Without saying a word, truss immediately reached out to his waist and drew the gun, but he didn't know whether it was because of nervousness that the gun could not be pulled out.

In fact, truss is not stupid. All the people he brings are among the best in the Marine Corps. But when so many people go to catch Ye Feng, Ye Feng runs away. Now he stands in front of him unharmed and smiles at himself. I can imagine how powerful Ye Feng is.

When truss pulled out his gun and pointed in front of him, he found that it was already dark in front of him, let alone Ye Feng. He didn't even have a ghost.

All of a sudden, truss felt the cold sweat on his forehead, and even his back spine was a little chilly. He was a little flustered just now, and he took out the gun slowly, but he was staring at Ye Feng all the time. At most, he looked at the gun at his waist when he was in a hurry. Could Ye Feng disappear out of thin air just in a few seconds?

Truss held the gun in a panic and looked around, but it was dark all around. He couldn't see anyone or even hear the slightest sound. The silence was frightening.

Truss did not know whether he had emboldened himself. He said, "come out! Don't think I'm afraid of you. What kind of man is the furtive one? Come out

After truss finished, it seemed that he wanted Ye Feng to appear immediately, and he didn't want Ye Feng to appear. Ye Feng didn't come out yet. He was already nervous. It seemed that there were soldiers all around him. With a little agitation, he immediately turned his gun and aimed at the past nervously.

However, three or two times later, after he still didn't see Ye Feng, truss was completely relieved. Maybe Ye Feng just saved AI Gehua and Ai Mei's uncle and nephew, and they were no longer near here.

Truss squatted down slowly this time, feeling that his body was going to be paralyzed. It was a kind of collapse feeling after a high degree of tension and sudden relaxation. He almost sat on the ground completely.

And at this time, truss suddenly heard the voice of Ye Feng behind him, "looking for me?"

Truss heart immediately a Lin, immediately gun toward behind is a gun, but after this gun, but did not find anyone.

And there was a rustle in the flowers on one side. Seeing this, truss immediately fired several shots at the grass side. While shooting, he yelled, "come out, come out for me!"

Until after truss finished shooting, he didn't see Ye Feng appear. Truss immediately said in a loud voice, "are you a turtle with a shrunken head?"

At this time, there was a rustling sound behind him, and truss immediately began to get nervous again, and began to pick out his pocket clip in a hurry to change the bullet.

However, after the clip was taken out, his hand kept shaking. The original simple action was not replaced.

And at this time, truss felt a hard object in his back head, and his heart was cold, and his actions stopped completely.

Ye Feng's voice rang out again, "how? I'll give you one more minute. Can you load it? "

Truss sighed at this time, feeling that Ye Feng was playing cat and mouse games with him. Thinking of this, he knew he was doomed. He simply threw his pistol and cartridge clip on the ground, and then raised his hands.

Truss also slowly stood up, and slowly turned around, but saw Ye Feng was standing in front of him with a gun.

There are two people standing behind Ye Feng. They are aigohua and Amy's uncle and nephew. Aigohua looks disappointed at truss, while Amy has no face of anger and disdain.

Truss knew it was useless to say anything at this time, so he closed his eyes and said, "you shoot me!"

Ye Feng sneered at truss and said, "I have no grudge against you. What do I do to kill you? Listen to general AI and see what he does with you! "

With that, Ye Feng took back his gun, stepped back and stood beside AI Gehua and Ai Mei.

But Amy said to Ye Feng, "I can't spare this white eyed wolf. My uncle is so kind to him. He actually hurt my uncle!"

Edgar was staring at truse for a long time, but he didn't speak, but his eyes were thumping.

Truss opened his eyes, looked at Edgar and said, "it's my fault, you shoot!"

AI Gehua finally sighed, "you go!"

As soon as Amy heard this, she said to Edgar, "uncle, are you crazy? Let him go? "

Truss is also a face and don't understand, he so pit ego China, he would let himself go?

