Ye Feng said, immediately step on the accelerator to the end, Jeep immediately fish out, suddenly speed up push back feeling immediately.

And Scarlett's Mercedes Benz sports car also quickly followed behind, and was not thrown away at all. Ye Feng took a look in the rear mirror, and his heart moved. It seems that if he doesn't use some real skills, he can't expect to throw away Scarlett.

At this time, Ye Feng was driving towards a road junction. Seeing that the red light was about to turn, he immediately stepped on the accelerator and flew over. When he got to the traffic light, he immediately braked and stopped.

After Scarlett's car saw Ye Feng's Jeep speeding up, she immediately followed it. However, Ye Feng's car suddenly braked, which she had never expected. She immediately stepped on the accelerator and almost hit Ye Feng's car in front of her.

And just after she stopped the car, Ye Feng's car in front of her immediately heard the sound of the engine, jumped out again, ran the red light and flew out.

Scarlett didn't expect that Ye Feng would accelerate as soon as she stopped here. She would step on the accelerator as soon as she saw this. However, just at this moment, a large container truck came from one side, just passing the traffic light, and almost hit the back of the jeep.

After seeing that the truck came out, Scarlett, who had already moved her foot to the accelerator, quickly stopped and did not step down, otherwise the truck would directly hit the container truck.

After waiting for the container truck to drive by, Scarlett looked at the jeep opposite Ye Feng. She only saw the rear of the jeep.

The front row of cars turned green after driving. When Scarlett stepped on the accelerator to catch up, she could not see the jeep.

Scarlett didn't know whether she was anxious, angry or disappointed at this time. Finally, she drove the car to the side of the road, stopped with her foot on the brake, pinched Quanzhong and thumped heavily on the steering wheel.

At this time, Ye Feng had already driven the jeep away, and this kind of driving off for him was just a trick.

Amy took a look at the back of the car and was relieved to see that Scarlett's Mercedes Benz did not catch up.

Just now that scene can't help but let Amy think of the night before, Scarlett is also so driving and Ye Feng chase, finally shot himself.

Thinking of this, Amy can't help but think of her dying. She seems to see Ye Feng disappearing from her eyes. She suddenly looks at Ye Feng with awe inspiring heart. "Was I shot by Scarlett last time and died?"

Ye Feng said to Amy, "you are indeed hit and almost died, but you are rescued. If you die, how can you still sit here and talk to me?"

Naturally, Amy doesn't know that she is dead. Only brain waves still exist. Ye Feng saved her with Cao Yihai's research project. Du Yuexiu's appearance in her body is also a sequela of Amy's being saved.

But as she was dying, Amy still remembered that Ye Feng was disappearing from her eyes, but she didn't think much about it. She thought that it might be the feeling of death.

Thinking of this, Amy can't help nodding to Ye Feng, saying nothing more.

Ye Feng then asked Amy, "is your uncle in the Military Council?"

Amy shook her head and said, "this time it should be in the military detention room of the military court!" Said to take out the mobile phone out of the navigation, set in front of Ye Feng.

Ye Feng continued to drive forward according to the navigation route. About half an hour later, the navigation prompt had reached the end.

Ye Feng stops the jeep at the side of the road and takes a look at a building not far away. There are two soldiers standing guard at the door, which must be the location of the military court marked on the navigation.

Amy gets out of the car and goes anxiously to the other side. Ye Feng follows her and arrives at the gate of the military court. The soldiers immediately stop them and ask them what they are doing. This is a military area and no one else can enter.

Amy said immediately, "my uncle is locked up here by you. I'm going to go in and see him!"

The soldier immediately asked Amy, "do you have any visiting documents?"

Amy shook her head and said, "what visitation document?"

The soldier said, "we can't let you in without visiting documents."

Amy couldn't help it. She was worried and didn't know what to do.

Ye Feng sees that this is a military area after all. He is too skilled to break in without permission. After all, it also involves AI Gehua. People from the Military Commission may have taken AI Gehua because of his identity. If he makes any noise, he will not only be unable to help AI Gehua, but also harm him.

Ye Feng then reminded Amy, "by the way, where's the person who called you?"

Amy was too anxious just now. She had already forgotten about it. Now she was reminded by Ye Feng. She immediately remembered and picked up her mobile phone to dial a number.

After a few rings, the phone was connected immediately. Amy said to the phone immediately, "Uncle Phyllis, what's the situation with my uncle now? Where are you?"

After asking, listen to the people on the phone say a few words, said a know after hanging up.Ye Feng asked Amy, "what did he say?"

Amy said to Ye Feng, "he's communicating in it. Let's wait here. He'll come out and talk to us later."

Ye Feng Wen Yan nodded, said that at present, it can only be so.

Then Ye Feng let Amy and himself go back to the car and wait, don't stand here, other people's Guard soldiers also look in the way.

Two people sat in the car waiting for a long time, but did not see that Amy's final uncle Philips appeared, Amy some anxious want to call again to ask.

But Ye Feng said to Amy, "this matter has come to the military court. It's not a trivial matter. I won't communicate well in a word or two. I can't wait for you to hurry!"

Amy can't help but look at Ye Feng. Then she reaches for Ye Feng's hand and says in a soft voice, "it's good to have you by my side at this time. If it's not like this, I really don't know what to do!"

But Ye Feng patted Amy's hand as a sign of comfort, and then said with a bitter smile, "without me, your uncle might not have been in prison!"

Amy was shocked when she heard that it seemed that there was some truth. His uncle was arrested when he was accused by truss that he had contact with Ye Feng.

Although it's true, Amy doesn't blame Ye Feng. "It's not entirely your fault. It's all caused by this guy. I don't believe there's any collusion between you and my uncle!"

At this time, Ye Feng patted Amy's hand again and said, "after all, it's still related to me, but you can rest assured that I won't let general AI do so. I have my own plan in mind!"

Hearing this, Amy couldn't help looking at Ye Feng and said, "are you going to turn yourself in?"

But Ye Feng shrugged, "if that is the only way, I will not hesitate to choose this way!"

Hearing this, Amy couldn't help looking at Ye Feng in surprise and said, "so, what else do you have?"

Ye Feng then looked at Amy and said, "last time you said, do you know who killed me?"

Amy nodded and said, "yes, but don't you want to know who it is?"

Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders and said, "I don't really want to know, because it's meaningless, but now I think this is an excuse for me to talk with your organization!"

Hearing what Ye Feng said, Amy couldn't help looking at Ye Feng in surprise and said, "what do you mean?"

Ye Feng said to Amy, "you contact your boss and say that I have changed my mind. I plan to cooperate with you! On the condition that they tell me who killed me

Amy said to Ye Feng, "if you want to know, I can tell you..."

But Ye Feng said to Amy, "don't you understand? This is the condition for me to negotiate with your organization. If I already know and promise to cooperate with your organization, they will suspect that I have a ghost! "

Amy thought so, and then she took out her cell phone to dial a number and said, "Satan agreed to cooperate on the condition that she had to tell him who killed him!"

The man on the phone said, "Amy? Didn't you escape to Stewart Island with Satan? Are you back? "

Ye Feng see Amy a hesitation, obviously do not know how to lie, he immediately motioned Amy will call himself.

He took Amy's phone and immediately said, "I almost can't come back on Stewart Island. They already know who I am? Did you make the wind? "

However, the other side repeatedly denied, "it's not us, but we can find out who disclosed it. Your organization has been infiltrated for a long time. We are definitely not the only organization. It's reasonable for you to have this kind of experience!"

Ye Feng immediately said, "no more nonsense, let's cooperate!"

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