At this time, Ye Feng saw a woman standing on the edge of the woods not far away. Her eyes were staring at her side. Who was Scarlett?

Ye Feng had to admire Scarlett's tracking technology. Last time she was able to track aigohua's manor, she had already thrown her away, but she still followed her.

Ye Feng saw Scarlett looking at herself and immediately said to Amy, "you go to the car first, and I'll find you in a moment!"

Amy followed Ye Feng's eyes to see Scarlett, and her face suddenly moved toward her, "she's catching up so soon? Are you haunted? "

But Ye Feng still said, "you go up first, I'll find you later! We shall go now! Remember to lock the doors and windows! "

Amy smelled what she wanted to say, but she didn't dare to ask more when she saw Ye Feng's face. Then she went to the jeep on one side.

Ye Feng is still standing in the same place, after watching Amy get on the car, he just walked towards Scarlett.

Scarlett didn't move when she saw Ye Feng coming towards her. She stood in the same place waiting for Ye Feng to come to her.

Ye Feng went to Scarlett's face, looked at her and said, "what do you want? I didn't make it clear to you that your current ability can't kill me! "

Scarlett didn't speak. After staring at Ye Feng for a long time, she said to Ye Feng, "I want to worship you as a teacher!"

When Ye Feng heard this, his face suddenly moved. He even doubted whether he had heard it wrong. He looked at Scarlett in surprise and said, "what did you say?"

Scarlett immediately said to Ye Feng, "I just said, I want to worship you as my teacher!"

Ye Feng is sure that he didn't hear it wrong. Then he frowns at Scarlett and says, "are you wrong? I'm the murderer who killed Shrek. Do you want to learn from a murderer? "

But Scarlett snorted to Ye Feng, "I think very clearly. You're right. With my ability now, I really can't kill you. That's why I think of you as my teacher. After learning your skills, I'll kill you myself and avenge Shrek!"

Ye Feng still looks at Scarlett in surprise, and then mumbles, "are you crazy? You're crazy. I'm not crazy! I tell you, I don't have time to be crazy with you! "

But Scarlett sneered at Ye Feng and said, "what? Are you afraid? "

But after staring at Scarlett for a long time, Ye Feng felt that she was going to be angry with Scarlett. He couldn't help laughing and said, "do you want to worship me as a teacher? Do I have to take you? And what I've taught you is to kill myself? My brain is broken, I will promise you, right? You don't think I'll promise you, do you? "

But Scarlett said with a confident smile, "you are right. You will promise me!"

Ye Feng said to Scarlett immediately, "it's impossible. I won't accept you as an apprentice. Don't be paranoid!"

Scarlett said immediately, "are you afraid that I will surpass you and kill you

Ye Feng sneered and said, "it's useless for me to use this kind of provocation. To tell you the truth, even if I accept you as an apprentice, you can't kill me. Besides, I don't have time to accept you as an apprentice at all!"

Scarlett shrugged and said, "you will promise me, because I can solve the problem in front of you!"

Ye Feng frowned at Scarlett and said, "my problem?"

But Scarlett said to Ye Feng, "have you reached any agreement with the official organization of New Zealand now? Are you going to do something for them? When you go on a mission, can't you take the women around you? "

Ye Feng listen to Scarlett said so much, heart can't help looking at Scarlett, didn't expect this girl can see so many problems?

But Scarlett sneered at Ye Feng and said, "you don't have to stare at me. I can tell you that I can help you protect your woman when you are on a mission. After you finish your mission, I will give it to you personally!"

When Ye Feng hears the speech, she looks at Scarlett with a confident smile. She is looking at herself, as if she has her handle.

Thinking of this, Ye Feng sneered, "do you think I would be so stupid, I give her to you, is not equal to give you a hostage to coerce myself?"

But Scarlett said, "in fact, you don't have to worry about it. Of course, it's normal for you to worry about it, but I'll let you give it up, because you can have a hostage in your hand!"

