Listening to Ye Feng, the other side immediately asked him where he was and when it was convenient to meet.

Ye Feng said to the other side, "we could have met at any time, but now there is something wrong. There is something wrong with general AI Gehua of the Navy. I'm trying to deal with it. If general AI's affairs are not handled properly, it is estimated that our meeting will be postponed indefinitely!"

The other side listen to Ye Feng so say, immediately after a burst of silence, this just sneer a way, "you this where is cooperation, is obvious threat?"

Ye Feng smell speech but a smile way, "listen to you this tone, to this matter is not surprised at all, this shows that you also know this matter! What's more, cooperation is also a matter of discussion. When we talk about it, we have our own requirements and interests. My conditions have been put forward. It's your business to answer or not! Don't force it

With that, Ye Feng hung up and didn't give the conversation a chance, that is, he didn't give the other party a chance to bargain.

Amy see Ye Feng suddenly hang up the phone, is also a face surprised looking at Ye Feng way, "they agreed?"

Ye Feng shrugged and gave the phone back to Amy. Then he said, "I don't know. I didn't give them the chance to answer, but I don't have to hear the answer on the phone. After a while, I'll know whether they agreed or not."

Amy looked at Ye Feng and said, "do you mean that my organization will get in touch with the people of the Military Commission and let the people of the Military Commission release people?"

Ye Feng, on the other hand, said to Amy, "we will not let you, but coordinate. After all, your organization and the Military Commission belong to the government. This should be a matter that can be coordinated within them!"

Amy couldn't help pondering at this time. After a long time, she thought of something again. Then she asked Ye Feng, "you just said, do they know this?"

Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders and said, "I don't know. I guess. After all, they are all in the same circle. I guess they should know a little. But after listening to their tone, they don't ask me who I am. I think they know it!"

Just at this time, Amy saw a man coming out near the gate of the military court. She immediately said to Ye Feng, "Uncle Philip is out!"

The foreigner, Philip, looks like he is in his fifties. He has silver hair and a silver beard. When he comes out, he stands at the door and looks around as if he is looking for Ye Feng and Amy.

Amy gets out of the car and Ye Feng follows her immediately.

When Philip saw Amy, he immediately came to meet her, but with a disappointed face, he shook his head and said, "your uncle is no longer here!"

Amy couldn't help but move when she heard that, "not here? Where have you been? "

Philip and Amy said, "this military court is just a branch of inver Cargill. Your uncle's case can't be handled here. You have to go to the military court in Wellington!"

As soon as Amy heard this, she asked Philip anxiously, "what should we do now? Is there no other way? "

Philip said to Amy, "I've contacted my friends in Wellington. Let them help me find out first! I think we'll have to go to Wellington for details! "

Amy said immediately, "let's go to Wellington now!"

Philip nodded, "OK!"

But Ye Feng said, "don't worry, wait and see again!"

Amy can't help looking at Ye Feng in surprise, but she thinks of something.

Philip looked at Ye Feng in surprise and asked Amy, "who is he?"

Amy didn't speak yet. Ye Feng held out her hand to Philip and said, "I'm Amy's boyfriend!"

Philip looked at Amy in consternation, said a word how did not hear you said, then looked at Ye Feng, this just reached out and Ye Feng simple grip, then released.

After releasing his hand, Philip asked Ye Feng, "now the affairs of aigohua are very complicated. If you go late, it's estimated that you can't really help. Why do you have to wait? Don't you want to save Edgar? "

But Ye Feng stares at Philip and then says, "we have our own way to save uncle AI, so we don't worry about you!"

Then she reached for Amy's hand and walked toward the jeep, but Amy was surprised and said, "what's the matter?" Then he said in a low voice, "I know you are waiting for my reply from the organization, but if they don't agree, uncle Philip has a lot of contacts. With his help, we can save a lot of things!"

