This blonde is no one else. It's Scarlett. When she saw Ye Feng sitting on the sofa in her room, the earphone in her ear was still snoring. Her face suddenly moved, and then she took off the earphone and threw it on the ground.

Scarlett firmly held the pistol and said to Ye Feng, "you came to my room with your bare hands. Are you blind confident in your skills, or do you think I won't shoot you at all?"

Ye Feng smokes a cigarette and continues to look at Scarlett. There is no expression on her face and says, "I have carried out hundreds of tasks over the years, and I have never failed. Do you know why?"

Scarlett didn't expect that Ye Feng was aimed at by herself at this time. She talked with herself about his previous task. She frowned at Ye Feng and didn't say a word.

At this time, Ye Feng continued to say, "I never miss, because in addition to my self-confidence, I also have my control over the situation and my understanding of the target people!"

Scarlett can't help sneering. "What do you mean by that? You know me well? You mean you know I'm not going to kill you, or I'm not going to kill you? "

Ye Feng said to Scarlett, "Scarlett, growing up in Levi's orphanage, was adopted at the age of seven and trained to be a killer. That's when she got to know Shrek. It can be said that she was close to Mei Zhuma and had no guess. When she carried out her first mission, you were injured. Shrek risked to save your life. He was also seriously injured. From then on, you are very proud of him I love you

Speaking of this, Ye Feng stares at Scarlett as he smokes a cigarette and says, "after that, you often perform tasks together. Because your name is the same as the actress who starred in the black widow, others also call you the black widow. The most famous thing about your killer career is that you killed the country's top military task during a military exercise in front of tens of thousands of soldiers, I'll be famous in the first World War

Scarlett listen to Ye Feng so say, face can't help but slightly move, in the heart secret way, originally Ye Feng to himself and Shrek really so understand?

But her mouth is toward Ye Feng cold hum a way, "these are all know in the industry, you know what strange?"

Ye Feng continued to smoke cigarettes and said, "I haven't finished my words. That case is only the most famous one you have made public. In fact, your most classic case should be that the top terrorist of a country in the Middle East was sniped by you, but it was claimed that it was the official action of the United States. I don't know what cooperation you have with the US military, So there's no announcement! "

As soon as Scarlett heard this, her face suddenly changed and she looked at Ye Feng. It can't be denied that what Ye Feng said before was really known in the industry, but no one really knew about it. How did Ye Feng know?

Thinking of her, she immediately said, "it has nothing to do with us. I don't put gold on my face..."

Without waiting for Scarlett to finish, Ye Feng continued to smoke cigarettes and said, "do not do, you do not have to admit to me, I just say I know, as for you do not do, you and I know! Because of that case, you began to disappear in the industry. In fact, you are secretly helping the US military to carry out some shady tasks! "

Scarlett then took a cold breath and looked at Ye Feng. Her eyes changed several times and she wanted to deny it, but she also knew that Ye Feng didn't care whether she admitted it or not.

Think of here, Scarlett can't help looking at Ye Feng, in the hand of the gun move, cold hum a way, "you know these, so what? What does that mean? "

Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders and said, "I can't explain anything. I'm just explaining what I told you!"

Scarlett immediately loaded the pistol and said to Ye Feng, "I'll shoot you now..."

Ye Feng is a pair of tiger eyes staring at Scarlett's muzzle, "if I were you, I would not do this!"

Scarlett snapped at once, "why not?"

Ye Feng said to Scarlett, "if you're sure to kill me, you won't stop shooting from seeing me. You don't know what the result is after you shoot. You're afraid of me!"

On hearing this, Scarlett's face suddenly moved, and then she sneered and said, "I'm afraid of you? Why should I be afraid of you? The big deal is death! I said, you put me, I will not appreciate you, from now on I will be the same as the ghost around you! You and I have to die before it's over! "

Ye Feng nodded to Scarlett, "you are not afraid of death, you want revenge, I believe, but you are still afraid of me!"

