Finally, I saw that Amy didn't know herself at all. She was totally different from when she came back. Although she was still puzzled, she had already believed it.

However, Du Yuexiu looked at Ai Gehua in surprise, then frowned at Ye Feng and said, "he is It's Amy's uncle? There's another consciousness in me, Amy? "

Ye Feng nodded to Du Yuexiu and said, "I told you before that the woman's voice you heard subconsciously should be Amy's voice!"

AI Gehua then asked Ye Feng, "do you mean Miss Du and my niece Amy share Amy's body now, and they will switch between them? And without warning? "

Ye Feng just nodded and didn't speak. Du Yuexiu immediately said, "do you mean that every time I feel like I'm sleeping, it's Miss Amy who appears and locks me in her body?"

Ye Feng just nodded his head and wanted to answer Du Yuexiu. AI Gehua immediately asked Ye Feng, "will this continue to have any adverse effect on my niece Amy?"

Just after AI Gehua asked, Du Yuexiu immediately asked again. Ye Feng immediately said, "you all calm down. In fact, I can't explain these questions. I can only tell you what the current situation is, how it will develop in the future, and how much impact it will have on Amy's body. I don't know. I'm not a doctor, and I can't explain these questions He has also consulted a doctor, and his answer is unknown! "

When Du Yuexiu and AI Gehua heard this, they were silent for a long time. From time to time, AI Gehua immediately took out his mobile phone and said to Ye Feng, "I know a brain expert from New Zealand National Hospital..."

But Ye Feng said to AI Gehua, "the doctors on Stewart Island are the top in the world. If he has no way, I believe there will be few people in the world who have a way!"

When AI Gehua heard this, he couldn't help looking at Ye Feng in surprise. He just pressed a few numbers with his mobile phone and stopped. Finally, he put down his mobile phone and said to Ye Feng, "so what can Ai Mei do in the future?"

Du Yuexiu also said to Ye Feng, "what shall I do in the future? I'll always be called to bed by Amy? "

Ye Feng sighed a little, and finally came back to this question. He shrugged his shoulders toward them helplessly, saying that he didn't know anything and couldn't answer anything.

In the end, the three people were all silent. Finally, Du Yuexiu easily vomited, "anyway, I shouldn't belong to this world. I'm satisfied to see the world here, and I don't have to think so much."

AI Gehua also seems to have figured it out. Then he looks at Du Yuexiu and sighs, "if so, Amy..." "Miss Du, please stay here. As you know, it's very dangerous for you and Amy to share the same body. If you go to the middle of the road and suddenly start to change, your whole body will lose consciousness. That's very dangerous!"

Du Yuexiu hesitated and looked at Ai Gehua. Naturally, she also knew that AI Gehua was kind-hearted. After all, the body she used was still the niece's.

However, she still hesitated to look at Ye Feng. She has no relatives in this world. She only knows Ye Feng. Naturally, everything should obey Ye Feng.

Ye Feng naturally knows Du Yuexiu's meaning. At this time, he says to Du Yuexiu, "stay here for the time being..." "We'll stay here for a few days, don't we?" he said

AI Gehua can't help but look at Ye Feng and say, "do you mean you want to live here for a few days?"

Ye Feng shrugged and said, "if general AI is inconvenient, I will find another place nearby..."

Before Ye Feng finished, Aige Hua immediately said, "convenient, of course convenient, welcome to, honor to!"

Du Yuexiu asked Ye Feng, "do you want to live here?"

Ye Feng then said to Du Yuexiu, "what general AI is worried about is exactly what I am worried about. I haven't found out the way to switch back and forth between you and Amy. After all, you have just recovered from a serious illness, so it's not suitable for you to keep running with me outside!"

AI Gehua said to Ye Feng, "you're right, but you don't just care about Amy and miss Du's health. Is there any other reason?"

Ye Feng said to AI Gehua, "I originally wanted to leave New Zealand, but since the New Zealand military has started targeting Stewart Island, I'd better stay!"

On hearing this, AI Gehua immediately said with a smile, "with your help, it's really like a tiger adding wings!"

But Ye Feng said to AI Gehua, "general AI, our friends belong to our friends, but we still have to make it clear that it's your business for the New Zealand government and the military to deal with TSL, but I still have a few friends in TSL. I can't just walk away and ignore them!"

Edgar said immediately, "you can rest assured that as long as you cooperate with our military, I can guarantee that your friends will be OK!"Ye Feng stares at Ai Gehua and says, "Ai general, it's not that I don't believe you. It's just that sometimes the situation is hard to say. After all, you can't be the leader of the whole military, let alone the whole New Zealand. What's more, New Zealand has its own leader in America!"

AI Gehua is who, he heard Ye Feng's meaning, and then slightly sighed, "people have their own aspirations, I will not reluctantly!"

Then he stood up and said to Ye Feng and Du Yuexiu, "come on, I'll show you the room!" Then he opened the door and went out, only to find truss standing in the yard.

AI Gehua couldn't help but look at his face and said, "Why are you still here? Didn't I let you go? "

Truss immediately walked over to Edgar and said in a low voice, "general, this boy is from Stewart Island. I'm worried about the safety of you and Amy!"

Ye Feng and Du Yuexiu have come out of the house by this time. Seeing that truss is standing in front of AI Gehua and whispering something, they can't help laughing and saying, "Oh, don't you go yet? This is the rhythm of obviously staying for dinner? "

At this time, aigohua said to truss, "don't worry about my safety. You go back to the base first, and I'll go back early tomorrow morning!"

After hearing this, truss hesitated to take a look at Ai Gehua, then looked at Ye Feng and Du Yuexiu, and whispered, "but general, Amy, she..."

Edgeworth understood the meaning of truss when he was in a hurry. Truss always wanted to pursue his niece. Edgeworth was clear, and he always acquiesced.

But now her niece Amy is in such a special situation that she can't explain clearly, and she can't say anything to trusto.

Edgar sighed, patted truss on the shoulder and said, "I know what you mean, but there's something urgent. You'd better go back first."

Truss wanted to say something else, but seeing that Edgar walked to another room at this time, he could not help but look at Ye Feng and Du Yuexiu. Finally, with a cold hum in his heart, he turned and left indignantly.

Ye Feng and Du Yuexiu stand there and watch truss leave. Du Yuexiu asks Ye Feng, "who is that man?"

Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders and said, "a lecheron infatuated with your body!"

Du Yuexiu a listen to this, can't help a consternation, immediately understand the meaning of Ye Feng, he is saying, that foreigner should be like ambiguous pursuer?

Just thinking about it, AI Gehua has opened a door over there and turned back to Ye Feng and Du Yuexiu, "come and have a look!"

Ye Feng and Du Yuexiu just walk past. When they get to the door, they look inside. It's a simple guest room.

AI Gehua then said to Ye Feng, "this is a rural environment. You don't dislike it, do you?"

Ye Feng immediately shrugged his shoulders and said, "it's very good. How can it be so sentimental?"

AI Gehua immediately went to open the door of another room and said to Du Yuexiu, "AI No, Miss Du. This used to be Amy's room. What's the matter with you? "

Du Yuexiu walked over to the room and looked inside. It was obvious that it was a girl's room, and she could smell a faint aroma when standing at the door. She could not help saying, "general AI, this is very good! Thank you Then he asked AI Gehua, "I live in my niece's room. Is that ok?"

AI Gehua looked at Du Yuexiu and said, "in my heart, although Miss Du is talking to me now, I still think you are Amy!"

Du Yuexiu can't help but move when she hears the speech. After looking at Ai Gehua for a long time, she said to him, "general AI, if you don't dislike me, I'm also your niece!"

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