Jack said to Ye Feng, "you don't have to ask. In TSL, who can see you and who doesn't want to see you? In fact, you should know better than anyone in your heart! And I tell you, there are some big problems in TSL. The faction headed by dromus has few seats left in the Senate, while Dante Emma's faction has begun to rise, so you'd better leave here and disappear from now on! Don't think about revenge any more

Ye Feng can't help but frown a way, "Zhuo Mu Si was excluded?"

Jack immediately nodded and said, "although dromus is still the leader, you know, the center of controlling TSL power is still the Senate. There are only two or three of dromus' lineage left. Now Dante Emma's people are the majority, so even if dromus is the leader, it's useless! TSL knows that although dromus is still issuing a decree on the surface, he is like a puppet of Dante Emma. What Dante Emma needs now is time accumulation. When the time comes, it's inevitable to kick dromus from the position of the head of the meeting! "

Ye Feng pondered for a while. He didn't speak for a long time. Then he lit a cigarette.

Jack took a look at Ye Feng and said, "I know that zhuomus is your master. You are zhuomus. But don't forget your identity. You are a secret service. To put it bluntly, all of us are chessmen. Although TSL is a secret service organization, it is a political arena. We are all chessmen of their upper class nothing more! If I have a choice, I also want to leave! "

Ye Feng smokes a cigarette, and then says to Jack, "so, the elder will acquiesce in the connection between Jackson and the outside world?"

Jack shrugged his shoulders immediately and said, "I don't know whether to acquiesce or not, but everyone knows that Jackson is Dante Emma's department. Now the upper class is in the vortex of political struggle. If Jackson doesn't have the permission of the upper class, how dare he take such a big risk at this time?"

Ye Feng continued to smoke cigarettes, it seems that everything is clear, also straightened out, at this time, but feel a relaxed face.

Then Ye Feng takes a look at Amy and asks Jack, "how long does she wake up?"

Jack shrugged and said, "there's a quarter of an hour at most!"

Ye Feng nodded, continued to smoke cigarettes, "that wait for her to wake up again!"

With that, Ye Feng can't help looking at Jack and saying, "which one of the two factions, dromus and Dante Emma, are you?"

Jack said to Ye Feng, "I brought you here and almost killed you. Which faction do you think I am?"

But Ye Feng said with a smile, "understand, you are a superficial Dante!"

Jack was stunned and then said with a smile, "superficial Dante? It's a new name, but you may have misunderstood it. I may really be Dante on the surface, but it's definitely not dromus. Besides, in the form of TSL, who is not Dante on the surface, but not dromus on the heart? It's just a matter of seeking stability. To put it bluntly, it doesn't make any difference for us who is in charge of the upper echelon. Do you think so? "

Ye Feng nods his head after hearing the speech. He understands Jack's idea, or most people's idea.

Finally, Ye Feng looks at Jack and asks, "do you forgive me?"

Jack shrugged his shoulders and said, "I've figured it out. You're right. I was greedy and rash. It's nothing to do with you. Besides, even if it's something to do with you, even if I kill you, my legs can't grow. What's the point? What is the rest of my life? It's impossible for me to leave TSL. Even if it lets me go, I don't want to go. In fact, the investigation department is also very good, suitable for the elderly! "

Ye Feng originally wanted to persuade Jack that there are many places for him to provide for the aged, but when he thinks about it carefully, Jack must have thought about this situation himself. Everyone has his own aspirations. He doesn't have to manage so much.

Before Jack, the reason why they all hate themselves is that they don't give them any chance to speak, and they don't allow them to have their own ideas. After experiencing the experience with Jack, Ye Feng has figured it out.

After a while, Amy opened her bleary eyes, rubbed her eyelids, looked at Ye Feng and Jack in surprise and said, "where is this?"

Ye Feng saw Amy wake up, immediately got up and said to Amy, "we should go!" Then he asked Jack, "where is the safe passage?" Then he carries Jack back to the automatic wheelchair.

