AI Gehua can't help staring at Du Yuexiu for a long time after hearing Du Yuexiu say that. In fact, in his heart, Du Yuexiu's appearance is completely or originally his niece Amy's appearance. In his eyes, it is his niece.

Thinking of this, AI Gehua nodded to Du Yuexiu and said, "OK, that's what you like to call it?" Then she asked Du Yuexiu, "by the way, Miss Du, where did you come from before?"

Du Yuexiu can't help but be stunned. Ye Feng and AI Gehua explained a lot, but never said that Du Yuexiu came from the virtual world.

Ye Feng listened to AI Gehua's question and immediately said, "she was an orphan. She used to be in the Middle East and died in the war. She didn't know how her consciousness came to New Zealand. She was caught by Cao Yihai's instruments. At that time, it was also the time when AI Mei was vulnerable. She entered Ai Mei's body!"

Du Yuexiu could not help nodding and said, "yes, I am an orphan!" I thought that in that virtual world, I was indeed an orphan.

AI Gehua couldn't help nodding and said, "don't think about the past. No matter you speak to me as Amy or as you, you are my niece on my side!"

Du Yuexiu can't help but look at Ai Gehua and call his uncle.

AI Gehua can't help nodding and clapping his hands. "You get familiar with the environment and have a rest. Today I'm happy to find my old friend and another niece. It's worth cooking in person!"

AI Gehua said and walked toward the kitchen with a smile, then turned back to Ye Feng and said, "how about Maori?"

Ye Feng knew that Maori was the characteristic wine of the indigenous Maori people in New Zealand. It was spicy and had a high degree, but it didn't go up. He immediately laughed at aigohua and said, "you can drink whatever you say!"

After AI Gehua said yes, he went into the kitchen. After the door of the kitchen was closed, Du Yuexiu asked Ye Feng, "do you really plan to live here?"

Ye Feng nodded and said, "it's just a temporary stay. Besides, you and Amy's body are indeed free. No one can guarantee that you are not you in the next second! It really takes a while to get used to it! "

Du Yuexiu said to Ye Feng, "and now the target of general AI and the whole New Zealand government has been fixed on Stewart Island. It seems that it is inevitable to eradicate TSL. At that time, you really don't ask anything?"

Ye Feng took a look at Du Yuexiu and said, "what can I ask you? I've died once before, and it's probably the hands and feet of the people in TSL. Now it's time for the two forces in TSL to fight with each other. Coupled with the pressure from the outside, it's inevitable for TSL today. Even if it's completely disintegrated, it's reasonable. My ability is limited, and I originally planned to retire. Now I'm following my wish, and I still have to go there What are you doing in muddy waters? "

Du Yuexiu can't help nodding, "that's right, since you can retreat, then you don't have to participate in it any more!"

Ye Feng nodded, and then said to Du Yuexiu, "I stay here, not to reach an agreement with general AI, but to observe you for a period of time. There is no safer place than here. In addition, I have a friend in TSL who has gone out to perform the task and has not come back. I also want to wait for her to come back and take her with me!"

Du Yuexiu can't help but look at Ye Feng and say, "is it a girlfriend?"

Ye Feng can't help but smile and say, "what a girlfriend is a friend who grew up together from childhood!"

But Du Yuexiu said, "it's still a woman "Female friends?"

Ye Feng nodded and coughed, "it's a female friend!"

Du Yuexiu smell speech can't help but see Ye Feng more anxious eyes, then heart a sigh, in fact, what reason and identity to ask Ye Feng this question.

In fact, he is a person who has already died. Even if he is not dead, he is also a person in a virtual world. Originally, he should not have any intersection with Ye Feng.

Ye Feng saw that Du Yuexiu didn't speak. At this time, he sat on the board at the door and looked into the distance. "What do you think?"

Du Yuexiu also sat on Ye Feng's side and looked into the distance along Ye Feng's eyes. Then she shook her head and said, "nothing? I just thought, "if only I could stay in this world all the time, how good would it be?"

Ye Feng looked at Du Yuexiu and said, "don't you stay in this world?"

