Without waiting for the reaction of taking the submachine gun, the submachine gun in his hand had already reached the other party's hand. In the blink of an eye, the muzzle of the gun had already aimed at them.

The man in front immediately raised his hands to surrender, while the man in the back immediately dodged, leaped to one side and directly rolled on the spot. At the same time, the pistol in his hand shot at Ye Feng.

Ye Feng immediately took the person in front of him as a hostage and a shield. At the same time, the machine gun in his hand immediately opened fire towards his forehead. Just as the trigger moved, the muzzle of the gun burst out, and the person there fell to the ground and stopped moving.

Ye Feng immediately pushed the person in front of him to walk in front of him. When he got to the man's side, Ye Feng stretched out his foot and kicked him.

Don't want this person is feign death, just a turn over, immediately a gun toward Ye Feng, Ye Feng immediately a dodge away, but the person in front of him is a gun by him, fell to the ground.

The man saw that he killed his companion with one shot, and his face suddenly moved. However, he saw that his companion fell in front of him, his body was still twitching, obviously not dead, and his eyes were looking at him.

But in that person panic confidant, Ye Feng has arrived behind him, and so he reflected, turn the gun head, Ye Feng just kicked his wrist, the pistol in his hand was instantly kicked away.

Seeing this, the man immediately sat up, but the muzzle of the machine gun in Ye Feng's hand was already against his skull. The man's face suddenly changed and stopped moving.

Ye Feng wanted to stay alive, so he didn't shoot. Instead, he bent down and pulled the man up. Seeing that the man's eyes moved, he looked at his abdomen. In fact, he had been shot when he was shot by machine gun just now. He didn't want to help himself, but he wanted to kill him.

Ye Feng then asked him harshly, "who wants you to come, and who is the target?"

The man was staring at Ye Feng, not saying a word, but the forehead cold sweat has come out, and the abdomen is still bleeding, some waist can't stand straight.

Ye Feng his mouth hard, immediately a punch in that person's abdomen, that person suddenly pain waist all straight up, forehead cold sweat such as rain, behind all some hair cold.

Ye Feng didn't give him a chance to breathe at all. He immediately grabbed his collar and dragged him up abruptly. He asked again, "who wants you to come, who is the target?"

That person is mouth hard, although abdominal pain is incomparable, but still don't say a word, just with a pair of eyes looking at Ye Feng.

Ye Feng can't help laughing, and then released the man's collar, stepped back, took out two cigarettes to light, smoked one, and handed the other to the man.

The man looked at Ye Feng in surprise and didn't reach out to pick him up. He covered his stomach with one hand. The blood had spilled out from his hand and was dropping on the ground.

Ye Feng directly put the cigarette into the man's mouth and said, "take a cigarette first and relax the atmosphere!"

The man was biting a cigarette. He knew that he would die today. He was afraid that he would not smoke a cigarette. If he didn't smoke white, he would not smoke. Moreover, if he smoked two cigarettes, he would refresh himself and relieve the pain in his abdomen.

Ye Feng while smoking cigarettes, while looking at the front of the humanitarian, "can see, you should also be professional, right?"

The man picked up the cigarette with his bloody hand, flicked the ash and continued to put it in his mouth. At the same time, he squatted down and bent his waist to block the wound and delay the bleeding, but he still didn't say a word.

Ye Feng is toward that humanity, "I admire you for being a man, but no matter how hard a man is, he can't stand such blood?"

He said, "come on, darling, hand over the people behind the scenes. You go to see a doctor. According to your bleeding speed, now get on the bus and go to the city. You can be saved in half an hour!"

The man could not help sneering at the words and said, "live? Do you think I can live? "

Ye Feng see this person finally willing to start talking, think that it is easy to do, immediately shrugged, "can live, mainly depends on whether you want to live, if you don't want to live, no one can save you!"

The man was silent again, just smoking a cigarette and not talking.

Ye Feng see this person and don't speak, immediately also squat down the body, looking at the person in front of, also began not to speak.

That person sees leaf maple to stare at oneself to see, also don't speak, on the contrary some don't quite adapt to, can't help but surprised to see a leaf maple.

