Thinking of this, Ye Feng nodded to Amy and said, "yes, you're from New Zealand. You shouldn't go..."

But the words did not finish, Ye Feng heart is a move, yes, Amy is New Zealand, she has a reason not to go, but Du Yuexiu?

Now it is obvious that Du Yuexiu and Amy share the same body. If Amy doesn't go, it means that Du Yuexiu can't go either.

If this body has always been Amy, it's all right, but what if it turns into Du Yuexiu? Will Du Yuexiu stay in New Zealand?

Thinking of this, Ye Feng can't help hesitating. After all, Du Yuexiu has only one acquaintance in the world and shares a body with Amy. She doesn't know what problems will arise in the process of transformation.

Amy saw Ye Feng say half, did not continue to say, immediately looked at Ye Feng said, "are you going to leave New Zealand?"

Ye Feng took a look at Amy at this time. She said in her heart, "yes, even if she wants to leave, it's not now.".

Just thinking about it, suddenly heard a loud bang, Ye Feng and Amy can't help but move.

Two people at the same time toward the voice, but saw a crowd of people in military uniforms from the door, one by one are armed, immediately after entering the door will Ye Feng and Amy round.

Ye Feng's heart can't help but move, to see these people should be New Zealand's military, still wondering if it is related to the warship he met at sea.

At this time, a young officer stepped in with a group of soldiers. Before he could stand still, Amy said in surprise, "truse? How could it be you? "

Truss nodded at Amy. "Why can't it be me? Before I saw you on the sea, I thought I was wrong. I didn't think it was you! "

Ye Fengxin next move a way, return true with the warship that meets at sea related, but Ai Mei how can know this to call truss officer?

Now Amy said to truss, "what are you doing here?"

But truss said to Amy, "your uncle asked me to take you back!"

Amy said immediately, "what are you going back to do? I'm not going back! "

But truss immediately said to Amy, "Amy, don't make it difficult for me! Your uncle is also for your own good! "

Amy sneered, "for me? Is it good for me to go to work nine to five all day? I was refused to join the army. Can't I find a job myself? "

After staring at Amy for a long time, truss said, "Amy, listen to my advice. As a Chinese, it's not easy for your uncle to get to the present level in the army. Besides, you only have your uncle as a relative, and it's normal for him to care about you. Don't you Oriental people say that women are virtuous when they have no talent? They also say that women should never leave home in three steps, Now that your uncle allows you to go to work, it's very good. In fact, your Oriental women should find a man to marry, and then add a husband to teach their children! Compared with you, we white women's lives are really miserable. We not only have to go to work, but also have to do the same thing as husband and son.... "

Ye Feng didn't speak all the time, but there was something wrong with the way that truss looked at Amy. As soon as he saw it, he knew that truss was interested in Amy.

However, truse's tone is full of misunderstanding and arrogance towards the Oriental people, especially the Chinese people. As a Chinese, Ye Feng is also quite dissatisfied.

At this time, Ye Feng sneered and said, "who said that the only choice for Chinese American women now is to teach their husband and children?"

As soon as truss heard this, his face suddenly moved, and then he glared at Ye Feng and drank coldly, "what are you? I'm talking to Amy. When's your turn to talk?"

Ye Feng shrugged and said, "I didn't talk to you again. I'm talking to myself!"

Truse's face suddenly changed, and then made a wink at the soldiers, immediately several soldiers walked towards Ye Feng, and the muzzle of the gun was aimed at Ye Feng.

When Amy saw this, she said to truss, "what are you doing? He's my friend, and I won't allow you to do that! "

Several soldiers can't help but look at truss hesitantly, but they see truss's expressionless nod. Several soldiers immediately stop advancing, but the muzzle of the gun is still facing Ye Feng.

Truss then said to Amy, "Amy, if you want me not to deal with your friends, just be obedient and come back with me!"

Amy said immediately, "if I want to go home, I'll go back. I don't need to be taken home. Can't I find my way to my own home?"

