A bullet went straight through Scarlett's ear and immediately put the pistol away. Then she said to Scarlett, "I owe Shrek my life. Now I pay it back! We shall not owe each other from now on! "

The moment Scarlett heard the gunshot, she thought she would die. But she never dreamed that she was going to kill the hostage and almost killed him. He just fired an empty gun.

But listen to Ye Feng say so, she can't help but sneer a way, "don't owe each other? You think too much, don't you? It's your business whether you kill me or not. It's my business whether I kill you or not. Now I can tell you that if you let me go today, you will regret it, because for the rest of your life, I will kill you if I don't do anything! "

At this point, Scarlett continued, "I know I'm probably not your opponent, but in the next days, I'll pester you like a ghost. One of us must die before our grudge is completely over, or you won't have a good life in your life!"

Scarlett said this, immediately staring at Ye Feng, as if waiting for Ye Feng to say something, but Ye Feng just shrugged, "right? Whatever you want! "

Listen to Ye Feng say so, Scarlett can't help frowning at Ye Feng way, "so you still want to let me go?"

Ye Feng then said to Scarlett, "it's your business that you want revenge. Anyway, I don't think I owe you anything. Now I have nothing to do with you. Why don't I let you go? As for you can't find me, I can't manage it!"

Scarlett can't help staring at Ye Feng for a long time. Then she turns around and leaves. She doesn't say anything. She knows Ye Feng's state of mind. He doesn't care about himself, so she's not afraid of revenge.

Scarlett is not polite to Ye Feng. He doesn't kill himself. When he regrets it, she proves that she is not Ye Feng's opponent. However, as long as she keeps playing with him, she doesn't believe Ye Feng defends herself 24 hours a day.

Scarlett just left here, Ye Feng immediately asked Du Yuexiu and AI Gehua if there was anything wrong.

AI Gehua shook his head and said that it was ok, but his face was a little pale. After all, so many things happened that night, and he was on the verge of death every time.

Du Yuexiu is also a face of danger, but with a bit surprised eyes looking at Ye Feng, originally she thought that her virtual world is dangerous enough, did not expect Ye Feng this so-called real world, is also dangerous.

At this time, Ye Feng did not say anything to AI Gehua and Du Yuexiu, but he heard a rush of car engine sound from far to near.

Three people's faces are changed, heart is also a Lin, tonight there is no end, this one thing after another, completely do not give people time to rest.

AI Gehua looked at the distance at this time. When the car came a little closer, he was relieved. Then he said to Ye Feng and Du Yuexiu, "don't be nervous, it should be a member of the military commission!"

Just then, AI Gehua had gone to the side of the car. Ye Feng fixed his eyes and saw that it was indeed a military car. After the car stopped, two men in military uniforms came down, but the military uniform should be worn by clerks.

After they got out of the car, they took a surprised look at the charcoal burning manor behind him. Their faces changed. One of them asked him, "what's the matter?"

AI Gehua sighed, "it's hard to say the whole thing!"

The man then took another look at Du Yuexiu and Ye Feng, and then asked AI Gehua, "are these two..."

AI Gehua then looked back at Ye Feng and Du Yuexiu, who were walking this way. He winked at them and seemed to signal them not to speak.

Then aigohua said to the two people, "Oh, this is my niece and my niece's son-in-law!"

Ye Feng and Du Yuexiu listen to this, the heart is a move, Ye Feng's surface no expression change, but Du Yuexiu some nervous.

Taking advantage of the situation, Ye Feng embraces Du Yuexiu's shoulder and goes to the back of AI Gehua. He takes a look at the two people in front of him and sees that they are both looking at themselves and Du Yuexiu.

In order to prevent them from seeing anything from Du Yuexiu's face, Ye Feng immediately showed a slightly angry expression and said, "how does your military commission work? Who is my uncle? How could you investigate him? "

People in the Military Commission immediately took back their eyes when they heard what Ye Feng said. Then they said to Ye Feng, "there is no way. We have received a report. How can we deal with it?"

