Just then, the master warship continued to drive towards the island. Several people in military uniform on the deck of the warship island also noticed the speedboat on Ye Feng's side. Someone was looking at Ye Feng's side with a telescope.

Ye Feng doesn't care about anything. At present, he is not in the mood to meddle in his own business. Originally, after that mission in Brazil, Ye Feng planned to retire. Now he is just taking advantage of the internal turmoil in TSL. When is he going to stay?

At this time, on the deck of the warship, he looked at Ye Feng with a telescope. When he took off the telescope, he frowned and said, "isn't that Amy?"

A young officer on his side immediately picked up his telescope and looked over there. Then his face moved slightly. "It's really Amy. Who's that man?"

But the old officer said, "I heard that she had found a new job, and then there was no follow-up! I haven't contacted her for a long time

The young officer immediately said to the helmsman, "catch up..."

Before the young officer finished, the middle-aged Officer immediately stopped and said, "don't forget the purpose of our visit!"

The young officer could not help asking, "but, Amy, she..."

The middle-aged Officer immediately took out his mobile phone, dialed a number, and then said to the young officer, "don't worry, I'll ask first!"

Just then, the other end of the line was connected, and the middle-aged officer said, "last time I asked you to help Amy introduce her work, what company did she go to..."

Before he finished, his face immediately changed and said, "nonsense, she won't let you say it, so you really won't say it? First of all I'll get back to you! "

Then the middle-aged officer hung up and said, "it's just playing the piano in vain!"

The young officer asked the middle-aged officer directly, "what's the matter? Didn't Amy go to work? "

The middle-aged officer snorted and said to the young officer, "you don't have to worry. For the time being, I don't think she's all right. When our mission is over, I'll call her back!"

At this time, the young officer pondered for a long time, and then said to the middle-aged officer, "what are we doing in this sea area this time?"

After lighting a cigarette, the young officer continued, "the island in front of us is said to be private. If we don't have special instructions from the government, it's an invasion of private territory!"

The middle-aged officer looked at the young officer and said, "truse, you have to remember that there is no private territory in New Zealand. Our navy in New Zealand can gallop freely in its own waters."

Truss looked at the middle-aged officer in a dazed way. "That's what we said, but what's our purpose this time?"

The middle-aged Officer immediately picked up his telescope and continued to look at the island. However, he said, "this island has been a place outside the law for many years. In fact, it has posed a threat to our country and government!"

Truss was surprised. "Are we here to capture this island?"

But the middle-aged officer said, "young man, you should use your brains when you are in trouble. If you really want to capture this island, is one warship enough? Don't you see that the island has already become an independent kingdom? There are surveillance radars in the surrounding waters. I'm afraid our warships will be buried at the bottom of the sea before we open fire! "

Truss was puzzled and said, "in that case, what else are we going to do here?"

The middle-aged officer said, "do you know what testing is? We are here to test each other's bottom line! After knowing each other's bottom line, we can plan our next step! "

At this point, the middle-aged officer said to truss, "order to go down, and do not open fire unless our warship is destroyed!"

After hearing this, truss immediately ordered him to go down. Then he heard the middle-aged officer say, "this operation is a multi department cooperation. This island has been here for so many years, so it must have his energy and ability. It's not so easy to eradicate it!"

Truss nodded, without saying much, and continued to look at the island with his telescope.

At this time, the warship was getting closer and closer to the island, and then he heard the report from the people below, "unknown objects were found underwater in front of us, coming towards our warship."

Truss looked nervously at the middle-aged officer, but the middle-aged officer lit a cigar and said, "don't be so nervous. We have already been within their range. If there was anything, we would have opened fire. We have entered their sea area. Don't we allow people to take pictures of two submarines and track them?"

Then he said to truss, "this is the test. We are testing them, but they are also testing us. After all, we are the warships of our country. If they open fire rashly, it is tantamount to declaring war on New Zealand. They dare not!"