But Ye Feng didn't say anything. She directly pulled Amy into the car. After Amy sat down, she immediately started the car. As soon as she stepped on the gas, the car immediately left the side of the road.

Amy's face is inexplicable, and Philip standing on the side of the road is also surprised, watching Ye Feng drive away.

Amy then asked Ye Feng, "you must be hiding something from me? You don't want to leave suddenly for no reason

Ye Feng then said to Ye Feng, "your uncle Philip is not a mortal, is he?"

Ai Mei a listen to Ye Feng this words, the facial expression can't help but move a way, "isn't a mortal, what meaning?"Ye Feng said to Amy, "as soon as I saw him just now, I felt that he was unusual. Whether he walked or talked, he revealed that this person was not simple The most important thing is that when I shake hands with him, I obviously feel that he has a layer of calluses in his hands! "

Amy can't help but be surprised to say to Ye Feng, "I heard my uncle say that uncle Philip used to be his comrade in arms. I know what you mean. Do you want to say that he held the gun?"

Ye Feng said to Amy, "it's not the problem that he used to be a soldier or a robber. His calluses only exist when he holds a gun all the time. If he doesn't hold a gun for a long time, the calluses do exist, but it's definitely not what he feels now. The calluses in his palm are accumulated over the years. In other words, he has never been able to hold a gun for a long time My career is also related to the barrel of a gun! Do you know that? "

Amy can't help shaking her head when she heard Ye Feng say that, "I heard my uncle say that after uncle Philip retired from the army, he went to do business, and it's said that he did a good job! It's impossible to hold a gun, isn't it? Is he in any gun club? "

Ye Feng said to Amy, "it can't be any gun club. Those guns are just for you to play in your spare time. But this kind of callosity shows that he takes at least five hours a day with guns? What gun club can let members hold guns for five hours? "

After hearing what Ye Feng said, Amy can't help pondering. What Ye Feng said is that no club will let its members hold their guns for so long. What's more, even if the club has no restrictions, its members can't play for so long by themselves?

Thinking of this, Amy asked Ye Feng, "what do you mean by that? So what do you think uncle Philip does? "

Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders and said, "I can't tell you the details, but his career is definitely related to coercion! His profession must always hold a gun! Although I can't tell immediately what his specific occupation is, because of this factor, does the scope immediately narrow down? "

When Amy heard what Ye Feng said, she immediately pondered again. After thinking for a long time, she asked Ye Feng, "are you doubting him?"

Ye Feng said to Amy positively, "although I can't say the reason, I can tell you two points for sure. First, your uncle Philip is definitely not as simple as you think. Second, your uncle's arrest must be related to this Philip!"

Amy couldn't help but move when she heard that, "are you worried too much? My uncle and uncle Philip have a very good relationship. It's impossible that my uncle's business has something to do with him, isn't it? Why are you so suspicious? There's a reason, isn't there? "

Ye Feng shrugged at Amy and said, "I said, I can't say the reason, it's all my intuition told me!"

Amy couldn't help looking at Ye Feng in surprise and said, "intuition?"

Ye Feng knew that Amy was dubious, so he reminded her, "I forgot to tell you. My intuition is always accurate. So far, the accuracy of my intuition is as high as 100%! There has never been an exception

When Amy heard what Ye Feng said, she was stunned. She looked at Ye Feng for a long time and then said, "that is to say, you are sure that uncle Philip and my uncle have been arrested?"

Ye Feng nodded and said, "although I don't know how to explain it to you, I still have this feeling! And it's getting stronger and stronger. That's why I'm sure to tell you! "

Then she saw Amy looking at herself with a dubious look on her face. She frowned and said, "don't you believe me?"

Hearing Ye Feng's question, Amy couldn't help thinking, "no, I'm just thinking, so what should we do now?"

Ye Feng immediately said to Amy, "first, try not to contact Philip. After all, we don't know his real purpose so far. Second, I believe there will be a response soon after you get the news from the organization."

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