Then another member of the Military Commission asked Edgar, "we heard that someone from Stewart Island is here. Isn't it your nephew son-in-law? And our people? "

Ye Feng didn't wait for AI Gehua to speak. He immediately stepped forward and said, "I'm the one who did all the people in the Marine Corps. They all sleep in the flowers in the southwest direction!"

When they heard this, their faces could not help but move. Even AI Gehua's face could not help changing. He didn't mention it on the phone.

And those two people already instinctively want to reach for a gun, a pair of guard look at Ye Feng.Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders and said, "they regard me as a man on Stewart Island and chase me all the way. I didn't fight back but kill them. I just knocked them out one by one. I've been very restrained!"

One of them covered his waist with one hand and looked at Ye Feng. "Just dizzy?"

Ye Feng shrugged and said, "of course, I'm not a killer. What do you want to do to kill so many people?"

The man immediately gave his companion a look in the eyes, indicating that he went to have a look. Then the man took out his gun and walked in the direction of Ye Feng.

And the person who stayed in the same place seemed more nervous than that person. He pressed the gun on his waist and stared at Ye Feng, as if for fear that he would have any special action.

After a while, the man who went to check immediately ran back, nodded to his companion and said, "it's true that they're all there. They've fainted. It's OK!"

The man breathed a sigh of relief, but then he took a look at the burned manor behind Edgar and the bodies of several people who were obviously not Marines.

At this time, Ye Feng walked away, pulled truss's body over and threw it in front of them.

The two men's faces suddenly moved. Look at me and I'll look at your clothes. It's obvious that truss's clothes are from the military.

AI Gehua immediately stood in front of Ye Feng and said, "I killed truss!"

The two men smell speech face is a move, then carefully looked at the body of truss, surprised way, "he is truss?"

Then he looked at Edgar in surprise and said, "did you kill him?"

Edgar said immediately, "yes, I made it clear on the phone that this guy wanted to kill me, but I killed him!"

Then he stretched out his hands to them and said, "I'm willing to accept internal investigation!"

Two people can't help but look at each other, and then said to AI Gehua, "don't put on the handcuffs, general AI, we believe in you, but just as you said, we still have to go with us and explain to you!"

AI Gehua nodded and then said to them, "I cooperate with your investigation!"

The two nodded, then gave AI Gehua a way out and said, "please get on the bus?"

AI Gehua nodded, then looked back at Ye Feng and Du Yuexiu and said, "you don't have to worry about me, I'll go back and contact you then!"

Ye Feng nodded to AI Gehua and said, "uncle, don't worry. I will take care of Ai Mei. If you have anything to contact me and need me to testify, I can also fully cooperate with you!"

In fact, in his eyes, both Du Yuexiu and Amy are his niece Amy. After nodding to Du Yuexiu, he immediately got on the bus.

And the two men put the body of truss on the ground into the car, and then they got on the car and started the car. Ye Feng asked, "what about the Marines?"

Two people smell speech then looking at leaf Feng way, "wait for them to wake up, natural meeting oneself leave! And we will also inform the Marine Corps to send someone over there. This is not what we need to manage! " Then he immediately stepped on the accelerator, and the car left the scene immediately.

Looking at the car driving away, Ye Feng was relieved, while Du Yuexiu on one side asked, "what do we do now?"

Ye Feng saw the jeep left by the two men before, and immediately said to Du Yuexiu, "find a place to sleep in the advanced city, and listen to general AI's situation in the morning!"

Say Ye Feng to walk toward that car immediately past, after getting on the car, toward Du Yue Xiu way, "get on the car!"

After Du Yuexiu got into the co driver's seat, Ye Feng immediately started the car, drove away from Aijia manor and went straight to the city.

On the way, Du Yuexiu asked Ye Feng, "I didn't expect that your world is also so dangerous? Is this one after another? "

Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders with a smile and said, "any world is the same. Where there are people, there are disputes. Some things can't be avoided!"

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