Truss was panting, and there was a sense of death coming. His forehead was sweating, and his spine was even colder.

At this time of life and death, truss wanted to say a few hard words, but when a hard word reached his throat, he couldn't say a word.

Aigohua looked at truss like he was dying. He could not help feeling soft again. He looked at truss with a slight sigh.

Truss looked up at Edgar and said, "general, I'm wrong!" Say immediately kneel on the ground, crawl on the ground.

After staring at truss for a long time, aigohua sighed. Finally, he put away his pistol and turned back to Yefeng, "what do you say?"

Seeing this, Ye Feng immediately says, "be careful." meanwhile, truse suddenly jumps up and strangles AI Gehua. At the same time, he grabs the gun in his hand and puts it on AI Gehua's neck.

All this happened so fast that it was obviously planned by truss. He had expected this step since he began to kneel on the ground.

At this time, Edgar was dead hearted. He knew that truss could not turn back.

At this time, truse said to Yefeng, "throw away the gun!"

AI Gehua said to Ye Feng immediately, "you can't throw it. If you throw it, he will shoot you immediately!"

But truss immediately touched Edgar's neck with his gun holding hand, "cut the crap! Don't make me shoot Say immediately again toward leaf maple fierce voice way, "immediately throw away gun, otherwise I immediately shoot!"

At this time, aigohua immediately reached out and grasped the gun holding hand of truss, and said to him, "shoot, shoot at once!" At the same time, he said to Ye Feng, "don't worry about me! Shoot

At this time, Ye Feng looked at truss and Edgar for a long time, but he still took out his pistol and said to truss, "don't get excited, you have something to say!"

At this time, truss was still fighting with Edgar. Knowing that Edgar was going to fight to death with himself, he immediately snatched back the gun. It was the same with Edgar's head.

And at the same time, Ye Feng suddenly raised his gun, one shot at Edgar and truss.

After hearing the gunshot, Edgar suddenly stepped on truse's foot and lowered his head.

Truse's feet hurt. When he snorted, he saw that Edgar suddenly bowed his head and knew that it was not good, but it was too late to realize that it was not good.

Without waiting for truss to react, a shot hit truss in the middle of the eyebrow. At this time, truss had just aimed the muzzle at Ye Feng's side. Before he could pull the trigger, he had stopped all his movements. His eyes were full of fear, confusion, surprise and even regret. Finally, his body slowly fell to the rear.

After seeing truss fall to the ground, Edgar couldn't help but stand up straight, looked back at truss who couldn't close his eyes, and could not help sighing, shaking his head, with a look of regret.

At this time, Ye Feng went to the side of aegehua, took a look at truss who fell on the ground, and then said to aegehua, "it's not a pity to die! Don't feel sorry! "

AI Gehua sighed to Ye Feng, "in fact, this boy is really a plastic talent. It's a pity that he always has a bad mind and discriminates against yellow people!"

At this time, Ye Feng put away his gun, and then helped AI Gehua to check the head he had just been hit by truss, and asked if AI Gehua had anything to do with it.

AI Gehua touched his head and shook his head. Then he asked Ye Feng, "did you kill all the other members of the Marine Corps?"

Ye Feng shrugged and said, "how can I, I'm not a bloodthirsty killer. I'm just stunned!"

AI Gehua could not help nodding and said, "that would be the best!"

Ye Feng then took a look at truss on the ground, and then asked Edgar, "if I kill him, it won't affect you, will it?"

After pondering for a while, aigohua shook his head and said, "it's impossible to say that it doesn't affect, but it should have little influence!"

Ye Feng's heart can't help but move when he hears that. Although AI Gehua says that, it must have an impact. Just now, he should not be impulsive and just hurt truss. Finally, he will leave truss's life and death to AI Gehua.

But now it's too late to say anything. If truss doesn't kill him, he has already killed him. Now it's too late to say anything regretful.

At this time, Amy came to them, looked at truss on the ground, and then said to Ye Feng and Edgar, "what's the matter?"

