Ye Feng back against the wall, listening to the footsteps outside, distinguish out at least seven or eight people.

AI Gehua can't help but look at Ye Feng. Although he can't see Ye Feng's expression clearly, he is still surprised. Thinking about what Ye Feng and Amy said, he is still asking himself, is it truss?

At this time, the back of the room also came a burst of footwork, Ye Feng listen to footwork also distinguish at least ten people.

AI Gehua was just about to move towards the back window when he heard a man's voice saying, "Cao Yihai, you are surrounded. I advise you to put down your arms and surrender immediately!"

As soon as aigohua heard that the man's voice was not who truss was, his heart suddenly awed. Originally, he still held a glimmer of hope and thought that truss could not go beyond himself.

But now it's truse's voice. He's with truse all the year round, and his voice can't be heard wrong.

There was a sense of betrayal in Edgeworth's eyes, and he immediately burst into anger and yelled out, "truse, what do you mean? Why did you bring soldiers to surround my manor

Truse's voice immediately came from the outside, "general, this Cao Yihai is obviously from turst island. Now the government and the military are obviously targeting them. Now that he has left turst Island, shouldn't we just catch him?"

When Edgar heard that he was about to speak, he heard truss continue to say, "besides, general, isn't that what you wanted him to do? I'm doing exactly what you mean, general

As soon as AI Gehua heard this, he immediately yelled to the outside, "I have my own sense of propriety. Without my orders, you should lead the soldiers here without authorization. What do you mean? Do you still pay attention to me? Do you still regard me as your direct superior? "

Truss then said to egua, "general, you see, I'm completely thinking about you. I'm worried about the safety of you and Amy when such a dangerous person is in your house. Don't worry. You must be held by Cao Yihai, right? I'll do my best to save you and Amy! "

On hearing this, AI Gehua immediately scolded, "you fart. When did I get kidnapped?"

Truse was silent outside, and then there was another tramp.

Edgar immediately called out to truss, "I command you to take the soldiers back immediately..."

As if he hadn't heard Edgar's words, truss yelled into the room, "don't worry, general. I'll help you out in a moment. You and Amy will hold on for a while longer..."

Edgar knew that truss was deliberately divorcing his words. His anger rose sharply in his heart and he was about to rush out immediately.

However, Ye Feng grabbed Edgar and said, "it's useless for you to go out now. Truss is bent on his own way now. He won't listen to you!"

Ai Mei also said to AI Gehua, "uncle, this boy dares to do this to you today. It will never be so simple. You may be caught by him when you go out?"

On hearing this, AI Gehua said angrily, "how dare he arrest me? Lend him another courage

At this time, the rear window door clanged, the glass broke, and several smoke bombs were thrown in. All of a sudden, the whole room was full of smoke, especially choking. The three people immediately covered their mouths and noses.

At the same time, someone had kicked the wooden door open, and the two figures rushed in quickly.

Ye Feng see immediately on the spot a roll, roll to the direction of the door, instant a foot out, aimed at a crotch kick, that person stuffy hum immediately to the end.

Another man immediately took a gun to shoot at Ye Feng's position on the ground. Ye Feng immediately dodged and grabbed the man's hand while jumping. He immediately pointed his gun at the door and pulled the trigger. Just as a man was about to rush inside, he was immediately put down on the ground by a gun.

At the same time, the back window was completely smashed open with the butt of a gun, and then a figure came in. When AI Gehua saw this, he immediately fired several shots toward that side.

Ye Feng immediately closed the door, at the same time a shoulder toward the back window rushed past, directly jumped out of the window.

Outside the rear window, there were seven or eight people standing. When Ye Feng jumped out, he immediately pulled the trigger one after another. Suddenly, there was a flash of lightning and Firestone, and there was a constant bang.

But Ye Feng didn't stay after landing. In a flash, he disappeared. Then came truse's voice, "chase, no matter life or death!"

Six or seven people rushed in the direction of Ye Feng's disappearance. Meanwhile, truss immediately went to the front door and said, "general, we're in now! Don't shoot to avoid being hurt by mistake

As soon as Edgar heard this, he immediately said to truss, "don't come in. I'll shoot if you come in. I don't care if you're Marines or not. I'll shoot if you break into my house!"

But truss said to Edgar, "general, how can you be so good? We are here to save you, not to break into your manor... "AI Gehua said angrily, "I'm good. What do you want to save?"

Truss, however, did not speak. He was commanding his men in military jargon to rush in from several sides.

At the same time, several members of the Marine Corps who pursued Ye Feng went to the wilderness. It was dark here, and there was no shadow at all.

At this moment, one of the team members fell to the ground and couldn't get up. The other team members could not help but feel awe at the sight. They immediately looked around, but still couldn't see half a figure.

As soon as one of the team members turned around, he saw a man standing behind him and immediately screamed. However, as soon as he screamed, the man immediately hit him with a blade on the neck, and the soldier immediately suffocated and fell to the ground.

Several other team members immediately fired at Ye Feng, but Ye Feng was just like a cunning rabbit, jumping around and then lost his trace.

A few people at this time back to back, everyone facing a different direction, do not have a dead angle to look around, so leaf maple even from any direction, will be found.

At this time, several marines had already come to the other windows and smashed the glass with the butt of their guns.

At the same time, there was a sound in several places, and the muzzle of AI Gehua and Ai Mei didn't know where to aim.

At this time, the door was kicked open again with a bang, and then several members of the Marine Corps rushed in. After rushing in, they immediately headed for aigohua and Amy, and instantly subdued them.

Before being arrested, AI Gehua fired a shot and hit the front player in the chest. Not long after he fell to the ground, he stood up and rubbed his chest. He was obviously wearing a bullet proof suit.

At this time, truss came in and turned on the light in the room. When he saw that both Edgar and Amy were looking at themselves with angry faces, he immediately shrugged his shoulders and said, "general, don't look at me with this look, as if I had made some mistake?"

Edgar immediately wanted to get rid of the soldiers around him, but the two soldiers firmly controlled him. He could not move at all. He could not help but angrily said to truss, "truss, I think you are tired of living!"

But truss slurred, shook his head and said, "general, I think you misunderstood me deeply. I've spared no effort to save you. You didn't say a word of gratitude, and you cursed me to death?"

Amy then said to truss, "are you going to save my uncle? Did you save this? You are obviously a hostage

Hearing this, truss could not help looking at Amy and said with a smile, "Amy, you misunderstood me a lot. I'm protecting you and your uncle. The general must have trusted Cao Yihai. Are you also fascinated by that boy?"

Amy said angrily to truss at once, "unless you kill us, my uncle will make you sick tonight!"

As soon as AI Gehua heard this, he immediately sneered and said, "as long as I go back to the base, what's your end!"

Truss immediately turned to one side of his face and said, "general, listen to me. I don't mean anything else..."

I don't have the time and energy to listen to your nonsense

Truss then suddenly laughed and said, "general, I think you are really confused, or you are really lost by Cao Yihai. Think about it, you are colluding with the people on turst island. I don't know what plot you have. Do you think you can go back to the base?"

"What do you mean?" he said

"Don't you understand?" said truss, looking at Edgar from the corner of his eye? You can't come back to the base. The people waiting for you will be the Military Council

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