After that, he continued to ask truss to order him to go down, regardless of the underwater things, and continued to follow the original route. After circling the island for a week, he sailed back the same way.

The warship continued to drive forward. After turning around the island, it really went back to its original way. However, the unidentified object that was originally behind the warship did not keep up.When the warship left the island, truss immediately picked up his cell phone and dialed a number, but the other side turned off.

The middle-aged officer took a look at truss and said, "it's young. I can't hold my breath at all! Don't worry. When we get back, I'll send someone to get Amy back! "

At this time, Ye Feng and Du Yuexiu had already arrived at the coast in a motorboat. Instead of parking the motorboat at the port, they drove the motorboat directly to the beach, jumped off the motorboat and walked towards the city on foot.

Du Yuexiu looks at the beach by the sea and steps on the sand on the ground. This real feeling makes her feel very full. She doesn't feel the sound of the waves behind her and her hair dancing with the sea breeze.

After leaving the beach, Du Yuexiu asked Ye Feng, "where are we going?"

But Ye Feng said to Du Yuexiu, "wherever you go, just don't stay in New Zealand, let alone here!"

To the side of the road, Ye Feng saw a car parked there, immediately past a knock down the window, opened the door and sat in.

After Du Yuexiu got on the bus, he said to Ye Feng, "are you not afraid of others calling the police?"

Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders and said, "the police in New Zealand are not as brisk as you think. I don't know how many cars are lost here every year. Moreover, most of them are related to underworld organizations. In addition, the monitoring equipment on the streets of New Zealand is old. Even if there is a report of gratitude, there is no way to investigate..."

During the conversation, Ye Feng starts the car, quickly drives away from the roadside and drives towards Cao Yihai's villa. Last time, Ye Feng remembers the route.

On the road, Du Yuexiu kept looking out of the car window. Even in the virtual world, she had never been abroad. Now it looks completely exotic around. Du Yuexiu can't help but wonder.

Soon after arriving at Cao Yihai's villa, Ye Feng opened the door and led Du Yuexiu in. Then he sat on the sofa, lit a cigarette and said to Du Yuexiu, "sit down and have a rest. I'll book a ticket later and leave here first!"

Said Ye Feng while smoking cigarettes, while standing up, and then said, "but first of all, we have to get some money!"

Du Yuexiu just sat down, Ye Feng said to her, "you sit here for a while, I'll go to the room to have a look!"

Say Ye Feng went upstairs, first went to Cao Yihai's bedroom to see a circle, found a dress to change, and then looked around the wardrobe to see if there was a safe and so on.

Finally did not find, Ye Feng went to other rooms, and finally found the safe behind the mural in a study. Fortunately, it was the fingerprint lock. If it was the password, Ye Feng could only remove the safe.

After opening the safe, Ye Feng found that there were dozens of US dollars, many gold bars, two pistols and some bullets inside.

After Ye Feng packed the cash and gold bars in one package, he went downstairs with his bag.

When I went downstairs, I found Du Yuexiu standing in the living room looking around. When I saw Ye Feng coming back, I immediately said, "is this Cao Yihai's villa?"

Ye Feng a listen to this words, eyebrow move a way, "Ai Mei?"

Amy shrugged her shoulders and said, "who else can I be? It's just that I don't remember how I got here? Shouldn't I be on the island? Am I in a coma? "

Ye Feng immediately said, "yes, after all, you have just recovered from a serious illness. You have been in a coma for a while, and I have brought you out!"

Amy then touched her forehead, then looked at the bag in Ye Feng's hand and asked, "what's this?"

Ye Feng takes out a pistol from his bag and hands it to Amy. Then he throws the bag on the sofa and opens it to Amy. "If you want to leave New Zealand, how can you do without money?"

On hearing this, Amy looked at Ye Feng and said, "leave New Zealand? Why did you leave? "

Hearing this, Ye Feng said, "yes, Amy is a new Zealander. She grew up here. Her friends, relatives and all her relationships are here. How could she leave rashly?"? She is not Du Yuexiu now!

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