Ye Feng and AI Gehua look at each other, but no one speaks. They all know that the Amy standing in front of them is not Amy, but Du Yuexiu.

At this time, Ye Feng used to drag the body of truss to one side and asked Edgar, "is it buried?"

AI Gehua said, "no! Let it go first, and we'll talk about it in the morning! " Then he walked towards the room, and said to Ye Feng and Du Yuexiu, "you go to have a rest first. I'll deal with it here!"

Ye Feng and Du Yuexiu can't help looking at each other, watching AI Gehua turn on the light from now on, pacing back and forth in the room, and finally take out the mobile phone to dial a number.Ye Feng thinks that AI Gehua must be thinking about how to explain this to the Military Commission. After he has figured out a way, he calls the Military Commission.

Ye Feng looked at Ai Gehua, then turned to Du Yuexiu and said, "are you ok?"

Du Yuexiu shook her head and said, "but did I miss something just now? Did I switch consciousness with the master of this body?"

After Ye Feng nodded, he took a look at Du Yuexiu and said, "every time your consciousness is covered up, how do you feel?"

Du Yuexiu shook her head and said, "no feeling, just like falling asleep! Every time I come out, it's just like waking up! Nothing else special! "

Ye Feng can't help nodding to Du Yuexiu's words. He mainly wants to know whether this kind of conversion has any influence on Du Yuexiu. After all, his body is Amy's, which belongs to the away game for Du Yuexiu.

Although Ye Feng also knows that this body belongs to Amy, Du Yuexiu is unfair to Amy after she has occupied Amy's consciousness, but he really doesn't want Du Yuexiu to disappear.

Before we can think of a solution to this problem, we'd better continue to maintain the current state, without affecting Amy and Du Yuexiu, until we think of a solution.

Ye Feng then walked towards the room. Du Yuexiu then took a look at the body of truss behind him, and then said to Ye Feng, "I didn't expect that you are also very powerful in your world! And the world is not as peaceful as it is supposed to be! "

Ye Feng sighed to Du Yuexiu, "no world can be peaceful. Where there are people, there will be disputes. If there are disputes, there will be all kinds of unhappy things."

Du Yuexiu nodded slightly, and then sighed, "but this world is not peaceful, and it is much stronger than our world. Which world is full of despair, many people have no chance to survive!"

Ye Feng smell speech can't help nodding, immediately in the brain a flash, suddenly thought of a few people's names, immediately stopped the pace, a daze.

Du Yuexiu see Ye Feng suddenly stop, a daze appearance, can't help but wonder at Ye Feng way, "what's the matter?"

Ye Feng then looked at Du Yuexiu and said, "in fact, I have a few in that world Friends, I don't know how they are in that world now? "

Du Yuexiu asked Ye Feng, "is that your team?"

Ye Feng nodded and sighed, "yes, although they may all be virtual characters, after all, when you are in it, you still feel so real in the virtual world. Even if everything is false, the friendship between you and them is true."

Du Yuexiu listened to Ye Feng and nodded, "yes, we know each other in the virtual world. I don't feel that I'm different from you now. Maybe in the final analysis, the communication between people is the existence of consciousness."

Ye Feng sighed a little, then went to the door, sat on the wooden floor, lit a cigarette, looked up at the night sky.

In my heart, I thought yes, although long Xinran and Yu wanqiu may be virtual characters, and the world is also virtual overhead, it seems that this kind of feeling is still there, and there is no essential difference between the night sky and the virtual world.

In fact, Ye Feng still has an idea in his heart. Although the world is real now, there are many strange things in the universe. Maybe there is an incomprehensible mystery in the real world. Isn't it often said that the earth may be a cell of a certain creature.

Thinking of this, Ye Feng took a sip of Xiangtan and sighed.

Du Yuexiu saw Ye Feng with a long sigh, and also sat down to Ye Feng's side. He looked at the night sky with his eyes and sighed in his heart.

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