Du Yuexiu took a look at Ye Feng, a pair of words and stop, finally shook his head, "nothing?"

In fact, her heart is to say, if you can always accompany Ye Feng's side, how good, just did not say export, perhaps this life will not say export.

What's more, I share the same body with Amy now. When I can come out and go back, I'm totally out of my control. How can I live forever?

Ye Feng saw that Du Yuexiu didn't say a word. After looking at her at this time, his heart also moved. What he thought was that Du Yuexiu must be worried about how long she can stay in this world and how long it will take to share a body with Amy.Thinking of this, Ye Feng stretched out his hand to Du Yuexiu, clenched her hand, comforted her and said, "don't think too much, many things can't be controlled by human power! It's no use thinking more. It's better to cherish the present! "

Du Yuexiu listen to Ye Feng say so, can't help but side head looked at Ye Feng, and then gently head against the past, pillow in Ye Feng's shoulder.

At this time, a breeze blowing, Du Yuexiu's long hair dancing in the wind, the kind of local clear atmosphere, makes her particularly sober.

At this moment, Du Yuexiu was just thinking, yes, cherish the present. If time could stay in the present forever, how good would it be?

Du Yuexiu can't help but look at Ye Feng. Just now Ye Feng is also turning to look at himself. Their eyes are opposite each other, and they can't help but move.

Du Yuexiu automatically closed her eyes slowly at this time. Ye Feng could not help but put her mouth on Du Yuexiu's lips.

At this time, there came the voice of AI Gehua from the kitchen, "have dinner!"

Ye Feng and Du Yuexiu wake up, and then both of them sit upright, as if they were caught reading a novel by their teacher in class.

After they sat upright, neither of them spoke, nor immediately stood up to go there. After sitting for a long time, they just looked at each other, and then they both laughed.

After AI Gehua called several times, Ye Feng stood up and said to Du Yuexiu, "go to dinner first?"

Du Yuexiu nodded shyly, then stood up and followed Ye Feng to the kitchen.

At this time, AI Gehua is taking the food in the kitchen to a room next door. Ye Feng and Du Yuexiu also rush to help.

Although AI Gehua, a man in his fifties, did not expect to cook six or seven dishes in just over half an hour, and all of them were Chinese dishes.

After all the dishes were served at the table, AI Gehua took out a wine jar, and then brought two special wine bowls for Maori. When both bowls were filled, the whole room was filled with a faint smell of wine.

AI Gehua held the wine bowl and said to Ye Feng, "come on, let's do this night first, to celebrate our long farewell and reunion!"

Ye Feng also took the wine bowl and banged a cup with AI Gehua. Both of them drank it in one gulp, then wiped their mouths and gasped.

After they looked at each other and laughed, AI Gehua picked up chopsticks and said to Du Yuexiu, "come on, try my craft!"

Du Yuexiu took a piece of chopsticks and immediately praised AI Gehua, "it's delicious!"

AI Gehua stares at Du Yuexiu and says, "it seems that you are not Amy!"

Du Yuexiu can't help but look at Ai Gehua in amazement, "what do you mean? Don't you believe it? "

AI Gehua shook his head and said, "Amy never eats celery! She thinks the taste is too strong! "

Du Yuexiu smelt a smile, immediately picked up two pieces and put them in his mouth, saying, "how delicious celery is!"

AI Gehua smiles. He doesn't continue this topic any more. He immediately pours wine for Ye Feng.

Ye Feng at this time the result of wine bowl, and after a toast to AI Gehua, this just asked him, "Ai general, you do not have their own children?"

AI Gehua took a look at Ye Feng and drank all the wine. Then he said, "I had a marriage when I was young, but I didn't have any children. Later, I divorced and never remarried. So although Amy is my niece, I always treat her as my daughter!"

Ye Feng can't help but look at Ai Gehua. He doesn't say anything. He picks up the wine jar and pours the wine for AI Gehua. Du Yuexiu can't help but ask, "the wine smells very fragrant. Can I have a taste of it?"

AI Gehua and Ye Feng immediately looked at each other and said, "this is wine for men, not for women!" Then he looked at each other and laughed, and each of them did a bowl.

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