Tom saw that Ye Feng didn't speak all the time. Then he looked at Ye Feng and said, "after hearing what I said, do you still plan to cooperate with us?"

Ye Feng shrugged at Tom and said, "why don't you cooperate? But before the cooperation, have you considered the two conditions I mentioned?

Tom immediately said to Ye Feng, "we can help you realize one of your two conditions at present! On the other hand, we'll finish it for you after TSL is completely broken down! "

Ye Feng immediately said, "let go of AI Gehua first!" Then he instinctively glanced at Amy sitting not far away. "After all, Amy is also one of your people..."

But Tom said to Ye Feng, "if you are so demanding, we will choose to tell you who killed you last time!"

Ye Feng a listen to this words, complexion immediately move ground looking at Tom way, "you are intentionally with me opposite come?"? The more I ask for something, the less you will agree to it? "

But Tom said with a smile to Ye Feng, "in fact, Amy wanted to tell you the answer before, but your interest is not very big. This time, you asked for it. It's strange. In addition, you asked us to help AI Gehua at the same time. This shows that your request this time is actually to help AI Gehua. As for the previous request, it's just a mistake You're just letting it go! "

Speaking of this, Tom looked at Ye Feng and said, "am I right?"

Ye Feng stared at Tom for a long time, he did not retort, the other side is not so stupid as he thought.

Tom saw that Ye Feng didn't speak, and immediately said, "I don't know our condition. Are you still considering cooperation?"

Ye Feng then took another look at Ai Mei. He knew that if he refused to cooperate, they would not let AI Gehua go easily.

Although I still have some self-confidence in my ability, I have not been arrogant enough to fight against the New Zealand military and go directly to the military court to rob people.

Although it's not like I haven't done anything like this before, it's also the arrangement in advance in the organization, and the division of labor in the team can finally save people smoothly.

If it's just a single person, Ye Feng's ability is limited no matter how big he is.

What's more, one of the most important problems is that even if he can really save aigohua, aigohua will not be able to stay in New Zealand.

And with Ye Feng's understanding of AI Gehua, even if he went to save him, AI Gehua would not easily follow him.

Tom saw Ye Feng staring at him all the time, but he didn't speak. Then he took a look at the watch on his wrist and said, "what's up?"

Ye Feng nodded at this time and said, "yes! no problem! But you need to protect aigohua's safety! And if I find out that you lied to me Although you are an undercover, you are also an old man in TSL. You should know my means. Even if I burn all the stones, I won't let you continue to live in this world! "

Tom can't help but move when he hears Ye Feng's words. It's true that Ye Feng's name of Satan is unknown in the industry, let alone within TSL. Generally speaking, the industry calls Satan's threat a death notice, which means that what he says will be realized. Whoever he targets will surely die.

Thinking of this, Tom swallowed a mouthful of saliva and said, "I see!"

Ye Feng stared at Tom for a moment, then said, "and, Cao Yihai's research project, are you going to bring it out?"

Tom said to Ye Feng, "I hope you can bring it out, but we are not sure if you are Satan! Now that your identity has been exposed, it's very difficult for you to bring it out again. You don't need to ask about it. I've asked Tacla for help! "

Ye Feng asked Tom, "does Tacla know your true identity?"

Tom shook his head and said, "I don't know! He even objected, but it's not a problem. Don't worry about it. 1 "

Ye Feng said to Tom," as you said just now, my identity has been exposed. That is to say, when I return to Stewart Island of TSL, I may be found immediately. What else can I do for you? "

Tom said to Ye Feng, "you don't have to worry about this. The logistics support of our organization is not worse than TSL at all. We can meet all the treatment you thought of before and all your requirements!"

Ye Feng looked at Tom thoughtfully for a while and said, "since your organization is so powerful, you must also be a network group of talents. Why do you have to use me?"

Tom said to Ye Feng, "you're right. There are a lot of talents here, but there are no more than three people in the world who can kill Dante. You are one of them. We can't take this risk. Once the task fails, there is no chance to come back again. Besides, so far, we know you among the three! So who are you going to give up? "

Ye Feng heard Tom say, "are you going to kill Dante?"

Tom said to Ye Feng, "it's easier for you to kill calmness than to bring calmness out of Stewart Island, isn't it?"

Ye Feng did not speak, Tom immediately said, "you may not know recently that TSL has formed two factions since your death, one is the old school led by dromus, the other is the rookie school led by Dante, and now almost the rookie school has occupied the dominant position. Your teacher, Fu dromus, is almost in a state of being elevated, so we should take the lead to solve Dante The rest of dromus are old and weak soldiers, which is not enough. Besides, as long as Dante dies, TSL will inevitably have civil strife, and there will be a big fight between the two factions. That's the best time for our external forces to completely collapse TSL and occupy Stewart Island! "Ye Feng suddenly understood Tom's overall plan, but he also knew that once he knew their overall plan, Tom and they would not easily let go of themselves, but at least after they helped them complete the task.

Thinking of this, Ye Feng nodded and promised Tom, "OK, I'll kill Dante!"

Tom said, "it's not enough to kill him, but to blame dromus!"

Ye Feng can't help wrinkling when he hears the words, but Tom says immediately, "we all know that zhuomus is your master, but we have been asking you whether you want to know, who killed you in the end?"

Listen to Tom say so, Ye Feng heart can't help a Lin, to tell the truth, in fact, before he really don't want to know who, and he will TSL people have thought about it, there are several possible list in his heart, but really never thought it might be his teacher Fu zhuomus.

To tell you the truth, zhuomus is not good to him, and even a little too strict. When he was a child, as long as he made any mistakes, no matter how big or small, he would lose a layer of skin in zhuomus' hands.

But in fact, later Ye Feng knew that he was able to survive to the end, thanks to the strict requirements of zhuomus. If it wasn't for him, he would not have today's himself. Therefore, for so long, Ye Feng was grateful to zhuomus.

But now Tom can't help but move when he heard that. But it's reasonable to think about it carefully. He was trained by zhuomus. He wanted to retire before. Although he said it with zhuomus, he was also notifying zhuomus. There was no room for negotiation at all. This is tantamount to beating zhuomus in the face in disguise.

In addition, zhuomus is ruthless. He will not be merciful to anyone who is harmful to the organization. Although he is his most proud student, he may also be in trouble.

Tom looked at Ye Feng and saw that he didn't speak. Then he said, "don't you believe it?"

Ye Feng shrugged at Tom and said, "I can't believe it or not. Since you've made such a decision, I'll do it!"

Tom saw that Ye Feng agreed so readily. Instead, he looked at Ye Feng incredulously and said, "he's your master!"

Ye Feng said in a deep voice, "of course I know he is my master, Dante or my younger martial brother! So what? "

Tom can't help but take a breath of air-conditioning. After all, he has always been a logistics worker. He also knows that Ye Feng and his family have lived a life of licking blood at the edge of a knife for so many years. In their eyes, maybe no one can't be killed. Family friendship doesn't seem to be so important.

In fact, Tom didn't care about these. What he really thought of was what made him afraid. Ye Feng didn't even look at the master zhuomus. If they really cheated Ye Feng after the task ended, it would be no big difference between killing himself and killing a chicken in his eyes.

Thinking of this, Tom could not help feeling a chill in his neck, as if his neck might leave him at any time.

Ye Feng then said to Tom, "you are so ready. Please contact me at any time. I will go to the island at any time."

Tom heard Ye Feng say so, also nodded, said nothing, stood up, put on the hat and walked away immediately.

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