Hades sneered at Ye Feng and said, "that's not what you said in those days. You told us that the so-called fame and wealth must be fought for by yourself. In order to achieve such a goal, you can not break the means, but now you say so? You've got both fame and fortune. Of course, you don't care. You don't like it. But I didn't get anything. Do you want to talk to me now? "

Ye Feng can't help sighing. He knows that it's useless to talk about anything now. Hades has always been a man who knows the truth of death. What he thinks is not something that ordinary people can say. Only when he understands it himself can he go back. But under normal circumstances, he can never understand it.

Ye Feng suddenly thought of something at this time, and immediately asked Hades, "I ask you, the last helicopter explosion in Brazil, it won't have anything to do with you?"

Hades said with a smile, "I knew you would doubt it, but now that things have come to this stage, I will not deny what I have done. It has nothing to do with me! But I can also tell you clearly, I know who it is, but I will not tell you! Unless you kill me

Ye Feng knows that Hades is deliberately trying to fight with him at this time, but the two goods have never thought about killing him. How can he tell himself? Does this mean that these two goods don't know at all, and they just want to stimulate themselves?

Ye Feng thought of this, but said to Hades, "you go, I don't want to kill you!"

Hades was stunned when he heard the speech. After pondering for a long time, he immediately said with a smile to Ye Feng, "it's not whether you want to kill me or not, but whether I kill you or be killed by you today. You have no choice!"

Finish saying Hades also don't wait for Ye Feng to talk, immediately toward Ye Feng there opened a gun.

After the bang of the gun, Ye Feng immediately jumped up to avoid. Although he was talking to Hades, his eyes never left the position where Hades was talking.

If it's a long distance, there's still a chance to dodge when you hear the gunshot. But if you hear the gunshot again at such a short distance, it's too late. After all, the propagation speed of light is much faster than that of sound.

So this time, when Ye Feng saw the fire coming up there, he had stored his strength at his feet. When he jumped up, the gunshot rang out.

After Ye Feng dodges, he says it's dangerous. Fortunately, his knowledge of objects has not been returned to the teacher. Otherwise, if he had to rely on the sound of gunfire to hide this time, his head would have blossomed.

When Hades saw Ye Feng dodging a shot, he immediately fired several shots at Ye Feng. While he was firing, he yelled at Ye Feng, "don't blindly hide. I know you know where I am. Come and kill me!"

After several successive jumps away, Ye Feng hid behind a big tree. At this time, he said to Hades, "you know that once I start, you can't live. What's the trouble?"

Hades said with a sneer, "it used to be like this, but I've secretly practiced my marksmanship..."

Without waiting for Hades to finish, Ye Feng immediately sneered, "Oh? really? The result of the secret practice is one shot missed? "

Hades heard Ye Feng's words, and immediately came out of the hiding place, threw the sniper gun to the ground, then took out two pistols and held them in his hands. He walked towards Ye Feng and fired his gun at the same time, "what are you doing with that nonsense? Compare with you, come to a positive fair and just duel

Ye Feng asked Hades over there, "how can it be a positive, fair and just duel?"

Hades immediately threw a pistol at the tree where Ye Feng was hiding, "there is only one bullet in this gun!"

Then he fired several shots at the tree that Ye Feng was hiding from, and said to Ye Feng, "now I have only one bullet in my gun!"

Ye Feng certainly remembers that Hades fired several shots. Hades did not lie. There should be only one bullet left in his pistol now.

Hades continued to say to Ye Feng, "since you picked up the gun next to us, our duel started. Everyone has only one bullet, that is to say, everyone has only one chance to kill each other. Do you dare to come?"

Ye Feng can't help but move when hearing Hades say that. This was the way he used to fight against the so-called No.1 expert in the industry. This method is well known in the industry. Now Hades also uses this method to fight with himself. Obviously, he also wants to kill himself with this method. From then on, it has become a myth in the industry.

Ye Feng also knows that if he doesn't agree with Hades, he won't give up. To tell you the truth, although he doesn't have much brains, what he says still counts, but it doesn't mean he won't do anything insidious, such as looking for someone to kill himself just now.

However, thinking of this, I immediately felt that it was wrong. Since Hades wanted to have a fair and just duel with himself, he would not use the rocket launcher to blow up the house so rudely.

Thinking of this, Ye Feng immediately said to Hades, "I can fight with you, but you have to answer me a question!"Hades immediately said with a smile, "no problem, you want to know who was responsible for the accident in Brazil, right? I'll tell you if you win! "

But Ye Feng said, "no! What I want to ask is, the man you sniped just now is not with you? "

Hades immediately sneered and said, "those two rookies went to the scene rashly without knowing the situation. It's just a rookie's mistake. Besides, if I want to kill you, I'll do it myself. Why do I find these two rookies?"

Ye Feng a listen to this, the heart next move, he knows Hades did not lie, but if not Hades, who will be?

Hades at this time immediately a large section of Ye Feng's thoughts way, "I answered, I don't know them, I kill that person, just think he is in the way! After answering, can you come out and accept the challenge? "

At this time, Ye Feng came out from behind the tree. Hadith's face suddenly moved. He instinctively raised his gun to Ye Feng first, but after watching Ye Feng throw away his submachine gun and kick it away, he immediately put down his gun and looked at the pistol he threw at Ye Feng's side and said, "start now?"

Having said that, Hades also threw the pistol to his feet, which was almost the same position as Ye Feng's, but his eyes were staring at Ye Feng.

After Ye Feng nodded at this time, he immediately stepped on the ground with his feet, and the pistol immediately flew towards his hand.

At the same time, Hades also used the same way to kick the pistol into the hands, two people almost at the same time the muzzle of the gun at the other side, but also to avoid.

After all, two people will not shoot easily when they are not sure that they can kill each other with one shot and only one bullet.

Although Ye Feng is full of confidence in himself, he also knows Hades. This guy is definitely not comparable to the Marines brought by truss at night, nor to the two unknown killers. Hades' shooting skill is second only to his own in TSL, and the gap is not huge, especially the pistol.

So Ye Feng doesn't dare to take it lightly. The same is true of Hades. He knows who Ye Feng is, what ability he has, and how his shooting skills are. Once he misses and shoots the only bullet, there will be no second chance. He has to wait for his death.

Of course, neither of them will give each other opportunities, nor waste their own opportunities.

At this time, two people keep aiming, but at the same time avoid becoming the target of each other, but they did not rashly shoot their only bullet.

They even hold their guns while avoiding each other. At the same time, they are also close to each other. When they are only one step away, Hades immediately reaches for the gun in Ye Feng's hand. At the same time, Ye Feng also reaches for the gun in Hades's hand.

Two people's hands are very fast, Hades exclaimed at Ye Feng's hand speed, at the same time Ye Feng also some exclaimed at Hades's hand speed, did not expect this boy progress so fast.

Two people hold each other's guns almost at the same time. At this time, the muzzles of both guns are held by each other. That is to say, the muzzles of the two guns have been fixed at this time. If they shoot at this time, it is impossible for the other party to die immediately, and it is absolutely possible to shoot the last bullet at the moment of death, so the result is that both of them will die.

This result in the industry is known as the fool duel, spread out is to be the industry joke, the purpose of the duel is to take each other's life, but the premise is to survive, so as to enjoy the reputation and glory, you even take your own life, even if the other party is killed by you, what do you get? It's not a fool. What is it?

So they were so deadlocked, two fingers on the trigger, but neither of them fired, their eyes on each other.

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