Just then, Amy's mobile phone rings. She takes it up and says to Ye Feng, "it's my superior!"

Ye Feng can't help nodding to Amy and signaling her to connect the phone, but she doesn't say anything.

After Amy got through, she listened to the superior on the other end of the line say a lot of words, then nodded and said, "I see!"

After hanging up the phone, Amy said to Ye Feng, "the superior said that they can consider your conditions, but they must not talk face to face!"

Ye Feng shrugged at Amy and said, "I said before that you can't be the master, so your superiors and I can't talk about it, but your superiors directly refused, now they want to talk about it? Hum

Amy can't help but ask Ye Feng, "what do you mean? Shall I refuse for you? "

Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders and said, "there's no need. I've heard about your superior for a long time, but I don't have a chance to see him! It's good to have a chance to meet your uncle this time. "

Hearing Ye Feng say this, Amy can't help saying, "my superior told me that if you agree, I will let you go to show Clinton park now, and he will wait for you there!"

Ye Feng immediately turned around and went to show Clinton park. Su Yiran didn't know much about the terrain of inverkajil, but he still knew the show Clinton park.

But after Ye Feng turned around, he asked Amy, "your superior said, if I promise to meet you, I will go to show Clinton park. What if I refuse?"

Amy can't help but move when she listens to Ye Feng's question. After staring at Ye Feng for a long time, she says, "it's nothing. Haven't you promised to meet?"

Ye Feng sneered, took out a cigarette and lit it. He was smoking and driving, saying nothing.

After seeing Ye Feng's expression, Amy herself couldn't help saying to Ye Feng, "he said, if you don't want to meet, let me continue to carry out plan B!"

Ye Feng can't help frowning at Amy and says, "plan B?"

Amy immediately said, "plan a, you know, let me persuade you to agree to cooperate with them. Plan B, you have seen, is the plan that Shrek and Scarlett pursue you and continue to carry out plan B, don't you understand? Just keep killing you! "

Hearing what Amy said, Ye Feng said with a smile, "your organization has no human feelings. Once it can't cooperate with you, it must die before it can stop?"

Amy sighed, "in fact, I don't know whether it's good or bad for you to organize cooperation with us in order to save my uncle this time."

Ye Feng said to Amy, "you don't have to worry. It's a blessing or a disaster, but it can't be avoided! Those who should come will come. I've never seen Shrek and Scarlett's pursuit before

Amy sighed again and didn't speak for a long time. She didn't know what to say at this time.

During the period of contact with Ye Feng, Amy has more or less understood Ye Feng. Ye Feng generally says what he says, and basically no one will change anything.

But Amy always feels that if ye Feng agrees to cooperate with her organization this time, she has a kind of bad feeling. She always feels that if both sides meet this time, they may reach a consensus on saving her uncle. AI Gehua is likely to be OK soon, but it is likely that one wave will not be leveled and another wave will rise, and there may be more waves after that, just I can't think of it yet.

Amy thought but didn't speak. She just looked at Ye Feng from time to time. Many times she wanted to ask Ye Feng a few questions, but she didn't speak.

Soon Ye Feng drove the car to show Clinton park. After the car stopped, Ye Feng asked Amy, "where can I meet you?"

Amy didn't say anything. Immediately after getting off the bus, she said to Ye Feng, "follow me!"

After getting out of the car, Ye Feng followed Amy and walked into Xiu Clinton park. He walked all the way to the woods in the center of the lake. Then he came to a bar stool and sat down. Then he said to Ye Feng, "wait here. He'll be there soon!"

Ye Feng sat on the stool with Amy, smoking a cigarette and sneering, "your superior is really dragging. I'm late to meet you. I don't have any sincerity to ask the guests to wait!"

Amy just wanted to say something. Then she looked into the distance. Her face moved slightly toward Ye Feng and said, "here comes the man!"

