Ye Feng can't help but look at Amy and say, "what did you say?"

As soon as Amy heard this, her face turned red. She avoided Ye Feng's eyes and said, "no, nothing!"

Then he quickly avoided Ye Feng's eyes and turned away from the topic. "By the way, did you just say those words to cheat Scarlett or really?"

Ye Feng smell speech a dismay way, "which?"

Amy said immediately, "it's about you telling me there's another woman in me! At that time, I was afraid that Scarlett would hear me, so I followed what you said and asked. Now I want to know whether you made up the story to cheat Scarlett or it's true! "

Ye Feng a listen, slightly a sigh, then sit to the bedside looking at Amy way, "what I say is true!"

Hearing this, Amy couldn't help looking at Ye Feng. After a long time, she said, "so, I really have another person in my body now?"

Ye Feng nodded, then asked Amy, "every time she appears, how do you feel?"

Amy shook her head and said, "I don't know. It's like I'm asleep. I don't know exactly. I can't feel another person in me!"

Ye Feng then asked Amy, "are you Well, when you sleep, have you ever dreamed of anything strange or met anyone? "

Amy can't help thinking about it. After thinking about it for a long time, she said to Ye Feng, "it seems that she often dreams of a woman, but she can't remember what she looks like, and she hasn't seen her talk to me. I just know that there is such a person in my dream, and I have asked her several times, but no one has answered me! If you don't say it, I don't remember. It's like I've had this strange dream for a long time, and it's almost the same every time! "

When Ye Feng heard this, she remembered what Du Yuexiu had said to herself before. She said that she always felt that someone was calling her, but she also didn't know who she was.

In this way, the two sides correspond, which shows that there is still intersection between Du Yuexiu and Amy.

Thinking of this, Ye Feng said to Amy, "don't think about it for the time being. At present, this problem can't be solved, but there will be time to solve it."

After a while of meditation, Amy could not help holding Ye Feng's hand. "What I said when I held your hand was also what I said in my heart!"

Ye Feng can't help but be stunned when he hears the words. Then he looks at Amy and says, "what words?"

Amy said to Ye Feng, "I'm afraid. I'm afraid that after she appears, I'll never show up again. Is that even if I die?"

Hearing this, Ye Feng immediately patted Amy's hand and comforted her, "don't be afraid, I said, I won't let you do anything!"

Amy can't help looking at Ye Feng for a long time, but her eyes are full of fortitude and self-confidence. She immediately approaches Ye Feng, embraces Ye Feng and hugs him tightly.

Ye Feng was stunned, and then he put his hand on Amy's back and patted, "don't be afraid, I'm here!"

At this time, Amy slowly pushes Ye Feng away and looks at Ye Feng foolishly. Then she suddenly kisses Ye Feng in her mouth and suddenly feels that her heart is about to jump to her throat.

Ye Feng saw that Amy was so charming and red on her face that she couldn't help but move. When she was in a state of mind, she immediately went up to kiss Amy.

Amy immediately closed her eyes and felt that at this moment, she was the happiest woman in the world. Even after another woman in her body appeared, she would never appear again, so she had no regrets.

The next morning, Ye Feng opens her eyes and looks at Amy lying beside her. She is holding herself tightly. Her mouth is slightly filled with a smile and she is still sleeping soundly.

Thinking of last night's scene, Ye Feng shakes his head. In fact, according to his previous urination, last night's scene should have happened on the night when he saw Amy. It's already too late.

Ye Feng got up from bed, lit a cigarette and stood in the window blowing the wind.

At this time, Amy on the bed also opened her eyes, looked at Ye Feng's back standing in the window, sat up from the bed and said, "wake up so early?"

Ye Feng smell speech to turn head toward Ai Mei a smile way, "you also wake up so early?"? Why don't you sleep for a while? "

Amy shook her head and said, "no, I don't have enough time now. I'm afraid it won't be me in the next second. I want to see you more!"

