Edgar looked at the door with a slight anger, and then yelled at truss, "who let you in? Didn't I say that no one would come in without me? "

Before truss spoke, Amy asked Edgar and Ye Feng, "what happened to the gunshot just now?"

AI Gehua said, "it's OK, it's OK!" Then he said impatiently to Amy and truss, "what are you doing? Don't get in the way of talking with my old friends

On hearing this, truss and Amy can't help but be stunned. They stare at Edgeworth in amazement, and then look at Ye Feng in surprise.

Both of them are surprised. When did AI Gehua and Ye Feng become old friends?

At this time, Ye Feng shrugged to them, with a faint smile on his face, but he didn't say anything.

AI Gehua can't help but yell at them again, "what are you still doing? Get out

Truss just quits the room, looking depressed and puzzled. Amy also exits the room in surprise and closes the door.

When truss saw Amy coming out, he immediately asked Amy, "does your uncle know that boy?"

Amy also looked surprised. Then she looked at truss and said, "you ask me, who am I going to ask?"

Truss a face of depression, originally after Ye Feng this boy brought over, even if it is not aigohua shot dead on the spot, will also be locked up first.

But truse Wan AI thought, suddenly the plot will change into this, Ye Feng and AI Gehua become old friends?

Ye Feng looks like she is in her twenties. AI Gehua is at least in her early fifties. How did she become an old friend?

Truss looked puzzled. She wanted to ask Amy about the situation, but Amy didn't tell her. The main reason was that she looked the same as herself. She didn't know what was going on.

At this time in the room, Ye Feng put down his shotgun, took a cigar from AI Gehua, lit it, smoked it and said to AI Gehua, "this gun is really not sent to the wrong person, it's still so accurate!"

AI Gehua himself lit a cigar, and then took out his tea and tea sets. He smoked cigarettes while making tea and said, "of course, I treasure the precious gifts from my old friends! I try it every so often

Ye Feng smiles and takes the teacup from AI Gehua. After a sip, he says, "it's the same as before!"

AI Gehua shook his head and said, "no, I'm old now, and my spare time is less and less. The skill of making tea is obviously not as good as before!"

Ye Feng said that it's OK. After taking a sip of the tea cup, AI Gehua looked at Ye Feng and said, "it's only a few years since I saw you. Your change is too big. If you don't say anything, I really can't recognize you. If you didn't tell me the details of our acquaintance at that time, I would take you as a liar directly!"

Ye Feng sighed, "it's a long story! In a word, I'm still me, but my appearance has changed a little, and my identity has changed a little bit! "

AI Gehua then sighed, "before, I just knew what kind of organization you were, but I didn't expect that you were very close to me. You were a member of TSL on Stewart Island in New Zealand!"

Ye Feng Dandan said with a smile, "I didn't know you would be a Navy General of New Zealand at that time!" Then he smoked a cigar and continued to say to Edgar, "well, we've all concealed our identities. Are we even?"

AI Gehua said with a smile, "I think so!" Then he took a sip of tea, and then looked at Ye Feng and said, "however, little friend, you should also roughly know what the New Zealand government thinks about Stewart Island now!"

Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders and said, "I didn't know it, but Amy told me that the New Zealand government wanted to eradicate TSL by taking advantage of the nationwide anti gangster action."

AI Gehua could not help nodding and said, "this action will be a multi sectoral and multi-faceted cooperation of New Zealand, which can be said to be imperative. If you can't go back, don't go back!"

Ye Feng said with a smile to AI Gehua, "I don't care. Originally, I was planning to retire. It can be said that TSL has nothing to miss for me! It's just Say Ye Feng can't help but look to AI Gehua way, "I this identity, won't bring what influence to you?"

Edgar said immediately, "no, don't worry, at least not yet!" Say light a smile way, "you say TSL you have nothing to be nostalgic?"? That would be the best, so as not to make it difficult for me to do it at that time! "

Speaking of this, Edgar immediately asked Ye Feng, "by the way, what's the relationship between you and Amy?"

