Scarlett has been staring at Ye Feng. She feels that every inch of her body seems to be shaking. Her enemy is clearly in front of her, but she can't get revenge. This kind of hate, this helpless state of mind, has reached the point of no more.

At this time, Ye Feng just finished smoking a cigarette, then stood up and walked towards Scarlett.

Scarlett looked at Ye Feng walking towards her. She felt an invisible pressure. It was like an air wall pressing against her. She could hardly breathe.

And Ye Feng has already stood on Scarlett's side, after stopping, "it's not that you don't want to take revenge, but your strength is obviously not enough, you can practice again, maybe ten years later, you can have a chance to kill me!"

With that, Ye Feng immediately walked towards the door. Scarlett suddenly turned around and said to Ye Feng, "you don't have to be arrogant. I won't give up so easily!"

Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders and said, "if you are bored, find a man to fall in love, but you are so bored. If you continue to pester me, I don't care! I'm afraid I'll waste your time! "

With that, Ye Feng immediately stretched out her hand to twist the door handle. At this time, Scarlett immediately raised her gun and fired a shot at the door. This shot missed and hit the doorframe without exception.

Ye Feng even went out without stopping at his feet and closed the door. She didn't stop for a moment because Scarlett shot suddenly.

Looking at the door closed, Scarlett sat down on the ground completely, threw her gun aside, and looked at her hands.

In her heart, she asked herself how many people died on her hands. Is it so hard to kill someone who stands in front of her and doesn't fight back or avoid?

Even in Scarlett's heart, it seems that she has an unprecedented feeling about Ye Feng, which is different from any target she has to kill before.

Ye Feng's body has a kind of confidence that Scarlett is unpredictable, even difficult to understand, which Scarlett has never seen before.

Even Shrek, before Scarlett can also be said to worship to describe their feelings for Shrek, but even Shrek, also did not have such self-confidence.

And Ye Feng stood beside her, feeling extremely pressure, Scarlett knew that she could kill Ye Feng as long as she raised her hand to shoot, but she didn't mean to raise her hand.

Scarlett even felt that at that moment, her hatred for Ye Feng was not big. On the contrary, at that moment, her heart was filled with a complicated state of mind.

Even at that moment, Scarlett seems to see a little Shrek's shadow on Ye Feng, also a confident face and eyes, but it is obvious that Ye Feng's eyes are more firm and resolute. In a moment, Scarlett feels her heart throb.

As for why she moved so much, Scarlett didn't understand. She even couldn't believe it and didn't want to think about it any more.

At this time, Ye Feng left Scarlett's room and went back to room 506, only to find Amy sitting on the bed with a black microphone in her hand, snoring over there.

Ye Feng can't help but smile at Amy and say, "no

Then she went to Amy's side, took the eavesdropper from her hand, and then squeezed it hard. The eavesdropper immediately broke and was thrown into the toilet by Ye Feng.

Amy then looked at Ye Feng and said, "fortunately you found this in time, otherwise you don't know what to do?"

Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders and said, "I used to do this professionally. I can't even see this little pattern. What else can I do?"

Amy nodded, then said in surprise, "you find that the bug is normal, but how do you know there is something wrong with the room next to you?"

Ye Feng immediately said with a smile, "do you remember what I did first when I and you just entered the door?"

Amy immediately thought about it and said, "you said the room didn't taste good, so you went to open the window!"

Ye Feng immediately nodded, "yes, I went to open the window, stood in the window and lit a cigarette, just at this time, the window of the next room also opened, and I just saw Scarlett in the window! I immediately dodged and saw Scarlett staring at our window with the reflection of the window, which means that she knows we are in this room! "

Then Ye Feng immediately said, "and I also saw her touch the Bluetooth headset in her ear from time to time. Of course, this only shows that she is probably answering important phone calls, but she has never said a word from beginning to end, which shows that what she has in her ear is probably an eavesdropping receiver! From this, I judge that the eavesdropper in our room is probably connected to the Bluetooth headset in her ear! "

Amy then said with a faint smile, "so you write on paper and let me play a play with you?"

Ye Feng shrugged and said, "if not, how can Scarlett be absorbed? In addition, someone just knocked on the door and put a small advertisement in the crack of our room door. I knew he would knock on Scarlett's door, so I turned over from the window while there was a knock to attract her attention! "Amy fully understood what Ye Feng had done, then she nodded, "if only I had your ability and experience!"

Ye Feng can't help sitting down and looking at Amy, "I heard general AI say, did you want to join the army before?"

Amy nodded and said, "yes, I don't like the air-conditioning work in the office. I just want to do something different!"

Ye Feng stares at Amy and says, "so you joined the secret service organization of the government after your uncle gave up your way to join the army?"

Amy shrugged her shoulders and said, "I didn't take the initiative. As you know, this kind of organization is quite secretive. How can I just go if I want to?"

Ye Feng is curious, "how did you get on this road?"

Amy then said to Ye Feng, "you may not believe it. That day, my uncle's friend just introduced me to a company to work. I superficially agreed to follow him to the company. After he left, I immediately slipped away. On the way, I ran into a man. When I apologized to him, he stared at me, and then told me that there was a very challenging job I didn't know what happened at that time when I wanted to introduce my work to me. In addition, I happened to see my uncle's friend coming back downstairs, so I followed Nan en to get on the bus, and then went to the so-called organization. I had been there for more than half a year that day! Your task is my second one! "

Ye Feng can't help staring at Amy and says, "have you ever performed other tasks? Tell me about it? "

Amy was a little embarrassed and said, "that task is actually very simple. I went out to meet the boss of a company, had two drinks with him, cheated him to sign a document, and it was over!"

Ye Feng can't help but say to Amy, "have you never thought about it, or asked why they chose you?"

Amy said immediately, "I asked. They said that when they saw me, they thought I was the stuff in this business! At that time, I was also out of curiosity about this industry, and I didn't want to work in that company. I didn't expect that in the primary training and assessment, I passed the exam so smoothly! "

Ye Feng then said to Amy, "your first task is really simple, but it's not completely simple!"

Amy couldn't help looking at Ye Feng in surprise and said, "what do you mean?"

Ye Feng then toward Ai Mei way, "you didn't think, that so-called boss why will sign that word?"

Amy sighed, "I know. You think I'm stupid. You don't want to take advantage of me?"

Say immediately toward leaf maple way, "I know what you mean! You just want to say that I'm using my beauty... "

Ye Feng shrugged and said, "you are not stupid, but why did I tell you later that you didn't believe it? Don't you know that? Even I tell you, that person thinks you are suitable for this business at the first sight because of your appearance, and their initial purpose is very clear, to make you an agent with beauty as a weapon! "

When Amy heard this, she immediately said, "I feel the same at the beginning. I have also reflected with the above that I will never sell my body, and the above has accepted my opinions, so the second task is your task!"

But Ye Feng said with a smile, "Satan is a famous hungry ghost in color!"

Amy sighed, "am I stupid? They said that. I really don't think it's necessary for this mission."

Ye Feng shrugged and said, "it doesn't matter. If they don't see me that way, how can they photograph you? If we don't photograph you, how can we get to know each other? "

Amy can't help but move when she hears Ye Feng's words. Then she blushes and says in a low voice, "yes, I have to thank them!"

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