Du Yuexiu didn't care about them. She picked up the wine jar and poured a bowl. Then they took a sip. Immediately, a pungent taste passed from the tip of the tongue to the taste buds.

All of a sudden, Du Yuexiu coughed, and her choking tears almost came down. Aigehua immediately handed Du Yuexiu a tissue and said, "this wine is choking at first, but it's silky after it goes into her throat!"

Ye Feng looked at Du Yuexiu and said with a smile, "but many people can't even take the first bite. There is no follow-up at all! That's why they say it's a man's wine. Women can't drink it! "

Du Yuexiu coughed a few more times, but he still drank half a bowl of wine by force, but this time he didn't drink as much as before. Although he drank a lot, he slowly entered his throat.

This time, although still feel some choking, but obviously better than before, Du Yuexiu is just a few light cough.

This time, Ye Feng and AI Gehua look at Du Yuexiu with new eyes. Unexpectedly, Du Yuexiu actually drank this bowl of Maori?

But Du Yuexiu's face began to turn red, and her eyes looked at Ye Feng and AI Gehua vaguely, "I'm ok!" Then he handed the wine bowl to Ye Feng, "pour another bowl for me!"

AI Gehua said to Ye Feng, "don't pour it to her. Amy has never been able to drink since she was a child..." But then he realized that Amy is Du Yuexiu now, but then he thought it was wrong. Although the consciousness is Du Yuexiu's, the body is still Amy's.

Think of AI Gehua or toward Du Yuexiu way, "or drink less is better, Maori wine is made by themselves, more stamina!"

Ye Feng looked at Ai Gehua and Du Yuexiu, then poured a small bowl for Du Yuexiu and said to AI Gehua, "it's OK to drink a little!" Then he said to Du Yuexiu, "this is your last half bowl tonight! After drinking, there will be no more! "

Du Yuexiu nodded, took the wine bowl, just ready to drink, but AI Gehua stopped, "even if you drink, you can't drink so empty stomach, first eat a la carte and then drink!"

Ye Feng also advised Du Yuexiu, "yes, eat first, general AI's Chinese food is still good!" Then he went to pick up the vegetables.

Du Yuexiu put down the wine bowl and picked up the chopsticks to pick up the vegetables. AI Gehua felt relieved. "Amy used to be a teetotaler!"

With that, AI Gehua looked at Du Yuexiu with chopsticks and said, "do you have any thoughts?"

Du Yuexiu shook her head and said no, but her face was sad.

After Ye Feng looked at it, he said, "are you homesick?"

Du Yuexiu can't help but look at Ye Feng, then nodded slightly and said, "although they are dead, I still miss them very much..."

After taking a deep breath, AI Gehua took a sip of wine and said to Du Yuexiu, "you will regard me as your own home in the future. I just told you that I will be your uncle in the future!"

Du Yuexiu could not help laughing at Ai Gehua and said, "thank you, AI Uncle

AI Gehua holding the bowl, and Du Yuexiu's bowl after a bang, "come on, uncle toast you!"

Du Yuexiu quickly picked up the bowl and said, "it should be me to respect you!"

AI Gehua said with a smile, "it's the same who respects everyone..." Said toward leaf maple a Yang hand of wine bowl way, "together!"

Du Yuexiu smell speech also toward Ye Feng stretched out wine bowl way, "yes! Shall we have a drink? "

But when they finished, they saw Ye Feng's eyebrows locked, as if they didn't hear them talking. AI Gehua couldn't help but wonder, "what do you think?"

But Ye Feng immediately made a hissing gesture and said, "there seems to be something outside!"

When AI Gehua and Du Yuexiu heard this, they could not help but move their faces. Then they put down their wine bowls and looked out.

At this time, it was already sunset outside, and the whole manor was reflected in the red sunset.

At this time, Ye Feng went to the door and looked far away. In the distance, a boundless sea of flowers swayed gently in the evening wind.

AI Gehua went to Ye Feng's side and said to Ye Feng, "it's like this when the wind blows in the evening. The sound you hear may be the rustling sound of the evening wind blowing the flowers and plants."

