Ye Feng smell speech can't help a wry smile, others uncle said so, what can he say, but at this time in the heart really a little excited.

Even Ye Feng began to think, if really and AI Gehua said that, after a family of three two people together life will be like.

Ye Feng here is YY, on one side of AI Gehua throw away cigarette ends, then stand up to stamp out the way, "they come!"

After listening to AI Gehua's words, Ye Feng regained his mind and looked up at the distance. However, he saw two searchlights on the road from far to near.

Seeing this, Ye Feng couldn't help asking, "is it very close here in the military committee? You've been on the phone for less than half an hour, haven't you? "

Hearing Ye Feng's question, AI Gehua couldn't help looking at Ye Feng. Then he said, "are they nearby, so they are so fast?"

Ye Feng heart immediately a Lin, immediately toward AI Gehua way, "you go back to the room, I first for you will meet them!"

AI Gehua can't help but say to Ye Feng, "isn't it necessary?"

Just as Ye Feng was about to say something, he saw that the car over there had stopped, didn't go any further, and the lights had gone out.

AI Gehua can't help looking at the distance in surprise, and murmured, "how did you stop?"

Ye Feng narrowed his eyes and looked at the distance. However, this is the real world after all. His eyesight is really good, but after all, it's still too far to see what's going on there.

Looking at the strange silence over there, Ye Feng always felt something wrong, and immediately said to AI Gehua, "go wake Du Yuexiu, let's leave here first!"

AI Gehua is still surprised. Ye Feng sees that he directly pushes Du Yuexiu's door, but sees that Du Yuexiu is lying on the bed at this time.

Ye Feng immediately walked over and pushed Du Yuexiu a few times, "wake up!"

Du Yuexiu Yiying, turned over a back, opened her eyes and looked at Ye Feng, "what's the matter?"

Ye Feng said to Du Yuexiu immediately, "it's dangerous. We must leave here immediately!"

Du Yuexiu a listen to this words facial expression immediately move, just want to lift the quilt, but immediately cover, toward Ye Feng way, "you go out first, I put on good clothes to come out!"

Ye Feng smell speech this just notice, bedside is piling up Du Yuexiu's, accurately speaking is Amy's clothes.

He can't help nodding to Du Yuexiu, said you hurry up, and turned out of the door.

As soon as Ye Feng went out, AI Gehua asked Ye Feng, "why do you want to go? You think there's a problem? I have explained it very clearly on the phone. There should be no problem! "

Ye Feng took a look at Ai Gehua and said, "maybe the man in the car just now is not a member of the Military Commission at all!"

AI Gehua's face suddenly moved when he heard that he was not a member of the Military Commission? Can't you? "

Ye Feng immediately asked AI Gehua, "is there a house near where the car lights out just now?"

AI Gehua shook his head and said, "no, there's only one Manor on my side for more than ten miles around here!"

Ye Feng immediately nodded, "that's even more suspicious. Is it the men and women who come to fight in the middle of the night?"

AI Gehua heard that Yan was shocked and then said with a smile, "it's possible!"

Just at this time, Du Yuexiu had already put on her clothes and came out. She asked Ye Feng and AI Gehua, "what's the matter?"

At this time, there was a strange sound from the distance. Both AI Gehua and Du Yuexiu were surprised. But Ye Feng's face moved. He immediately took AI Gehua and Du Yuexiu and ran to one side of the field.

AI Gehua also asked Ye Feng, "what's the matter?"

Without waiting for Ye Feng to reply, he heard a loud bang behind his back, and suddenly a burst of fire came out. Then a wave of air came from the back of his head, directly pushed the three people away, and fell heavily into the flowers not far in front of him.

Ye Feng climbed to the ground, and then looked back at the back, only to see that AI Gehua's manor had already been buried in the sea of fire.

He went to help AI Gehua lying on the ground and asked him, "general, are you ok?"

AI Gehua snorted, then got up and said it was OK. Looking back, he saw that his manor had been bombed, and his face changed greatly. He said in an angry voice, "these guys..."

Ye Feng quickly went to help Du Yuexiu on the other side and asked if she had anything to do.

