Ye Feng also noticed at this time, it seems that the other side of this group of well-trained soldiers, has temporarily given up the goal of the manor, but all began to lock themselves.

And Ye Feng from each other's clothing, know that this should be New Zealand Marines, are well-trained professional soldiers, want to find themselves is only a matter of time.

However, Ye Feng doesn't pay attention to these guys either. Although they are all professional soldiers, their career is only about 10 years at most. However, Ye Feng has been trained as a professional killing machine by TSL since childhood. Therefore, although there are many people on the other side, he doesn't care at all.

Ye Feng's patience is also absolute. When he is not sure if there is a companion near him, a member of the Marine Corps stands with his back to his side for a long time. Ye Feng is still, waiting for his companion not far away to walk away. Ye Feng quickly pulls the man to the ground like a wolf.

Didn't wait for that person to call out a voice, leaf maple immediately a hand blade directly knock dizzy each other, at the same time immediately toward the side jump to walk.

Ye Feng knows that the other side is a well-trained professional soldier. Even if he doesn't let the other side make any sound, there will be a sound in the fight.

Although the noise may not be very loud, for these well-trained and professional soldiers, they may have heard the news on their own side.

Sure enough, Ye Feng has just left here, and there are several figures around. They are gathering towards this side quickly, but when they arrive, they find that there is an empty space.

Ye Feng completely ignores the people behind him, and continues to go to the front to find the single person. After a while, he sees a person who is rushing to the other side. He immediately drags him to the flowers and knocks him unconscious. When other people find that he is coming, Ye Feng has already disappeared.

One of the soldiers, holding a walkie talkie, reported, "the other side is too cunning. Several of our team members have been attacked, and we haven't found any trace of the other side yet!"

But the man in the walkie talkie said, "don't worry about him. Just go to the manor and catch the woman. I don't believe he won't give in!"

After hearing this, the soldiers immediately looked at each other and nodded their heads. Then they immediately gave up the pursuit of Ye Feng and quickly headed for AI Gehua's manor.

In the manor at this time, AI Gehua and Du Yuexiu are looking at the situation outside at the door of the dining room.

Although the distance was too far, and it was getting dark, they could not see what was going on there. But they both heard the gunshot just now.

AI Gehua actually found two guns in the dining room, handed them to Du Yuexiu and said, "the other party doesn't know what the purpose is. It may be me or him. If it's dangerous at that time, you can run for the first time. There's a car in the backyard. You just drive to the back. You can get on the road in about 20 minutes. Don't worry about us!"

Du Yuexiu took the pistol and couldn't help looking at Ai Gehua. She said to AI Gehua, "thank you Uncle

AI Gehua can't help but look at Du Yuexiu, then shrug her shoulders and said, "my family, you're welcome!"

Just as Du Yuexiu was about to say something, she felt a whirl in front of her eyes and fell to the ground in an instant.

Seeing this, AI Gehua could not help but come to Du Yuexiu and yelled, "what's the matter with you? Wake up

Du Yuexiu was lying there motionless, his face a little pale, but his breathing was normal. After a while, he opened his eyes and saw AI Gehua in front of him. He couldn't help but wonder, "uncle?"

AI Gehua saw Du Yuexiu wake up and immediately said, "it's me. What's the matter with you? What's wrong? How can I wake up suddenly? "

Du Yuexiu immediately stood up and said to AI Gehua, "I suddenly fainted?"

AI Gehua can't help looking at Du Yuexiu in surprise, and then his heart moves, thinking of Ye Feng's words, his face moves quickly and says, "Amy?"

Amy immediately said to Edgar, "uncle, what's the matter with you? Who am I? "

Although AI Gehua has already felt that Du Yuexiu has changed to Amy, she still looks at her in her heart after hearing Amy admit it. She hasn't recovered for a long time.

Before listening to Ye Feng, I still felt a little mysterious. I didn't expect that this scene would happen in front of me. If I didn't see it with my own eyes, I can't believe that there is such an extraordinary thing in the world.