At this time, aigohua said to truss, "anyway, you are also the student I brought out. If I didn't teach you well, I also have the responsibility to keep you by my side. If I didn't realize your abnormality, I also have the responsibility. However, I don't want to see you any more. Leave the team!"

Truse's face suddenly moved, but Amy said to Edgar, "uncle, do you really want to let him go? You know, he has already contacted the Military Commission, and there will not let you go just because truss is gone... "

AI Gehua shrugged his shoulders and said, "people are not afraid of the shadow. I didn't do anything shameful. What am I afraid of? After the event, I will take the initiative to find someone from the Military Commission to make things clear! "At this point, Edgar immediately closed his eyes and sighed, "go, before I change my mind!"

As soon as Amy heard this, she immediately sighed. Then she chopped her feet angrily. Suddenly, her head fainted and she fell to the ground.

AI Gehua and Ye Feng both moved in their hearts. They immediately went to help Amy. Ye Feng still thought that the frequency of the transformation between Amy and Du Yuexiu seemed to be getting faster and faster. They had changed several times in this day.

AI Gehua was a little worried about Amy. After hugging her, she kept reaching out and pinching Amy. Among the people, she called her name.

Truss stood on one side, and his heart could not help but move. At this time, he noticed that Ye Feng was squatting with his back to him looking at Amy, and that AI Gehua's attention was entirely on Amy, and no one had paid attention to her side.

Truss immediately stepped back. He wanted to escape, but he stepped on his gun, which was still on the ground, and his heart was shocked.

At this time, he took another look at Ye Feng and AI Gehua, and saw that their attention was still on Ai Mei who fainted. His heart suddenly tangled. If he picked up the gun to kill Ye Feng now, he still had the chance to turn over everything. AI Gehua and Ai Mei who fainted were not left.

Thinking of this, truss immediately squatted down and picked up the gun. This time, he did not shake his hand. He loaded the cartridge clip into the pistol, loaded it immediately, and turned to Ye Feng's back.

However, before truss pulled the trigger, he immediately heard a "bang" shot. At that moment, truss thought whether his gun had gone off.

At the same time, the back of his hand suddenly hurt, and the gun in his hand immediately took off. Looking at the big blood hole on the back of his hand, he immediately put out his hand to cover it and looked at Ye Feng, but Ye Feng was still facing Amy, but the hand holding the gun was facing himself.

Truss was shocked that Ye Feng could shoot himself in the hand without looking back, which was beyond his understanding. He also realized that AI Gehua had let him go just now, but he not only didn't leave, but also took the gun to kill Ye Feng. This time, AI Gehua may not let him go.

That is at this time, lying on the ground, Amy opened her eyes. Ye Feng immediately helped Amy up with one hand. At the same time, she turned back to look at truss who was covering her injured hand, but she asked Amy, "are you ok?"

Amy shakes her head, and Edgar also stands up. He heard the gunshot just now, but he didn't look at it carefully.

At this time, I saw that Amy had woken up, and then I looked at truss, but truss covered the other hand with one hand, and his fingers were still spilling blood to the ground. I fully understood what had just happened.

I've decided to let truss go, but I didn't expect that this boy would kill him at this time, which really made aigohua very sad.

Truss looked at Edgar staring at himself. For a moment, he had mixed feelings. At this moment, he didn't know what to say.

Beg for mercy. It's clear that there's no need to beg for mercy just now. The other party has let go of itself. Be ruthless. What capital do you have to be ruthless?

Thinking of this, truse's legs softened and immediately fell on his knees, his head bowed and said nothing.

Ye Feng see, this time will be in the hands of the gun to AI Gehua Road, "is to kill or stay, you decide!"

Aigohua took the pistol and walked towards truss. When he came to truss, he immediately put the muzzle of the gun against his head and took a deep breath. "Truss, you are forcing me to kill you!"

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