Du Yuexiu is also Yiying, rubbed his ears, shook his head toward Ye Feng, a face of wonder, obviously did not return to God, what happened in the end.

Ye Feng was relieved to see that both of them were OK, and then he said to Du Yuexiu and AI Gehua, "you should hide around here. No matter what happens, don't come out. I'll go there and have a look!"

AI Gehua immediately said to Ye Feng, "the opponent's firepower is so fierce, it seems that the comer is not good!"

Ye Feng, of course, knows that the other party is not good. He points to AI Gehua and says it's OK.

Du Yuexiu also reached out to hold Ye Feng's hand, a pair of words and stop, and finally just said, "be careful!"Ye Feng Wen Yan nodded to Du Yuexiu, and then disappeared into the night in the blink of an eye.

Ye Feng has been bending forward along the flowers, the speed is very fast, he has identified the other side of the parking position.

After a while, he saw a few red lights on and off from time to time not far ahead. It was obvious that someone was smoking there.

Leaf maple first lurks for a while, see there is no movement, immediately and quietly toward the other side.

At this time, one of them said, "I'd better go and have a look."

The other one sneered and said, "this bombing method, are you afraid of their resurrection or what? After smoking this cigarette, just go and collect the corpses for them! "

Then there is a quiet, Ye Feng has been around the car to go, at this time by the dim moonlight toward the other side to see.

But see that although the two people still don't see clearly face, but Ye Feng with this fuzzy appearance, combined with the sound judgment, he should not know them at all.

At this time, the two men finished smoking a cigarette and immediately walked towards the car.

One of them also picked up the rocket launcher standing on the ground, went to the car and immediately threw it at the back seat.

Ye Feng had arrived at the back of the car at this time. Seeing that it was an open jeep, he immediately grabbed the back of the car with one hand and stepped on it with one foot.

At this time, the jeep immediately made a turn and began to move towards the estate where aigowa was bombed.

After a while, the jeep stopped outside the burning manor.

They immediately got off the car, and one of them took out a submachine gun from the car and held it in his hand.

Another person can't help but sneer, "are you really afraid of deceiving the corpse or what?"

The man with the submachine gun said, "it's called preparedness!"

The man sneered again, but said nothing more. They walked into the courtyard of the manor together and came to the burning room. They stood there and watched.

With a submachine gun said, "such a big fire, do we rush in to find the body?"

The other one sneered, "are you stupid or fake? If you want to go in, I'll watch for you! "

Submachine gun immediately cold hum a way, "you just silly, I just don't go in!"

The man immediately said with a smile, "you know? Just wait here and wait for it to burn out? "

In the flowers on one side of the manor, AI Gehua and Du Yuexiu are lurking there. When they look towards the manor, they only see two people standing in front of the fire, but they can't see clearly.

Du Yuexiu then said to AI Gehua, "uncle, you stay here. I'll help him!"

AI Gehua immediately grabbed Du Yuexiu and said, "don't go, believe him, these two people are just, he can handle it!"

Du Yuexiu can't help but look at Edgeworth and say, "do you believe him so much?"

AI Gehua said, "if he can't even handle these two people, he doesn't deserve to be called Satan!"

Du Yuexiu heard Ye Feng's nickname for the first time. She couldn't help but move. She murmured, "Satan?"

She just thought about it, but saw a figure at this time is quickly toward the two people close.

The two stood in front of the fire, listening to the crackling sound of the fire, as if they had not noticed behind them.

Until the figure behind them was less than three steps away, one of them immediately realized that it was not good. He immediately took out a pistol from his waist, turned back and pulled the trigger.

In addition, the man with the submachine gun reacted a little slower. However, seeing his companion like this, he was also shocked. He immediately turned around and pulled the trigger, shooting at his back.

However, after a while of shooting, I didn't find any figure. When I saw it with a submachine gun, I couldn't help laughing at my companion and said, "you still talk about me. I think you're afraid of them pretending to be dead!"

His voice declined, his companion's face suddenly moved, but a figure had already arrived at his companion with submachine gun.

The man with the submachine gun also realized the danger. As soon as he turned around, before he could pull the trigger, his hand holding the submachine gun was already held by the other party.

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