As soon as Ye Feng was released, Amy immediately said to truss, "it's OK for me to go back. My friend must go back with me!"

As soon as truss heard this, his brow suddenly moved. He looked at Ye Feng, looked up and down, and then said to Amy, "isn't that good?"

Amy immediately said, "then you remember what you said to my uncle when you went back. It's not that I don't go back with you, it's that you don't want to..." Then he took Ye Feng's hand and said, "let's go!"

Truss immediately stopped Amy and said, "OK, take him back with you! I promise you

Amy couldn't help but be surprised. She obviously didn't expect that truss would agree so readily. She couldn't help frowning, "don't force it!"

Truss shrugged and said, "it's nothing to be reluctant. Your uncle is anxious to see you..." Said to see a leaf maple again, a pair of desire to talk and stop appearance.

What he thought in his heart was that it might not be a bad thing to take Ye Feng back. The boy came out of the island. Maybe he could dig something out of him.

Of course, these trusses didn't make it clear. At this time, they had already led a group of men towards the door. When they got to the door, they looked back at them. Seeing that they were still standing there, they couldn't help saying, "let's go?"

Amy then said to truss, wait a moment, and then said to Ye Feng, "I want you to go back with me, don't you have any problem?"

Ye Feng shrugged and said, "it's nothing. I haven't met your uncle. I just want to see him!"

As soon as Amy heard this, her face immediately moved. "I just wanted to use this thing to suppress truss, but I didn't expect that he would agree, and you didn't object?"

Ye Feng still shrugged his shoulders and said to Amy, "I don't trust you. You are recovering from a serious illness. I have to follow you! Nothing else

But Amy reminds Ye Feng, "don't you hear me? My uncle is from the New Zealand military! "

Ye Feng continued to shrug, "it doesn't matter!"

Amy couldn't help looking at Ye Feng in surprise. She didn't speak yet, but she was urged by truss at the door, "OK? Amy! You're not going to come up with another idea, are you? "

Amy said impatiently, "OK, OK, it's coming. Then she looked at Ye Feng and said," are you sure? "

Ye Feng went directly to the sofa, picked up the bag with cash and gold bars, directly bypassed Amy and walked towards the door.

Amy can't help but be surprised, and then also closely followed up. Truss saw the bag in Ye Feng's hand and asked, "what's this?"

Ye Feng didn't care, so he opened the bag and said to truss, "money and gold bars, what? Do you want to check it? "

Truss frowned, glanced at the bag, and looked at Ye Feng in surprise. He wanted to ask, but he didn't make a sound.

Amy came out and urged truss, "what else do you want to do? I'll change my mind if I don't go

Truss immediately went to a Land Rover and opened the door to let Amy go up first. When Ye Feng came, he immediately stopped Ye Feng and said, "you're going to be the next car!"

Ye Feng then said with a smile, "do you ask Amy if she agrees?"

Truss face suddenly move, don't want this time, Amy immediately toward Ye Feng way, "you come up, sit with me!"

Ye Feng shrugs to truss at this time, then directly bumps open truss in front of the door with his shoulder and gets on the car.

Amy then looked at truss, who was standing outside the car, and said, "come on?"

Truss took a deep breath, then went to the co pilot, opened the door, sat in, and said to the driver.

The car quickly left Cao Yihai's villa. On the way, Amy said to Ye Feng, "in fact, my uncle is not angry, but he is a little too broad to me, so don't be nervous!"

Ye Feng looked at Amy and asked, "do I look nervous?"

Amy can't help but take a look at Ye Feng, but she seems to be more relaxed than herself. What she doesn't know is that she thinks she is going to meet Ye Feng's uncle.

Truss then looked back at Amy and Ye Feng, and then said to Ye Feng, "Mr. Cao Yihai, right?"

Ye Feng smell speech to see to truss, a shrug way, "right! What's the matter? "

Truss said with a smile, "it's nothing. Just make sure to see if our information is wrong!"

Ye Feng's brow was slightly wrinkled when he heard what truss said. Truss said it on purpose. He must have another purpose. He must have wanted to tell himself that he had found out all his secrets.

But Ye Feng's face was still wearing a smile and said, "no mistake, that's the best!"

Truss listen to Ye Feng say so, but heart next move, this goods is NIMA idiot? Or do you pretend to be an idiot? How could he laugh when he threatened him so much?

Amy has already heard this sentence of truss. She can't help but stare at truss and then says to him, "what are you doing to investigate his details?"Truss shrugged and said, "you go home with a strange man, I must investigate his lineage, or I may find you so soon?"

Just as Amy was about to speak, truse's phone rang. He picked up his cell phone and looked at it. Then he turned to Amy and said, "your uncle called!"

During the conversation, truss had already got through the phone, and immediately said, "don't worry, it's on the way to your side. It's expected to arrive in half an hour, OK! Goodbye

After hanging up, truss turned to Amy and said, "your uncle has been impatient. Fortunately, you promised to go back. Otherwise, I think he would be furious!"

But Amy snorted coldly, "if you want to be angry, it's toward you. If I don't go back, I can't hear you!"

But truss said to Amy, "Amy, it's not right for you to say that. I'm thinking of you, too!"

But Amy still hummed, "save it! I'll tell you the truth. I can't understand what you think. You just want to flatter my uncle through me, so as to get promoted and get rich. Don't dream! "

Truse's face suddenly changed, as if he had been stabbed by Amy. He was embarrassed and angry, but he soon stopped.

He continued to say to Amy, "Amy, you must have misunderstood me! I mean it to you. Your uncle knows it

Amy continued to sneer, "I don't know. My uncle knows. Then you go after my uncle. What do you want to do with me?"

What else does truss want to say, but Amy doesn't want to talk to him. She turns to Ye Feng and says, "when I get to my uncle, don't say anything. I'll say it for you!"

Ye Feng is surprised way, "say what?"

But Amy said, "my uncle will ask you questions. If you don't want to reply, don't answer. I'm in charge of everything!"

Ye Feng can't help but be stunned and said, "if the elder asks, if he doesn't say anything, isn't it too impolite?"

Amy said nothing and said, "my uncle is like that. Once he opens his voice, it will be endless..."

Truss was sitting in the co pilot's seat, listening to Amy and Ye Feng talking and laughing, but he had no idea.

Now the only thing that truss can do is to turn around and look at Ye Feng and Amy from time to time, listening to them. Every time he wants to say something, he has no chance to say anything.

In the end, truss can only choose to give up. Of course, he also knows that Amy doesn't like herself. Otherwise, with her uncle's acquiescence, he should have won Amy.

At this time, a burst of anger in truse's heart said that he would not pursue Amy if he didn't take a fancy to Uncle Amy's route.

For truse, Amy is good-looking, but after all, she is yellow. Her family is white. He was instilled in white supremacy by his parents when he was young, and now he has been influenced by it for a long time.

Although on the surface, truss pursues Amy and flatters Amy's uncle, but in his heart, he is full of disdain and disdain for it. If Amy's uncle was not in a high position, he would not have guessed such a bad strategy.

Soon the car drove into the suburb of inverkageer, and a single family manor not far away came into sight. Two Land Rovers drove by and stopped at the gate of the manor.

Amy immediately opened the car door and got off. After Ye Feng got off, she immediately went to take Ye Feng's arm and walked towards the manor, completely ignoring truss.

Ye Feng knows that Amy is deliberately holding herself as a shield to make truss look ugly. He just sighs in his heart, but she doesn't know that she is still hated by truss. Maybe her eyes have killed her hundreds of times.

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