But truss said to Amy, "you didn't go to the company your uncle had arranged for you last time. Your uncle was very angry when he found out. He is waiting for you to go back and explain to him now. Amy, stop making trouble and go back with me!"

Amy said to truss, "who's been fighting with you? I said, I'll go back myself. I don't need you to threaten me! "

Truss looked at Amy thoughtfully for a while, and then said to Amy, "Amy, I'm not discussing with you. As you know, I'm under your uncle's hand. His words are orders for me, whether it's business or private. I have to carry them out! So... "With that, truss immediately winked at the soldiers standing in front of Ye Feng, who immediately went up to detain Ye Feng.

Truss continued to say to Amy, "your so-called friend is from an outlying island, isn't he?" Said toward the leaf maple up and down looked at.

Then he saw Ye Feng's pocket and winked at a soldier. The soldier immediately turned Ye Feng's pocket, took out a pistol from it and handed it to truss.

After playing with the pistol in his hand, truss loaded the pistol and walked to Ye Feng. "Is this your gun?"

Although Ye Feng was escorted by two soldiers, he still said with a smile, "this is New Zealand. Is it illegal to hold a gun?"

But truss said, "it's not illegal to hold a gun..." Then he immediately pulled the trigger and fired several shots at the door. Then he threw the pistol at the sofa and looked at Ye Feng, "but attacking soldiers, it's hard to say!"

Ye Wenyan didn't speak yet. Amy immediately said in a loud voice, "what do you mean?"

Truss shrugged. "We're in the military, but your friend attacked us with a gun. Fortunately, he didn't hit us, but that's enough for him to drink!" Said immediately toward two escorting Ye Feng soldiers cold hum a way, "take away!"

Two soldiers immediately escorted Ye Feng to go out, Amy immediately stopped two soldiers, yelled, "you stop, immediately let my friend go!"

Truss said to Amy, "Amy, don't make it hard for me to do it. You know, your uncle's words are laws for me. I dare not slack off a bit! If you come back with me, I won't embarrass your friend! But if you insist on not going with me, there's nothing you can do. I can only do so! "

Amy immediately picked up the landline on the side of the sofa and said, "I'll call my uncle right now..."

Before Amy finished, truss shrugged, "whatever you want, but I'm sure your uncle won't blame me either!"

Amy ignored truss and immediately dialed a number. After a while, the phone was connected. Amy immediately said, "uncle, what do you mean?"

There was a mature voice from a middle-aged man on the phone. He drank coldly and said, "are you ok? What do you mean? I haven't asked you! Why don't you report for the company dopland introduced to you? Do you think I can't find you anywhere else? I tell you that I have already talked to your immediate superior on the phone. You have been dismissed, and your superior will also be implicated by you, and will be subject to internal investigation... "

Amy said angrily at once, "uncle, you are too much. I want to be a soldier. You won't let me. I'll find a job I like to do myself. So do you What do you want? "

The middle-aged man asked Amy, "now I want to ask you, what do you want? When your parents were dying, they held my hand and told me that they must take good care of you. This is my promise to your parents. I won't let you take any risks. You say that I am dictatorial, insolent or unreasonable. As long as I am your uncle, I won't allow you to be a soldier, let alone a spy! "

Amy's face changed. Just as she was about to say something to the phone, the middle-aged man's phone had hung up.

But at the same time, truss' mobile phone rang. Truss immediately picked up the phone and connected it. After listening to the people on the phone, he immediately said that he knew, and then hung up the phone.

After hanging up his cell phone, truss took a look at Amy and shrugged, "you heard your uncle, too. I can't help it. I can only do it. Don't blame me!"

Amy then glanced at truss, and then at Ye Feng. Then she said to truss, "OK, I'll go back with you. You let go of my friend!"

As soon as he heard this, he said with a smile, "that's right. Why bother?" Said immediately toward the two soldiers a wink, two soldiers immediately let go of Ye Feng.

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