When Amy saw that Edgar was looking at herself and holding a gun in her hand, she could not help looking around in surprise, and then asked Edgar, "where is he?"

At this time, there had been a rush of footsteps in the manor, and Edgar immediately walked towards the door and looked out through the crack of the door.

At this time, I saw a few shadows outside were creeping towards my house, and then my heart moved. All my houses didn't turn on the lights, only this side turned on the lights, obviously telling others that I was here.

Thinking that he immediately reached out to turn off the light, although it was a little late, at least he didn't let the other party find out where he was.

At this time, Amy went to the door and saw the situation outside. She couldn't help but ask Edgar in surprise, "what about others? Is it outside? "AI Gehua hissed to Amy, "don't talk. He should be somewhere outside. Don't worry! He won't be so easy to make things happen to himself! "

Amy can't help but look at Ai Gehua in surprise. Then she thinks that AI Gehua said that he and Ye Feng were old friends. She is even more hesitant. How did her uncle and Satan get to know each other? I must ask if I have a chance.

Just thinking about it, I heard someone walking up the steps outside the house. This manor is all made of wood, and it will creak after stepping on it.

AI Gehua and Ai Mei's heart is a move, immediately hold the pistol, as long as the other side pushes the door, immediately shot at the door together.

At this time, they heard a dull hum from outside the door, and then someone fell to the ground.

Both of them couldn't help but move. When they looked out from the crack of the door, they saw several figures standing at the door, and a dark figure was rushing towards this side not far away from the other side.

After hearing the footsteps, several people immediately turned back and began to aim their guns there.

However, the shadow's action was faster. In the blink of an eye, he had already reached several people. One of them jumped and knocked over the other with his knee.

At the same time of landing, he reached out to hold the arm of a man on one side and twisted it hard. The gun in that man's hand fell to the ground.

The person on the other side immediately changed the situation, but as soon as he turned around, the shadow immediately put up a foot and directly kicked the man's chin. The shadow also jumped up and stood on the ground, and then a whirlwind leg kicked the last person who came in a hurry.

All this in a short moment of time, the shadow glanced around and immediately came to knock on the door.

AI Gehua immediately asked who it was, and Ye Feng's voice came from outside, "it's me!"

AI Gehua immediately opened the door and saw Ye Feng jump in immediately. AI Gehua immediately closed the door and asked Ye Feng, "who is the other party?"

Amy hurried to Ye Feng's side and asked in a low voice, "are you ok?"

Ye Feng immediately shook his head, and then said to AI Gehua, "it's from the marine corps!"

AI Gehua's face suddenly moved when he heard this. He didn't say it for a long time. After a long time, he said, "Marine Corps? It's impossible. If it's the Marine Corps, I can't have no news at all! "

But Ye Feng said to AI Gehua, "I suspected it was you, but now I think it may have nothing to do with you. If you don't even know, it means that their action didn't want you to know at all!"

AI Gehua was still puzzled and said, "how is this possible? The Marines have action. They can't get past me! "

Ye Feng said to AI Gehua, "their target may be me, but I'm with you. They can reasonably doubt the relationship between you and me, so it's reasonable to act behind your back!"

When AI Gehua heard this, he said, "but few people know you are here..."

Before Edgar finished, Amy said, "truse, doesn't he know he's here? And you said today that you and he were old friends, and truss was there! "

AI Gehua also listened to Amy's words. His face moved slightly and he murmured, "truse? Is that him

After pondering for a while, AI Gehua could not help saying, "it's impossible. I've promoted this boy all at once!"

But Amy said to Aigo Huadu, "what about those who are promoted? I've been looking down on that boy for a long time! "

AI Gehua still looks at Ye Feng and Amy with a deep thought. It's obvious that he still doesn't believe it's truss.

At this time, there was a sound of footwork outside the house. The three people in the house could not help but move and squatted against the wall.

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