Ye Feng looked at the gust of wind blowing in the past, flowers and plants blowing in one direction, it is really a burst of sound of Sha la la.

Did not wait for Ye Feng to speak, Du Yuexiu also went to the door at this time, looking at the scene, can not help but immediately be fascinated by the scene.

Du Yuexiu exclaimed, "it's so beautiful here!"

AI Gehua took a look at Du Yuexiu and said, "this is It used to be Amy's parents' home, but after her parents died, I moved here to live with Amy. But you know I'm a soldier and I'm often away from home, so most of the time Amy lives here alone! "

Du Yuexiu could not help sighing, "that she is actually quite lonely!"

AI Gehua can't help but look at Du Yuexiu. He looks like he wants to talk but stops. Finally, he sighs, "maybe. Sometimes, I really want her to marry a man earlier, so my wish is gone!"Ye Feng then looked at Edgeworth and said, "this is why you tacitly asked truss to pursue Amy?"

After hearing this, Edgar couldn't help but be stunned, and then said with a smile, "your observation is careful. Yes, I acquiesced, but Amy doesn't seem to like truss, and I'm helpless about it!"

With that, AI Gehua looked at Ye Feng and said, "shall I introduce Amy to you?"

Ye Feng smell speech a dismay, immediately toward AI Gehua a smile way, "you rest assured?"

AI Gehua couldn't help laughing and said, "what's the worry?"

Just as Ye Feng was about to speak, he took a look at the distance and then said to AI Gehua and Du Yuexiu, "all go into the house!"

AI Gehua and Du Yuexiu's faces were moving. AI Gehua was surprised and said, "what's the matter?"

But Ye Feng pushed AI Gehua and Du Yuexiu into the room and said, "don't come out without me As he spoke, he ran to the flowers in the distance.

AI Gehua's heart moved, but he still pulled Du Yuexiu into the room.

At this time, Ye Feng ran directly to the other side of the flowers, immediately bent down and continued to jump forward.

After a while, he saw a figure in the flowers in front of him. Ye Feng immediately rushed to the back of the man and didn't wait for the man to react. Ye Feng immediately put a hand blade on the back of the man's head and the man fainted on the ground.

Ye Feng noticed that he was wearing a camouflage suit, which was obviously from the military.

He immediately picked up the pistol from the other person and the communication device between his waist, and put the earphone in his ear.

Someone in the earphone is issuing an order, "spread out, surround the manor, no one is allowed to let go!"

Ye Feng heart secret way, as expected is to their side, he listened to the sound of headphones, while continue to bend forward to run.

After a while, he saw a figure crawling forward. Ye Feng immediately went there and put the other side down with a hand blade.

At this time, a voice came from the earphone, "a companion has been attacked, and the gun and communication equipment have been robbed. The other party may have mixed into us!"

Then came a sound from the earphone, "shit! Switch channels now

Then Ye Feng's earphone immediately gave out a rustling sound, presumably everyone changed the channel.

Ye Feng naturally does not know what frequency channel the other party is changing. If he is given enough time to experiment one by one, he is confident that he can find it.

But now there is no time, and Ye Feng also feel no need to tune the channel this time, how many things can he do.

But Ye Feng's heart is a little strange. These guys are obviously from the military. Don't they know that general AI Gehua also lives here?

Think of here, Ye Feng heart is a Lin, and then thought, is this AI Gehua's order, he is just in the manor to stabilize himself?

Ye Feng didn't think much. He continued to sneak in front of him, and soon found another man. However, the man found himself at the first time, and immediately pointed the gun at him.

Ye Feng saw this, and immediately leaped toward the heat. When he was in the air, he grasped the man's hand holding the gun, and then when he jumped to the ground, he twisted back.

However, when Ye Feng knocked down the other side, the other side still pulled the trigger, "bang" a sound, immediately broke the peace of the evening, flowers and plants actually fly a few birds, fluttering wings away.

Ye Feng knew that these people of the other party were well-trained soldiers, and he would soon find here. He immediately drilled around in the flowers, and soon left the original place.

At this time, Ye Feng saw several flowers moving in front of him. It was obvious that there were people nearby. Ye Feng immediately squatted down, motionless with static braking.

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