But when he thought about it, Jack immediately said, "you're back from the dead, but my leg will never come back!"

But Ye Feng said to Jack, "it's really painful to lose your legs. I can understand it, but have you ever thought that if you don't lose your legs, what you may lose is your life. After you retire behind the scenes, the guy who takes your place doesn't perform two missions and lose your life in Mumbai?"

After listening to Ye Feng's words, Jack was stunned and didn't come back for a long time. He also heard about it. When Hades saw him, he said he was glad. If it was him, he would be more radical than that guy, and he would never come back.

Ye Feng saw that Jack was dazed and immediately said, "have you figured out a lot of things?"

As soon as Jack heard this, his face suddenly changed and he immediately denied, "what do I want to know? What do I have to figure out? You mean like I broke my leg. Not only should I blame you, but also thank you? "

Ye Feng said, "your leg is really my fault. I don't deny it. I'm not evading responsibility. I just want you to drive a little more. After all, your next life is still very long..."

Jack immediately said to Ye Feng, "you don't preach to me. I can't listen to you. I have a solution with you now. Either you kill me to leave now, or I kill you. There is no second solution. We have to die one of us. This hatred can be completely ended!"

At this time, Ye Feng hesitated to look at Jack, then turned the gun in his hand on his finger, and immediately threw it at Jack, "in that case, you can do it!"

Jack never dreamed that Ye Feng would take the initiative to throw the pistol to himself and ask him to kill him.

At this time, Jack hesitated to look at the gun in front of him, frowned for a long time, then sneered, "are you so stupid? Take the initiative to die? I don't believe it. You must have tampered with the gun! "

Ye Feng shrugs to Jack and says, "this gun was taken out of your desk drawer. Do you suspect that I've done something?"

Jack said with a sneer, "you are an expert in firearms. It's not difficult for you to take out the bullet in the magazine with one hand. There are several guns in my drawer. It's not difficult for you to hide one of them. If I had a gun now, maybe the muzzle hidden in the dark would have been aimed at me!"

Ye Feng sighed and said to Jack, "you just think too much about everything. Anyway, I've given you the gun. As for whether you take it or not, it's your own business!"

Jack can't help staring at the gun on the coffee table for a long time. For Jack at the moment, it's hatred for Ye Feng. If he takes it up, Jack knows it's not Ye Feng's death, it's his own death. But if he doesn't take it, it means he has given up this hatred.

For a moment, Jack has no choice. He finally sighs and never reaches out to the gun in front of him.

Ye Feng can't help frowning. He stands up and goes to the coffee table. He picks up the gun on the coffee table and loads it. Then he fires several shots at Jack's side.

"Bang, bang, Bang..." With a few shots, the back of the sofa is hit and the cotton flies around. Jack stares at Ye Feng, but he doesn't expect that there are bullets in the gun.

Ye Feng then put down his gun and looked at Jack, who was staring at him in a daze. He hummed coldly, "I was really overbearing before, but I can't make a wrong decision. My mistake lies in my attitude towards you. There are some problems, and I don't take your feelings into consideration!"

Speaking of this, Ye Feng sat back and said coldly to Jack, "your leg was really broken under my command, and your suggestion at that time was better than mine, but you only paid attention to the situation at that time, and didn't see far-reaching. If I follow your way, the front will be exactly as you said, but the back, your plan is not allowed If there are any mistakes, once a link goes wrong, you can't solve them with one leg, but all of us may die there! "

Jack stares at Ye Feng, but sees that Ye Feng doesn't give him any chance to speak. "Besides, it's a little ugly. You have this kind of problem with your leg. Is it me that has all the problems?"

Jack said with a sneer, "isn't it because of you..."

Did not wait for Jack to finish, Ye Feng immediately said, "at that time, I ordered you to retreat immediately, do not stay in that unfinished building, how do you do?"

Jack can't help but be surprised when he hears the words. He looks at Ye Feng hesitantly and doesn't say a word for a long time.

But Ye Feng said, "you found the number one at that time. You wanted to catch him yourself, so you marched in alone. The unfinished building collapsed at that time and hit your legs. If you had listened to my order and pulled back immediately, would your legs have an accident?"

Said, did not wait for Jack to speak, Ye Feng immediately said, "just gave you the gun, you hesitated, gave you the order, you did not listen, after the accident, began to complain, whose fault is this?"

When Jack heard what Ye Feng said, his face turned red. He said to Ye Feng, "you You're talking nonsense... "Ye Feng said to Jack, "it's been so long. What kind of thought are you instilling in yourself? It was because you thought your plan was perfect and I didn't listen to it at that time, so you connected the following series of things with my failure to listen to your suggestions. What are you? It's self deception, you know? "

Jack immediately said in a loud voice, "you're talking bloody..."

Ye Feng looked at Jack with a sneer and said, "do I have a bloody mouth? There is no third person here. You know what I know! What's the point of arguing? "

Jack stopped talking and looked at Ye Feng.

Ye Feng took a cigarette and said to Jack, "when I say this, I don't have to blame you for that year's responsibility. Instead, I see that you almost put yourself on a dead end for a false hatred. I feel sad for you, you know?"

Jack can't help but look at Ye Feng, then sneer, "feel sad? Put away your hypocrisy... "

Ye Feng still didn't wait for Jack to finish, and immediately interrupted him, "think for yourself, who brought you out? When you were a recruit, I saved you many times! If I really want to harm you, as long as I don't see it, you have gone to complain to God now. Where is there so much now? "

After hearing this, Jack was silent again. His mind was in a mess and he didn't know what to say for a moment.

Ye Feng continued to say to Jack, "I saved you several times in those years. When I came back after each mission, did I mention this to anyone? I won't even talk about it with you, but don't you count it yourself? "

At this point, Ye Feng finished smoking his last cigarette, and then threw it on the ground to stamp it out. Then he continued, "I said that I was wrong. I should not be arbitrary. I should respect you more. I will not deny my mistakes, but it is not my pot. I will never carry them back!"

Ye Feng then stood up and walked toward Jack. Jack could not help but instinctively move, "what are you going to do?"

Ye Feng spared Jack's way and lifted Amy up, saying, "originally, I have become Cao Yihai. I don't want to tell anyone. I know you already know it in advance, but I told you based on our previous friendship. But I didn't expect that you would hate me so much..."

Speaking, Ye Feng holding Amy has come to the door of Jack's office, "in this case, I won't disturb you, and don't bother you to help, but I walk out of this door, on behalf of my friendship with you is completely over, in order to leave here, I won't have any worries any more!"

Ye Feng said and went to open the door, but when he touched the doorknob, he heard Jack's voice behind him and said, "wait a minute!"

Ye Feng can't help but turn around and look at Jack sitting on the sofa and say, "what else?"

Jack stared at Ye Feng for a long time before he said, "it's impossible for you to leave the island!"

Ye Feng frowned and said, "what do you mean?"

But Jack said to Ye Feng, "you're Satan's business, and now it's known! They won't let you go! "

Ye Feng hasn't spoken yet, Jack said at this time, "your time in Brazil was not an accident, it was the intentional arrangement of the organization!"

Ye Feng a listen to this words, eyebrow a wrinkly way, "the arrangement of the organization?"

Jack said to Ye Feng, "don't ask so many questions. There is a shortcut to the seaside in my office. There is a speedboat at the exit. You can take the speedboat to leave!"

But Ye Feng helps Amy to Jack, looks at him and says, "organizational arrangement, who's organizational arrangement?"

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