Ye Feng followed Amy's eyes and looked into the distance. But not far away came a man in a khaki windbreaker, with a western style politeness. The brim of his hat was too low to see his face clearly. The only thing he could tell was that he was a man!

When the man walks in, Ye Feng throws the cigarette end in his hand and looks at the person coming. However, he sees that the man comes to the front and back of Amy and Ye Feng, and then he takes off his politeness.

See the appearance of the person in front of you, Ye Feng's face suddenly changed, and immediately stood up, with a face shocked look at the person in front of you, but did not say a word.

But the man nodded to Ye Feng, "Satan, I didn't expect that we would meet like this!" Said also toward the leaf maple stretched out a hand.But Ye Feng frowned and looked at the humanity in front of him, "Jackson? How could you be Amy's superior? "

The person standing in front of Ye Feng is none other than Jackson, the director of scientific research department of TSL on Stewart Island.

At this time, Jackson said with a smile to Ye Feng, "Jackson is just my name in TSL, I'm actually Tom!" Said and will stretch out the hand, toward the leaf maple close a little.

Ye Feng did not hold Jackson's hand, or Tom's hand, but looked at him and said, "did you enter TSL purposefully, or did you change in the middle of it?"

Tom then lit a cigarette and looked at it. Amy said in surprise, "Amy, go and find a stool next to you and have a rest. I'll talk to Satan about something personal."

Amy is shocked, but she looks at Ye Feng, as if she is asking for Ye Feng's advice.

Ye Feng nodded to Amy, indicating that she could leave. Then she turned and walked away. She went to a stool not far away and sat down, but her eyes were always staring at Ye Feng and Tom.

Tom shrugged his shoulders and asked Ye Feng, "don't we just stand and talk? May I sit down? "

Ye Feng noncommittal of oneself sit down, take out a cigarette to light again, also don't say what with Tom.

Tom didn't say much. After shrugging his shoulders, he immediately sat on Ye Feng's side and smoked a cigarette. Then he said to Ye Feng, "in fact, I was recruited by TSL with a purpose. It can be said that I went in to be an undercover!"

Although Ye Feng had thought of this question, he still asked Tom, "well, since you have successfully been inside TSL, why do you still want me to cooperate with you? You don't know the inside of TSL worse than me, do you? You can take your organization, or the New Zealand Army, and wipe out Stuart island! "

Tom smokes a cigarette and says to Ye Feng, "you're right. With my years of experience in TSL undercover and my knowledge of Stewart Island, I can do it, but I can't do it!"

Ye Feng did not ask why, just smoking cigarettes looking at Tom, he knows that he is not asking, Tom will take the initiative to tell himself.

Sure enough, Tom continued to say to Ye Feng after smoking a cigarette, "it's undeniable that I can do this, but we recently found that TSL is not a pure individual or a private spy organization. In fact, it has greater strength behind it. However, we haven't found any clue about this, but if we don't, There won't be any breakthrough either, so after we held a meeting and discussed, we worked out the latest method, that is, TSL must have a breakthrough, and there will be a big change, so that its secret can be made public. My undercover career has been very secret, and so far no one has found it. So we must develop a new candidate to break this deadlock Li, break the stable situation of TSL and force the forces behind it to rise. But I must continue to lurk, dig out the greater forces behind it and eradicate TSL completely. This is our ultimate goal, not just killing some people on the island. To be honest, it's too easy for us! "

Ye Feng can't help but move when he hears what Tom said. In fact, even if he doesn't hear what Tom said, he knows that there must be some support behind TSL. Otherwise, it's impossible to do so much. In New Zealand, almost everyone knows that TSL and Stewart Island have problems, and they have been standing for so many years. However, the confidentiality of TSL has always been strict.

In addition, Ye Feng strictly abides by a doctrine of curiosity to kill cats. In fact, he doesn't go to find out more. In the final analysis, even if there is any greater strength behind TSL, what does it have to do with himself? He is just a team leader of the secret service department. How can he manage so much.

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