Ye Feng shrugged and said, "I told you just now that her organization wanted to take me as a breakthrough, and then Amy Because I was injured and my life was on the line, I took him to Stewart Island for treatment in an emergency. Now she is recovering from a serious illness! "

AI Gehua immediately asked Ye Feng, "is she OK? I don't think it's a big deal what she looked like just nowYe Feng looked at Ai Gehua, a pair of words and stop, then shook his head, "at present, there is no problem!"

AI Gehua looks at Ye Feng in surprise. He doesn't quite understand what Ye Feng's sentence means that there is no problem for the time being.

At this moment, suddenly hearing the voice of truse coming from outside, Edgar immediately snorted, "this boy, I don't take my words seriously!"

Then Edgar got up, went to the door, opened the door, and said to truss, "I said, I'm talking to my old friend. Can you go away?"

Truss was supporting Amy at this time. Hearing what Edgar said, he immediately turned to Edgar and said, "general, Amy, she I don't know what's going on, so I suddenly fainted! "

AI Gehua was shocked when he heard this. He immediately went to the side of truss and looked at Amy who was lying in truss' arms. Her eyes were closed tightly, but her face was still normal. However, Ye Feng's words sounded at this time. Was that what he meant?

And Ye Feng also came out at this time, went to Amy's side, looked at Amy so, shrugged to AI Gehua and said, "this is what I want to say to you!"

Amy slowly opened her eyes and saw that she was leaning against truse's arms. Her face suddenly moved and she pushed him away. "Who are you?"

It's nothing for truss to be pushed away by Amy, but when Amy asks, she can't help but wonder. What does that mean?

Amy stood up straight and looked at Ai Gehua in surprise. Then she went to Ye Feng's side, took Ye Feng's arm and said, "who are they? Why are we here? "

AI Gehua also looked at his niece in front of him with a puzzled face. From his niece's eyes, he could see that her words were not angry at all, nor did they look like a joke, just like he really didn't know himself and truss.

Seeing this, AI Gehua also looked at Ye Feng in surprise and said, "what's going on?"

At this time, Ye Feng took a look and stood on one side. He also looked at his own side of truss in surprise. Then he said to Edgar, "it's a long story. Let's go into the room and talk about it again?"

Edgar nodded and immediately turned to walk towards the room. Seeing this, truss followed him immediately.

Ye Feng said to truss, "you don't have to go, do you? This is the family affair of the AI family. It's not convenient for you to follow an outsider! "

Truss can't help frowning when he hears the words. He is a proud disciple of Edgar. What do you say is closer than the relationship between Ye Feng and the AI family?

Thinking of him, he immediately said to Ye Feng, "do you know it's family business? Why don't you stay away for a while? I'll... " I'm coming to help Amy.

As soon as Amy saw truss coming, she immediately avoided him and went to the other side of Yefeng, looking at truss in surprise.

And aigohua also said to truss, "truss, if there's nothing wrong, you can go back to the base first. There's nothing wrong here for the time being!"

Aigohua did not give truss a chance to reply, so he immediately went into the room and stood at the door. After Ye Feng and Amy went in, he immediately closed the door, leaving truss with an embarrassed and angry face. Standing at the door, he squeezed his fist angrily, pinching his knuckles and banging.

After Ye Feng and Ai Mei go in, AI Gehua can't wait to take a look at Ai Mei and ask Ye Feng, "what's going on?"

Ye Feng then said to Amy, "tell general AI, what's your name?"

Amy took a look at Ai Gehua and said, "my name is Du Yuexiu!"

On hearing this, AI Gehua looked at Amy in surprise. After looking at her for a long time, she found that she was right. This is her niece, the only niece. How could she be called Du Yuexiu?

Then AI Gehua looked at Ye Feng in surprise and said, "what's the matter?"

Ye Feng immediately Ai Mei and Du Yuexiu how can say in a body, listen to the AI Gehua pupil dilation, a face of disbelief.

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