After staring at Scarlett for a long time, Ye Feng shrugged and said, "it seems that I will not die, you will not give up! Why don't you shoot me now and let them go? After all, they have nothing to do with Shrek's death! "

Scarlett immediately said, "I said, now you are not qualified to bargain with me. Now the two hostages are in my hands. I can do whatever I want!"

Hearing this, Ye Feng said to Scarlett, "what do you want! It's nothing more than revenge for your man. If you want me to die, you can kill me now! "

But after staring at Ye Feng for a long time, Scarlett said to Ye Feng, "you are willing to die for those two people. It seems that the relationship between these two people is not simple for you, right? Is that old man your father Said staring at Ye Feng to see a moment later, immediately shook his head, "no, that old man should not be your father, long also not like!"

Said here, Scarlett eyes suddenly a narrow way, "it seems that the woman and you have a lot to do? How about you, ma'am

Ye Feng immediately said, "two people are very important to me, you just want my life, revenge for your man, this is very simple!"

Then Ye Feng kicked the pistol at Scarlett's feet and said, "you pick up the gun and pull the trigger, and we'll get rid of our grudge!"

Scarlett sneered and said, "write it off. You think it's too naive. You've made me lose the man I love most. Now I want you to lose the woman you love most!"

Then Scarlett clapped her hands immediately, and several people came not far away, escorting Du Yuexiu and AI Gehua.

When AI Gehua and Du Yuexiu look at Ye Feng, they are all apologetic. It is obvious that they are dragging Ye Feng's hind legs for their own sake. They feel a little sorry for Ye Feng.

But Ye Feng nodded to them, indicating that they should not worry too much, and that they would be OK.

Scarlett see Ye Feng's eyes, immediately sneer, and then go to Du Yuexiu in front of her hair, then pull her toward Ye Feng.

Du Yuexiu holds Scarlett's hand and immediately hums with a look of pain.

Ye Feng just ready to step forward, don't want to Scarlett's hand suddenly more a gun against the back of Du Yuexiu's head, Scarlett immediately toward Ye Feng a sneer way, "you move to try again, you just step forward, I immediately call her head!"

Ye Feng immediately stopped, then raised his hands and said, "don't be too extreme in doing things. There's no need to involve the innocent. Shrek wants to kill me. It's normal for me to kill him, but it doesn't have anything to do with them. It seems a little out of order for you to do so!"

Scarlett immediately yelled at Ye Feng, "shut up, what rules do you tell me now? Do you think I care? What about breaking the rules? All I think about now is revenge. I don't care about anything but that! "

Ye Feng sighed at this time. Before she spoke, Scarlett immediately loaded the pistol and said to Ye Feng, "I want you to kneel down now and repent to Shrek!"

Ye Feng stares at Scarlett and doesn't say a word. Scarlett immediately points at the back of Du Yuexiu's head at gunpoint, saying nothing but looking at Ye Feng.

Ye Feng said to Scarlett, "is this meaningful? If I kneel down and confess, will Shrek live? Besides, even if I kneel down, I just curse him to hell. Even if I say I repent, I curse him in my heart. Do you think it's so interesting? "

Scarlett immediately touched Du Yuexiu's head and said, "I think it's interesting. Do you kneel or not? As long as you say no kneeling, I will not force you to do so. I will kill this woman at once

Ye Feng immediately sighed, "OK, as long as you think it's interesting, just follow your meaning!"

Scarlett said sharply to Ye Feng, "kneel down!"

Ye Feng at this time immediately bent down and began to kneel to the ground, Scarlett saw Ye Feng so, can't help laughing, "Satan, you also have today?"

Don't want to this time, Ye Feng just kneel down, immediately a local roll, instant to Scarlett in front of.

Scarlett did not expect that she had already pointed a gun at his woman. Did he dare to play tricks?

Scarlett didn't think much about anything, and immediately she was ready to pull the trigger, but at the same time, Ye Feng's hand had caught Scarlett's hand. With a twist, the gun in her hand had reached Ye Feng's hand.

Before Scarlett reacts, Ye Feng immediately stands up, strangles Scarlett's neck, and points a gun at her neck.

That is, at the same time, the talented people holding AI Gehua over there react and immediately point their guns at Ye Feng.

Scarlett yelled at the men immediately, "kill them all for me, leave me alone!"

Ye Feng immediately pulls up Du Yuexiu with one hand and asks her to stand behind her. The gun in her hand immediately fires a gun in Scarlett's ear. With a bang, Scarlett's ear suddenly feels a shock.

And Scarlett's men are also in a daze, did not expect that there are Ye Feng's hostages in hand, Ye Feng actually dare to shoot, this is really beyond everyone's expectation.At this time, Ye Feng immediately put the muzzle of the gun against Scarlett's neck. The muzzle of the gun had just been fired, and it was still a little hot, which immediately burned Scarlett's neck.

Scarlett immediately took a breath of air conditioning, a look of pain, or toward his hands, "kill the old man first! I command you

Ye Feng knows that Scarlett, in order to avenge Shrek, is determined to die. She doesn't care about her own life and death.

However, his men still looked at Scarlett hesitantly. Seeing this, Scarlett immediately scolded and continued, "do it now, don't worry about me!"

That is, just after Scarlett's voice, Ye Feng's muzzle has been quietly turned, aiming at several people around AI Gehua. In an instant, after the "bang bang" shots, those people didn't react and fell to the ground in an instant.

Scarlett's face changed when she saw this. She didn't pity the life and death of those men. She didn't even care about her own life. How could she pity others?

Scarlett saw these men fall to the ground, but regretted that she should have killed the two hostages first. Now she has no chance to revenge herself. Instead, she has become Ye Feng's hostage.

Thinking of this, Scarlett knew that the situation was over. She immediately closed her eyes and said to Ye Feng, "shoot me?"

Ye Feng smell speech immediately said a good, then to Scarlett's head shot.

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