Ye Feng still does not speak, slowly smoking his own cigarettes, but also boring with machine gun muzzle on the ground to draw circles.

That person see Ye Feng so, and the blood on his body is still constantly flowing out, just as Ye Feng said that he let the blood flow so, not for a while burp fart.

Thinking of this, the man said to Ye Feng, "why don't you talk? What are you looking at me for? "

Ye Feng heard the next music in his heart. He could see that the goods couldn't persist, but he didn't want to answer his question directly, so he said it deliberately.

Thinking of Ye Feng, he shrugged his shoulders and said, "you don't like to talk, and I don't like to force people into difficulties. In this case, let's stay here for a while..."

Then Ye Feng looked up at the starry sky, but said, "the starry sky tonight is really good, although the moon is not round, but the stars are very bright!"Then he glanced at the flowers all over the ground in the distance and continued to say, "and the geographical environment of this place is also good. It's a good burial place. You don't waste it after you die. Your body can also be used as fertilizer for flowers and plants!"

The man's face suddenly moved when he heard this. He was buried in the ground in his mind. His skin and flesh began to rot slowly, giving birth to maggots. He immediately stirred up his spirit.

When Ye Feng finished smoking a cigarette, he immediately threw away the cigarette end, stood up and said to the humanitarian, "since you don't say anything, I'll leave, but I'll drive away your car. You pray here. Maybe God can hear your call and bring you an angel in white!"

With that, Ye Feng walked towards the jeep parked at the gate of the yard. The man immediately exhausted his last breath of strength and said, "wait a minute first!"

Ye Feng a listen to this words, heart next a joy, immediately stop step, turn head but don't walk past, just looking at that person don't speak.

At this time, the man already felt that he had no strength all over, and his whole body was almost collapsed, as if he might die soon.

He immediately said to Ye Feng, "I say..."

Ye Feng heard him say so, this just walked back, squatted in front of him, a tiny sigh way, "you say you are why to suffer? As I said, you may be lying in the hospital bed now! "

Then he immediately asked, "who is your target?"

The man looked at Ye Feng and said, "who else can it be, isn't it you?"

Ye Feng smell speech heart next move way, "how do you know I am here?"? Who sent you? "

Hearing this, the man immediately said, "our brothers are taking money to do business, and other people give money. Let's blow you up and say that you are in the house here, so we are here..."

Ye Feng saw that the man's words were at the end, and he could hardly hear what he was saying. He immediately tore the man's clothes, then let him lie on the ground, and wrapped the abdominal wound tightly with a cloth strip. Although it was of no great use, it could at least slow down his bleeding speed.

Then Ye Feng lit a cigarette and put it in the man's mouth. He patted his pale face and said, "take a sip of the cigarette first, refresh yourself!"

The man took a puff of his cigarette and then slowly puffed it out. It really had a refreshing effect.

Ye Feng then immediately asked the humanitarian, "who sent you?"

After smoking a cigarette, the man looked at Ye Feng and reached for the cigarette in his mouth. As soon as he opened his mouth, he heard a gunshot.

Ye Feng instinctively lying on the ground, this kind of gunshot Ye Feng can hear is a sniper gun, just as at that time in the hotel, he just heard the gunshot, immediately fell down, at the same time, a moment sniper gun bullets from his head through, directly hit the person on the ground on the cheek.

Ye Feng immediately turned over and pulled the man up. But he saw a blood hole in his face, bleeding out. He still had a cigarette in his mouth. His eyes were wide open, but his pupils gradually lost their color.

Ye Feng heart immediately a Lin, then push away, that person immediately a carp beat to jump up, at the same time toward the place of gunfire ran past, this kind of sniper gun range Ye Feng again clear, plus the face position on the face, Ye Feng according to the distance and bullet hole, instantly judge the other party in what position.

At this time, Ye Feng was like a cheetah on the grassland, running rapidly among the flowers, and at the same time, there was a gunshot.

Ye Feng immediately a side body to avoid, continue to run toward the gun in the past, soon Ye Feng saw a breakthrough in the distance after a flash of cold light, obviously is the other side of the sniper gun on the double mirror transmission.

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