Ye Feng smell speech can't help staring at Scarlett after a look, and then looked around, but didn't find anyone else.

But Scarlett said to Ye Feng, "you don't have to look, I'm the only one around here, and the hostage I'm talking about is myself!"

Ye Feng smell speech eyebrow can't help but a wrinkly looking at Scarlett way, "you yourself?"

Scarlett shrugged her shoulders and said, "yes, it's me. I'll help you find someone to take care of your woman, and I'll always be with you. First, I can help you as your assistant. Second, I can learn from you. Third, I'm still your hostage. Is it perfect to reduce your worry about your woman becoming a hostage?"Ye Feng can't help but move when she listens to Scarlett's words. To tell the truth, Scarlett's idea is really good. At this time, she is worried about not being able to take Amy, but also about Amy's safety.

If she can really get into what Scarlett said, she can help herself find someone to take care of Amy. She really doesn't have any worries, but after all, she killed Shrek. The revenge is here. How can she believe Scarlett's words so easily.

Scarlett seems to see Ye Feng's worry, immediately toward Ye Feng said, "are you afraid of me?"

Ye Feng knows that Scarlett is exciting herself, but she still says to Scarlett, "your plan is really good, but there is a problem that I need to understand!"

Scarlett immediately said to Ye Feng, "you can ask!"

After staring at Scarlett for a long time, Ye Feng lit a cigarette and then asked, "how did you find me?"

Scarlett shrugged her shoulders and said, "after so many years of carrying out so many missions and killing so many people, if I can't find my own prey, I've been in this business in vain for so long. Naturally, I have my way!"

Ye Feng a think is also, can't help nodding, then said, "I can promise your conditions, but I also have a condition!"

Scarlett saw that Ye Feng had a tendency to promise, and immediately said, "you said, as long as you promise me, I can promise you any conditions!"

Ye Feng was smoking a cigarette. After a while of pondering, she said to Scarlett, "you can follow me. I won't teach you anything by hand. I can only see your own understanding!"

Scarlett was silent, but she finally nodded and said, "I'm not stupid. You don't have to teach me anything by yourself. I believe I can learn something!"

Ye Feng nodded and immediately said, "you can take revenge, but I have to wait until I finish the task. When I see that Amy is safe!"

Scarlett can't help but sneer, "you never thought, in fact, I'm by your side, this is your nightmare, even if I promise you now, it doesn't mean I won't change my mind, don't forget, my purpose of approaching you is to kill you, I don't guarantee that I won't move this kind of mind!"

Ye Feng hears a burst of silence, but Scarlett immediately says with a smile, "how? Scared? Aren't you very confident? Are you afraid that I will take revenge on you? "

Ye Feng takes a deep breath. At this time, he really has no other choice. After all, he has no friends in New Zealand. Now the only thing he can trust is the woman who wants to kill herself for revenge. Maybe no one will believe it.

Scarlett see Ye Feng silent, can not help but immediately sneer, "I thought you are really not afraid of it, did not expect there are so many concerns?"

Ye Feng smokes a cigarette. In fact, he is not really afraid of what Scarlett will do to him. He is just worried that after he takes Scarlett to Stewart Island, if the woman suddenly thinks that she has learned enough skills and wants to start revenge, her plan will be broken at that time. When she is in danger, she will be second. After the task fails, she may affect Edgar And Amy, that's what he's worried about.

Scarlett didn't give Ye Feng the chance to think about it. At this time, she sneered and said, "promise or not, just a word. The famous Satan made a decision. When did she start to be so afraid of wolves before and tigers after?"

Ye Feng listened to Scarlett say so, immediately nodded toward Scarlett, "OK, I promise you!"

Scarlett didn't really believe her ears. In fact, she just had a try. She didn't expect that Ye Feng would really promise herself. She couldn't help looking at Ye Feng in consternation and immediately nodded, "I knew you would promise!"

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