Ye Feng quickly ran in the direction of the target, and the people over there also immediately fired two shots in succession towards Ye Feng, which were avoided by Ye Feng.

According to the shooting skills and shooting habits of the other side, it is determined that the other side is a sniper expert. The reason why he didn't hit himself with one shot is not that the other side is not good, but that he is too good.

Ye Feng ran towards the other side, while filtering several people in his mind, one by one excluded.

At the same time, Ye Feng had already run to the earth slope, but he found that there had been no shadow there, and there was a double mirror on the ground.

Ye Feng picked up the mirror, knowing that the other side must know that he found his place by virtue of the mirror, so after the retreat, he left the mirror to continue to attract his attention, and at the same time he escaped.

Although Ye Feng knows that the other side has withdrawn, he does not dare to neglect. Anyway, the other side is a sniper after all. If he stays in the same position for too long, he can easily become the target of the other side.

Thinking of this, Ye Feng immediately glided down the slope, checked the situation under the slope, and found that there was a bottle of Spanish beverage for promotion on the ground.

Ye Feng went to pick up the drink and saw that there was still half a bottle in it. He smelled it near his nose, but it was still fresh and not expired, which means that it was left by the man just now.

This is undoubtedly the only clue for the other party to stay at the scene. Connecting the shooting habits of the other party and this bottle of drink, Ye Feng already has a candidate in his heart.

Ye Feng immediately sneered at the woods, "Hades, what are you doing hiding? After all these years, you still haven't given up on this drink? "

There was a silence in the woods, and there was no sound, except the occasional wind.

Ye Feng looked around, and the woods were still dark. He didn't see anyone, but he continued, "after all these years, do you still like to shoot with a sniper gun? I've already told you that continuous shooting is convenient, but its power is greatly reduced. Moreover, if you used the muffler just now, I couldn't hear any sound and would have been hit by you? After all these years, your bad taste of listening to guns has not changed? "

Just as he was saying this, Hades' voice came from the woods and said with a sneer, "you are Satan indeed!"

Ye Feng shrugged and said, "if you can come here, it's enough to prove that you doubt my identity, and there's nothing to hide. After all, you're my brother for so many years, aren't you?"

Hadith's voice came again, "originally I didn't doubt it, but when I saw Cao Yihai near maple leaf villa, I was puzzled that Cao Yihai had been killed by me. How could he appear near there? So I'll follow you all the way! "

Ye Feng lights a cigarette. At this time, he is not afraid to expose the target. On the one hand, he has basically determined the location of Hades by speaking with Hades. As long as he shoots there, he can see the fire at the first time. At that time, with his own skill and trees everywhere, it should be easy to avoid the fatal shot.

Secondly, Ye Feng understands some habits of Hades, which can also be said to be bad taste. The sniper doesn't like to wear silencers. Moreover, he once used a vulgar metaphor to say that when using sniper, it's like doing that with a woman. All the pleasure is at the moment of shooting. If you add silencers to the sniper gun, it's like taking them with you when you do that Like a condom, no pleasure.

So Ye Feng firmly believes that even if Hades sneaks into himself in the dark, he will never install the sniper gun on the muffler just because he reminds him of the muffler.

For example, if a man doesn't wear a condom all the year round, will he be able to find a condom immediately because someone says it's safer to wear a condom? Even if he listened to this sentence, he could not find it immediately.

So the same is true for Hades. Since he never uses a muffler, he can't carry it with him. Since he can't carry it with him, even if he wants to use it now, he can't carry it with him.

And Hades continued to say to Ye Feng at this time, "until I followed you and the woman surnamed AI to dinner and met the performance of attacking you, I was sure that you were Satan's resurrection. I never thought that Cao Yihai's research was bullshit. How can a person with only one head be resurrected in this world, but I never thought that, You are really alive

Ye Feng asked Hades at this time, "so you have determined who I am. Why don't you attack me before I go to the island? But at this time? "

Hades immediately sneered, "do you think I don't want to? It's just that the people behind the surname AI were too close to me at that time. I couldn't start at all, and even if I could, I didn't intend to. Why should I expose myself like that? Anyway, since you know who you are, if you can leave the island once with the help of Cao Yihai's identity, there will definitely be a second time. What am I so anxious to do? "

Ye Feng then smoked a cigarette and said, "but I'm very curious, why do you want to kill me?"

Hades said with a sneer, "no why, I just think you should die, so I want to kill you!"Ye Feng can't help but ring jack at this time, and immediately says to Hades, "do you think I was too harsh to you when I led the team?"

But Hades frowned and said, "well? Looks like someone else wants you to die? " He said with a sneer, "it's really sad that so many people want you to die. It seems that it's unnecessary for me to kill you tonight! But I'll tell you the truth, you were a bit arrogant and smelly, but I didn't care about it. I don't think it's anything. This is the world. If you have the ability, you will have the capital to be arrogant. This is the law of nature! "

Ye Feng listen to Hades said, heart can not help but good strange way, "you are not because I was bad to you, so want to kill me?"

But Hades sneered, "I said, I don't care about it. You have the ability to be arrogant However, the reason why I killed you is very simple. In order to kill you, my ranking will be higher, and I will kill you, the so-called No.1 expert in the world. In the future, I can walk horizontally in this line! I also have arrogant capital! "

Ye Feng can't help but feel a move when he hears the speech. Then he sighs a little. Jack can be forgiven for hating him. After all, Ye Feng clearly realizes that he had many problems in those years, including the arrogance of Hades and the problems of Jack.

But the reason why Hades wanted to kill himself was to replace his position in this business. At first, he didn't think of it. But now when he thought about it carefully, he felt that it was unexpected but reasonable.

Didn't you get the first place in the industry because you killed the so-called top experts in the industry at that time?

So it's not surprising that Hades has such an idea now. What's more, when he was arrogant, he took Hades out with them and often instilled in Hades the idea of "meat is strong". What's more, Hades has evolved into what he taught them to do in those years. They couldn't do it in those years. Now they are working hard for this goal. What's the question Question?

Hadith saw that Ye Feng didn't say a word. At this time, he couldn't help saying to Ye Feng, "why don't you talk? Was it a surprise? "

But Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders and said, "it's not unexpected at all. It's totally reasonable!"

Hades can't help but move when he hears the words, and then he asks Ye Feng tentatively, "aren't you surprised? I was surprised! "

Ye Feng can't help frowning, "what's your accident?"

Hades immediately said, "if you were Satan before, you would kill me if you knew that I wanted your life, but I couldn't hear any murderous spirit from your tone. Would you decide to let me go?"

Ye Feng a listen to this words, can't help but happy smile way, "it seems that after I left, you really are some growth, actually can from what I say I don't have murderous, this is not easy!"

Hades said with a sneer, "what is this? Do I need your life to live? Do you think I'll go? If I go away and spread it to the industry, you and I will know how smelly my Hades name is in the future! "

Ye Feng took a deep breath and said, "so?"

Hades said coldly, "so tonight, between you and me, only one can leave here alive. It's not terrible to be killed by you, but I can't live later. But I've been pointed out that I live by you!"

Ye Feng sighed, "come on, Hades, when you get to my step, you will know that the so-called fame and wealth are nothing compared with many things!"

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