After hearing what truss said, Edgar immediately felt a move. He already understood that truss must have something to do with Ye Feng by himself, so he specially reported the matter to the Military Commission.

Thinking of this, after staring at truss for a long time, Edgar sneered and said, "truss, I haven't seen it for so many years. You are a white eyed wolf!"

Truss sneered at Edgar and said, "don't blame me, general. I'm actually for your own good. You've been in close contact with people in turst island. Fortunately, I know that. If other people know, what will they think? Thanks to me, I'll take you back to the Military Commission and explain the situation clearly. If someone else leads the team, maybe you will be arrested as if you were with that boy! "

Amy immediately spat on truss and said to Edgar, "uncle, what else do you want to hear him say?"

But aigohua said to truss, "truss, I've been treating you well for so many years..."

When truss heard this, he sneered, looked at Edgar for a long time, and then said, "don't you treat me badly? Did I hear you right? Why didn't I feel it? "

Edgar immediately asked truss, "what have I done? Let you do this to me? I don't know, I'm not reconciled! I always regard you as my nephew, and even acquiesce in your pursuit of Amy.... "

Truss continued to sneer at Edgar, then took out his cigarette and took a puff. Then he slowly vomited out, "don't put on airs. Don't you think I know? When the army was preparing to train young officers, I was one of the candidates. Why didn't I come back later? "

As soon as he heard this, he immediately said, "so that's it? Don't you still get what you want in three years? "

But truse sneered, "three years? Do you know how I spent these three years? Everybody knew I was a candidate? What happened? Do you know how they laugh at me behind my back? three years? Do you think three years is short? I don't understand! Why? You want to know why I did this to you. Now I also want to ask you, "why did you do this to me?"

"You were young and inexperienced in those days..." he said

Truss immediately waved his hand and said, "excuse, these are excuses. Don't think I don't know. It's because I corrected a mistake you made in class, so you're retaliating me!"

AI Gehua couldn't help but be surprised when he heard the speech. After staring at truss for a long time, he sighed, "you correct my mistakes, but I praise you in front of all the students..."

Truss immediately sneered again, "hypocrisy! Because what I said is absolutely right. With so many students, of course you have to maintain your face as an instructor, but in fact? What did you do behind your back? You took me off the shortlist. You said I was young, I admit it. You said I was inexperienced, I also admit it. But I asked you, which of the guys who replaced me later was better than me? He's not young? Is he experienced? Not really? I remember he joined the army a year later than I did! "

After hearing this, Edgar took a deep breath and said, "do you really want to know why? I really want to know why that classmate was chosen and you didn't? "

Truss immediately said to Edgar, "yes, I just want to know why? Why am I not as good as that yellow pig? "

After taking a deep breath, AI Gehua said, "this is the sentence. Did you have a conflict with this classmate when you pointed to his name and scolded his yellow pig?"

"Is that the reason?" he said? It's ridiculous. Such a small problem? I don't believe it

"You think you were swearing in the toilet when you were the only two of you? You are wrong. The examiner was in it at that time. He listened to every word you said! "

After hearing this, truss looked at Edgar again with a slight movement, and immediately said, "I don't believe it. It's for such a simple reason..."

Edgar looked at truss and said, "simple reason? Do you know that examiner is yellow? Did you know that the law against racial discrimination was just enacted? Do you still have a chance to speak out racist remarks to your comrades in arms in the military academy? If it wasn't for me, don't say that you would have a chance to take the exam again in three years, you would have been expelled from the Military Academy at that time! "

When truss heard that, his heart moved and he looked at him, but he saw that he was staring at himself.

AI Gehua then sneered and said, "over the years, I have known you are a racist, but I think you are also a material, so you have been protecting and even treating you as my successor to cultivate you. Do you know why? Because I am the yellow pig in your mouth, I hope I can make you change your attitude towards yellow people, but I never thought that your thoughts have been deeply rooted! "

Amy said with a sneer, "he said that todayAfter hearing this, truss took a deep breath, finished smoking his last cigarette, threw it on the ground and stamped it out. Then he took a look at Edgar and Amy and said, "yes, I'm a racist. I just can't stand people of color. I know this may not be right. I still hate people of color very much. I can't help it. We white people are born with this. I'm not happy There's no way. Do you think the white people who talk about racial equality and issue those laws really look up to the people of color? I tell you, they are just for your vote. In New Zealand, there are people who look down on people of color, but they are all repressed and don't say it! "

"I think my contribution to New Zealand is enough to make you feel that I am a new Zealander too! I didn't expect... "

Truss looked at Edgar and sighed, "you've been nice to me over the years, and I'm very grateful, but there's no way. Who calls you yellow?" Say here, immediately wave a hand way, "forget it, now say these also have no use! You can go to the Military Commission with me. I'll plead for you then for the sake of your kindness to me for so many years

Before Edgar spoke, truss turned his back and waved his hand. The two soldiers immediately escorted Edgar out of the house.

Amy yelled at truss, "white eyed wolf!"

Hearing this, truss turned around and held Amy's mouth. "I know you don't like me. To tell you the truth, I don't like you either."

Amy sneered. "I know you want to climb up through my uncle's relationship! You look down on yellow people from the bottom of your heart. How can you pursue me sincerely? "

Truss took a deep breath and sneered, "it's good to have self-knowledge!" Then he said to the two soldiers who were escorting Amy, "let's go together!"

Amy was taken out of the room, and her mouth was still cursing truss, as if she had not heard.

After looking around the room, he saw a Maori wine on the table. He heard from AI Gehua that the wine was his treasure and was given to him by an old Maori friend. Generally, he regarded it as a treasure.

Truss once hinted that Edgar wanted to taste this wine several times. What's the charm of this wine? It's the same for Edgar to be a baby, but it's the same for Edgar to hear it and not to hear it.

I didn't expect to have dinner with Ye Feng today. This old guy actually took out his collection of Maori, which made truss not angry. He picked up the wine jar on the table, poured a bowl, and said, "if you don't let me drink, I'll drink it!"

After drinking one mouthful, he choked immediately and vomited immediately. Then he broke the wine jar and scolded, "as a baby, what's good to drink?"

Then truss walked out of the house, but when he came out of the house, his face changed. The soldiers who had been escorting Edgar and Amy, together with Edgar and Amy, disappeared. There was no one in the courtyard of the manor, and it was surprisingly quiet all around.

"Where are the people?" cried truss Only the occasional wind answered him.

Truse's heart suddenly a Lin, he realized that the situation is not right, immediately ran towards the manor door, but just arrived at the door, saw a figure in front of him.

Truss looked up and saw that it was not Ye Feng who was standing in front of him? Ye Feng at this time is the corner of his mouth up to look at him smile, smile of his heart a hair.

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