And before Scarlett said, "you're afraid of me, not because you're afraid of death, but because you're afraid you can't get revenge! You dare not do it easily, for fear that you will lose the only chance to revenge! Because you still hate me, you dare not do it! "

Scarlett listen to Ye Feng say so, heart immediately a Lin, this Ye Feng seems to be his stomach Ascaris lumbricoides, actually what they think, he can guess the same.

But on the surface, Scarlett still sneered, "don't make it look like you know me better!"

Ye Feng shrugged and said, "then you can shoot! What are you hesitating about? Don't you want to avenge Shrek? Your enemy is sitting in front of you. Why don't you shoot? "Scarlett yelled at Ye Feng immediately, "don't think I dare not shoot..."

Ye Feng immediately yelled at Scarlett, "shoot!"

Scarlett then immediately pulled the trigger, "bang" a sound, Scarlett really fired a shot.

At this time, she looked at the Ye Feng in front of her, still sitting in front of her smoking, he just shot did not hit Ye Feng.

But this is not the most important, the most important is that Ye Feng as if he would not hit him, actually sitting there and nothing happened, and his face can not see the slightest change of expression, is still a leisurely and complacent look, slowly spit out a puff of smoke.

Scarlett said in her heart that it was impossible. Although she didn't say that she was a sharpshooter with a hundred hits, she never made a false hair. But at such a close distance, she could hit Ye Feng's eyebrows with her eyes closed, but this shot was missed?

Ye Feng slowly spits out a puff of smoke, looks at Scarlett and says, "do you know why you can't hit it?"

Scarlett opened her eyes and looked at Ye Feng. At this time, she was in a mixed mood. She didn't know what to say for a moment, but she still said, "you're lucky, God doesn't open your eyes!"

Ye Feng shook his head and said, "it's because of your heart. You used to be one of the top killers in the U.S. platoon. You have no emotional sustenance for the object you want to kill. Whether it's love or hate, your feelings will never be affected. Your heart is as still as water. But now you are totally unworthy of being a killer, because hatred has blindfolded your eyes and disturbed you You are no longer the black widow you used to be! "

Scarlett can't help staring at Ye Feng. She feels that Ye Feng's words seem to have some truth. The shot she just fired because she was stimulated by Ye Feng's words. How accurate is such a shot?

But after listening to Ye Feng, Scarlett immediately said, "I don't believe you can avoid the second shot!"

Ye Feng shrugged and said to Scarlett, "did I hide just now? I know you can't hit me at all. Why should I hide? But you still can't hit me with this shot!"

Scarlett sneered, "don't be so confident!"

Ye Feng shook his head, continued to smoke cigarettes, looked at Scarlett and said, "it's not because I'm confident, but just because you're not confident. You have doubts about your shooting skills. You're no longer worthy of holding a gun, so don't say to shoot again. Even if you run out of bullets, you can't hit me!"

Scarlett heard Ye Feng say so, her heart can't help but move, she is indeed as Ye Feng said, to their own ability has been questioned.

In all these years, except for killing people for the first time, she has seen her hand shaking. This is the second time that she has seen her hand shaking.

Scarlett held the gun in both hands, with the other hand, trying to hold her hand, trying not to shake her hand so much.

But the more so, Scarlett's hand is shaking more and more, she knows that in this case shooting, it is impossible to hit Ye Feng, even if occasionally aimed, Ye Feng is not a fool, really sitting there waiting to be shot.

Scarlett has completely lost confidence in the next shot. The most important thing is that there seems to be an invisible pressure in her heart at this time. She is suffocating.

And she held the pistol hand, actually began to unconsciously droop, finally put down the gun, even feel legs are a little soft, suddenly sit on the ground, staring at Ye Feng.

At this time, Ye Feng, with a confident smile, stood up from the sofa, looked at Scarlett from a condescending perspective and said, "still, I welcome you to revenge at any time, but you are not strong enough!"

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