But Jack said to Ye Feng, "you are not afraid that I am a delayer. I have weapons in this automatic wheelchair!"

But Ye Feng said with a smile, "I said before, you want to kill me, I won't stop you! I've given you a chance, but you don't grasp it. It shows that you don't hate me so much in your heart! "

Jack sneered and said, "you really stink!" Then he started the automatic wheelchair and went to the desk.

After arriving at the desk, Jack reaches for his hand and twists it on a decorative utensil. Suddenly, he opens a secret door on the ground behind the desk.

Ye Feng and Amy went to the secret door and saw that there was a speedboat below, and there was water all around, which was obviously a waterway.Jack then said to Ye Feng, "this is what I found out by accident after I took over the investigation department. It must be the head of the investigation department who had been ready to leave. I originally wanted to retreat from here after zhuomus and Dante Emma had a lot of trouble. But now it seems that Dante Emma has won the battle. Even if she won or lost, she should be a soldier The blood blade will not affect our innocent people, so I don't need it. Let's use it for you

Ye Feng nodded to Jack, then jumped down, stood down and reached out to Amy to help her down.

Jack looked at Ye Feng and said, "I hope you never come back!"

Ye Feng looks up at Jack, but sees that the door on the floor has slowly started to close. He immediately puts his hand on his head and thanks jack, "I hope I can see you again one day!"

Jack shook his head and said, "never see you again, or I might change my mind..." Just then, the door of dark grid had been closed.

At this time, Ye Feng started the motorboat, and the motorboat immediately started to move forward along the river. Sitting on one side, Amy said, "where are we going?"

Ye Feng took a look at Amy and said, "Du Yuexiu?"

Amy said immediately, "of course it's me. Who else can it be?" Then he immediately said, "I have found that you have asked me such naive questions several times. Do I look like Du Yuexiu is so difficult to distinguish?"

But Ye Feng said to Du Yuexiu, "do you remember what you said to me when you were in the hospital when you just woke up? You said that you were in a coma and felt like a woman was talking to you?"

Du Yuexiu immediately nodded and said, "that's right. It's like it's been there so far!"

Ye Feng then said to Du Yuexiu, "you are a virtual character, just a virtual character. You already have your own consciousness, but in real life, you need a body..."

Without waiting for Ye Feng to speak, Du Yuexiu seemed to understand Ye Feng's meaning. She couldn't help looking at her and said, "do you mean that the voice I heard is the original owner of my body now?"

Ye Feng immediately shrugged to Du Yuexiu and said, "that's right, but the problem is far from that. I don't know what form you and she coexist in the same body now, but you two will complete the role switch without warning!"

Du Yuexiu immediately said in dismay, "role switching?" Then his face moved and said, "do you mean that sometimes the original owner of the body comes out, and then I don't exist?"

Ye Feng nodded and shook his head again. "It's not that it doesn't exist, it's just that it doesn't show on the surface!"

Du Yuexiu suddenly said, "that's why you always ask me if I'm Du Yuexiu?"

Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders and said, "yes, I have to make sure who you are before I can decide how to get along with you!"

Du Yuexiu pondered and did not speak. At this time, there was a light in front of the river. Ye Feng knew that he was going out.

Just a moment later, the speedboat jumped out and drove directly to the sea. Ye Feng and Du Yuexiu looked back and saw that the island was behind them, getting farther and farther away.

Ye Feng is driving a speedboat while blowing the sea breeze. At this time, he suddenly sees that a cruise ship is coming towards this side not far away. It seems that it is not a TSL cruise ship.

Waiting for the speedboat to get closer, Ye Feng's face suddenly moved. Where is the cruise ship in the distance? It's obviously a warship. Seeing this, Ye Feng can't help but move.

Du Yuexiu seems to have seen it too. At this time, she can't help but say, "is this warship on this island?"

But Ye Feng shook his head and said, "I don't think so, but the target must be on the island!"

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