, "admit defeat but don't admit defeat?"

Jack gave a cold smile and then looked at his legs. To be exact, he looked at the position of his legs. Now it's empty, and he said, "I lost on my own condition. If I didn't get hurt, I would never lose!"

But Ye Feng said to Jack, "I don't think you are disabled in your legs, but in your brain. If your legs are OK, will you hate me? It doesn't work logically! So don't have these hypothetical questions! "

But Jackson sneered at Ye Feng, "do you think that if I didn't break my legs, I wouldn't hate you?"

Ye Feng a listen to this, the facial expression tiny move ground looks at Jack, "so say, you all hate me?"? Is this hatred from beginning to end? "Jack snapped at once, "that's right, and I told you before that our group, except for the narcissistic Dixie, has no problem with you? Is Hades okay with you? Is udir okay with you? Everyone, except Dixie, has a problem with you... "

Ye Feng listens to Jack say so, can't help but slightly sigh, light a cigarette to smoke, don't speak slowly.

Jack continued to sneer, "why don't you talk? Now you know how much you failed? In the past, you were supercilious and all your actions were centered on you. Every time you came back, you must be rewarded, as if every task was completed by you alone. You think so, and you seem to think so too. But every time something goes wrong, it must be us who are punished. Don't we fight with our lives when we go out for action? It's like you're the only one in the team... "

At this time, Ye Feng sighed, slowly spitting out a cigarette and said, "I really didn't think you saw me like this before I have nothing to say

Jack immediately sneered, "of course, you have nothing to say, every action must listen to you, take you as the center to carry out all kinds of actions, we are also people, we also need to show, we also need to come out!"

Ye Feng nodded and said, "I admit that I was a little too self before! On this point, I did not do very well. Why didn't you tell me at the beginning? "

But Jack said with a sneer, "I tell you, who could you listen to at that time? What you say must be carried out. What others say is shit. It must not be as good as yours. Isn't my legs the best proof? If you had listened to me in those days, would I hate you so much? Now you see, besides Dixie, who else treats you as a friend? Last time you were on a mission in Brazil, you finally died in the plane explosion. Except for Dixie, someone shed a tear for you? I admit that you are excellent, a talent for secret service, even a genius, but you are definitely not a good team leader! You have to admit that! "

Ye Feng heard Jack say so, can't help nodding, "you said I admit! I did have all sorts of faults in those years. I apologize to you! "

Jack can't help looking at Ye Feng in a daze. He shakes his head and says to Ye Feng, "no, no, no..."

But Ye Feng frowned, "what's wrong?"

Jack said immediately, "Satan doesn't apologize to people. You will apologize. You must not be Satan!"

But Ye Feng looks at Jack in surprise and says, "I'm not Satan. Who am I?"

Jack said, "I don't know who you are, but you must not be Satan. Even if Satan is wrong, he can never apologize!"

But Ye Feng said with a smile, "people can change. Besides, I have experienced life and death. People who have experienced life and death should see through a lot of things. Many of the things they used to cling to may not be the best, but they are correct. Only when they put them down can they get more!"

Jack listen to Ye Feng say so, a while at a loss to look at Ye Feng, after a long time but cold hum a way, "you want to persuade me to put down the hatred? Don't dream. I'll tell you the truth. Since I knew I needed to amputate, I swore to myself that I would hate you for the rest of my life... "

After staring at Jack for a long time, Ye Feng said, "so how do you get rid of your hatred?"

Jack immediately gritted his teeth and said, "I want you to die!"

But Ye Feng said to Jack, "I'm dead! That mission in Brazil, there was only one head left after being blown up, don't you know? "

Jack can't help looking at Ye Feng in a daze when he hears this, and then he thinks in his heart, yes, he knew that Satan was dead, as if he had put everything down.

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