As soon as Tom left, Amy came over and asked Ye Feng, "how are you talking with him? When are they going to let my uncle go? "

But Ye Feng said to Amy, "they have promised that they will release your uncle, but..."

Before Ye Feng finished, Amy immediately asked Ye Feng, "but what?"

Ye Feng sighed, "they can't release your uncle for the time being. If they release your uncle now, I won't listen to them like this. Even if I listen to them on the surface, they won't rest assured!"

"What do you mean?" Amy can't help looking at Ye Feng. "Do you mean they took my uncle as a hostage?"

Ye Feng nodded slightly and said, "you can understand that, but don't worry, I'll be your uncle!"

As soon as Amy heard this, she immediately took out her cell phone and was about to call Tom, muttering, "how can they do this?"

Ye Feng reaches out to stop Amy and says to her, "you don't have to make this call. Even if you do, the result is the same, because Tom can't be the master at all!"

Amy ponders after hearing that Ye Feng has something to say. She is with Tom, and naturally knows that Tom is in charge of their group. In fact, Stewart Island is backed by a national force, even an international force. Tom is just a contact with Ye Feng.

Thinking of this, Amy could not help sighing, and then sat on the bench, pondering for a long time without speaking.

Ye Feng then looked at Amy and patted her on the shoulder, indicating that she didn't have to worry too much. "I said, I'll be responsible for this in the end. If your uncle has any problems, I won't let them go!"

Amy sniffed at Ye Feng and said, "I knew their plan originally, but deliberately didn't let me just stand here to listen. There must be something I didn't know. They must have asked you to complete more difficult tasks, right?"

Ye Feng looked at Amy with admiration, and then said with a smile, "I can't see. Now my Amy has learned to use her brain?"

Amy can't help but look at Ye Feng. It doesn't mean she didn't have a brain before, but this time is not the time to compete with Ye Feng.

And listen to Ye Feng said my Amy, Amy's heart or feel warm, at this time will take the initiative to put the head over, pillow on Ye Feng's shoulder, "I'm not very stupid, can't help?"

Ye Feng put her arm around Amy's shoulder and said in a soft voice, "you just don't have more rigorous training. They want you to go. They just like your beauty and don't develop your other potential. In fact, you are already very powerful. You can always see some potential problems clearly at the key time!"

Amy sighed, "you don't have to comfort me. In fact, I know, especially recently, I'm not suitable for this business at all!"

Ye Feng patted Amy on the shoulder and said softly, "in fact, you..."

Amy said, "you really don't have to comfort me. I really know I'm not suitable for this business. After my uncle comes out, I'll find a class that he thinks is suitable for me."

After hearing what Amy said, Ye Feng nodded, "if you think so, it's the best! After all, the classes your uncle arranged for you may be boring, but they must be safe. You are his only relative, and everything he does is for you! "

Amy could not help nodding and said, "in fact, I know that it's just that I never seriously thought about this problem before. I didn't know what was the most important to me until my uncle was arrested this time!"

Ye Feng nodded again and said, "it's not too late to know now!"

At this time, Amy looked up at Ye Feng and said, "in fact, this time, besides discovering the importance of family affection, I also found that..." He said with a blush on his face, "you are very important to me, too!"

Ye Feng smell speech toward Ai Mei a smile, hand touched Ai Mei handsome face way, "I know!"

Amy said, "you don't know, you don't know how important you are in my heart!"

With that, Amy reached out to hold Ye Feng's hand and stroked her face. She said to Ye Feng solemnly, "for you, I can die. For you, I can even give up all I have..."

Ye Feng is moved by this, reaches out and hugs Amy in her arms, kisses her on the forehead and says, "I know, I know all about it!"

Amy still shook her head and said, "no, you still don't understand what I mean. I mean, although my uncle is the only relative for me, if saving him will make you dangerous, I would rather not save him. If the task given to you by the organization is very dangerous, you can give up. Let's leave here first, leave the scope of the organization, and then we can think about other things How can I save my uncle? "

Hearing what Amy said, Ye Feng frowned at her and said, "he's your uncle, your only relative!"

Amy nodded and said, "I know. Of course I know. In this world, before I met you, my uncle was the best and the only one who was good to me. Of course I know that, but..."Said Amy, looking at Ye Feng reddeningly, "but I love you. I really love you. Before you, I didn't know that I could love someone so selfishly that I could even give up my family for a while! I don't know why I have this idea, but this is really my most real idea at this moment. I don't want to cheat you! So for you, I would rather give up everything here with you, live the life you want, and never show up again! Even if it's going to a foreign country, they've been wandering all their lives. I'm not afraid. The only thing I'm afraid of is losing you and never seeing you again! "

Hearing what Amy said, Ye Feng couldn't help but move. He didn't think that Amy would say these words to himself. Looking at her eyes turning red, he knew that every word Amy said was from the bottom of his heart, and there was absolutely no lie.

Thinking of this, Ye Feng hugs Amy tightly in her arms. After a deep kiss on her forehead, she hugs Amy tightly. She hasn't spoken for a long time.

At this time, Amy's tears can't stop flowing down, and she doesn't know whether she is worried and sad because she can't save AI Gehua, or whether she is happy because she has found her true love.

At this time, Ye Feng said softly to Amy, "don't worry, I won't make it so difficult for you to do it. I know you love me so much that you can not save your uncle for the time being, but I won't let you do it. I will have the best of both worlds. I will save your uncle and I won't separate from you!"

Amy then slowly pushed away Ye Feng and wiped the tears from her eyes. Looking at Ye Feng, she said, "are you serious?"

Ye Feng also looked at Amy with the most positive eyes and said, "I don't easily promise others. Once I say it, I will never change it!"

After hearing what Ye Feng said, Amy immediately hugs Ye Feng, kisses Ye Feng's mouth, and Ye Feng hugs Amy.

After a warm kiss, Amy slowly pushed Ye Feng away and asked him, "so what do they want you to do this time? Can you tell me? Maybe I can help you? "

But Ye Feng shook his head and said, "it's no different from before. It's just one more thing. It's a little more difficult for people on the island to fight against each other, but it can't defeat me! Don't follow me. I'll finish the task quickly this time, and then I'll come back to you! "

Amy said immediately, "didn't you hear what I just said? I can't leave you for a moment now! I'm going with you... "

After hearing the speech, Ye Feng is also struggling. Yes, Amy's physical condition is special now. Who knows when she will change from Amy to Du Yuexiu.

It doesn't matter if it's just an instant change. It's just that in the process of switching between Amy and Du Yuexiu, there will always be a coma for a few seconds or even longer. If there is any accident at that time, what should we do?

But if you take Amy with you, Amy can't help you. In case of any problems, she is likely to become a bargaining chip.

When Ye Feng thought of this, he couldn't help wondering whether to bring Amy or not. It seemed that there was a problem, and for a moment, he really couldn't think of any way to achieve both.

When Amy saw that Ye Feng didn't say a word, she sighed, "I know you don't want to take me, so I won't go. I also know that if I go, I may not only be unable to help you, but also become a burden to you, so I'll stay!"

Seeing that Amy is so sensible, Ye Feng can't help but take a look at her. But she still thinks that staying can't guarantee her safety. This problem is really a headache.

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