Amy also came down from the bed and went to the back of Ye Feng. She held Ye Feng tightly and touched Ye Feng's body. What she thought was scenes of last night and a warm feeling in her heart. What else in the world can make her happier than last night?

Ye Feng continued to smoke cigarettes, another hand stroked Amy, embracing her hand, soft voice and Amy said, "you don't have to worry about these. First, you can't control this, and no one can say what will happen next. Second, as I said, I will protect you! It won't make you disappear

Amy nodded her head firmly. She really believed that what Ye Feng said could be realized. She had never believed Ye Feng so much.But at this time, Amy thought of a wonderful question in her mind, and she couldn't help asking Ye Feng, "if she appeared, would you do the same with her?"

Ye Feng can't help but be stunned. After throwing away the cigarette end, she turns to face Amy and says with a smile, "which one?"

Amy's face turned red and said, "you know what you're asking!"

Ye Feng laughed, then shrugged his shoulders and said, "that's not necessarily!"

Amy immediately pinched Ye Feng's arm and said, "no!"

But Ye Feng said to Amy, "it's all your body. What are you afraid of?"

Amy was shocked when she heard that she was asked by Ye Feng. Yes, whether she came out by herself or another woman, her body was not her own?

But when I thought about it carefully, I felt that it was not right. I immediately said, "no matter, I can't!"

Ye Feng ha ha a smile in Amy's mouth after a kiss, this just said, "silly, although the body is yours, but consciousness is not yours, I think, also have people willing to do it!"

Amy thought so. She just nodded her head. Then she thought it was wrong. She immediately added, "she will, and she can't!"

Ye Feng smell speech is a smile again, repeatedly nod a way, "OK, OK, I promise you!"

Amy nodded with satisfaction and said, "that's about it!"

Ye Feng patted Amy on the back, then said, "go to sleep for a while?"

Amy shook her head and said, "I'm not sleepy. Do you still want to sleep?"

Ye Feng smiles at Amy and immediately picks her up. Then she walks towards the bed. As soon as she's ready to jump on her, Amy's phone rings.

Amy's face moved and immediately picked up the phone. As soon as she got through, her face changed a little. She said she knew and hung up.

Ye Feng frowned and asked Amy, "what's the matter?"

Amy stood up to dress and said to Ye Feng, "uncle is locked up. My uncle friend called me. I have to go there!"

Hearing this, Ye Feng jumped up from the bed, dressed quickly, and said to Amy, "I'll go with you!"

Amy doesn't object. She feels that she is particularly dependent on Ye Feng now. Even if ye Feng doesn't take the initiative to go, she will ask him to go with her.

After they quickly left the hotel and got on the bus, Amy suddenly remembered something and immediately said to Ye Feng, "by the way, if I disappear after a while, she comes out, my uncle's business..."

Without waiting for Amy to finish, Ye Feng immediately nodded, stepped on the gas, and the jeep immediately jumped out of the way, "I know, it's all on me!"

After listening to Ye Feng's words, Amy felt a little more secure. After all, there was such a big accident in her family that she had no parents since childhood. AI Gehua was her only relative. If even he had an accident, she would really become an orphan.

Amy looked at Ye Feng affectionately and said thank you sincerely.

Ye Feng took a look at Amy and said softly, "don't be silly. Isn't your uncle my uncle? Apart from this relationship, your uncle is still my friend! "

Amy nodded and said, "yes, you and my uncle are still friends." Then he was surprised and said, "you and my uncle are so different in age, and they seem to be out of place. How can you two become friends?"

Hearing this, Ye Feng said to Amy, "it's a long story. If you want to know, I can talk to you slowly when I have a chance in the future." Then he glanced at the rear mirror of the car and said, "we have to get rid of Scarlett first."

As soon as Amy heard this, her face suddenly moved, and she immediately looked back, only to see that there was a Mercedes Benz convertible behind the jeep, and it was Scarlett sitting in the car.

Amy couldn't help but wonder and said to Ye Feng, "does she dare to follow?"

Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders and said, "she hasn't got revenge yet. She won't let go so easily!"

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