At this time, Ye Feng and Scarlett walk towards the jeep that Amy is sitting in. When Amy sees that Ye Feng is walking with Scarlett, she can't help frowning.

When Ye Feng comes to the car, he doesn't say anything to Amy immediately. Instead, he turns back and asks Scarlett, "go to arrange it now?"

Scarlett did not say a word, but looked at Amy sitting in the car, and saw that Amy was looking at herself and Ye Feng with a kind of surprised eyes.

She could see from Amy's eyes that Amy seemed to care about the man in front of her, and her heart suddenly moved.

Thinking of this, Scarlett immediately stepped forward, put her hand around Ye Feng's arm and said, "master, now we are all masters. You don't have to talk to me so deeply! If you need anything, just give me your orders! "

Ye Feng can't help frowning, immediately want to shrink his arm, don't want to Scarlett but take his arm toward the door, "master, let's get on the car, get on the car again!"

Then he opened the back door and asked Ye Feng to sit down, but Ye Feng directly opened Scarlett's arm and said, "get on the bus first! I'll drive! " Then he went to the driving position and sat in.

Scarlett stood outside the car, her face moved slightly, but she got on the car. At this time, Amy couldn't help looking back at her, and then asked Ye Feng, "what's the matter?"

Ye Feng started the car and said to Scarlett, "I haven't told you yet. I'll take you to a safe place now, and then I'll go to the task..."

Before Ye Feng finished, Scarlett immediately interrupted, "well, now I'll arrange for you to go to a safe place, and then I'll go to the island with my master!"

On hearing this, Amy looked at Ye Feng and said, "she arranged for me to go to a safe place? What else Master

Ye Feng shrugged at Amy and said, "this problem, I just wanted to explain to you..."

At this time, Scarlett immediately said to Ye Feng, "master, you drive well, I'll explain it for you..."

Ye Feng, however, frowned and glared at Scarlett from the rearview mirror, exclaiming, "shut up! If you still want to achieve your goal, just give me some peace! "

Scarlett listen to Ye Feng so say, immediately shrug a way, "don't say don't say, so fierce do what?" Then he leaned back and looked at Ye Feng and Amy unhappily.

At this time, Ye Feng continued to say to Amy, "Scarlett and I have reached some agreements. The agreement is that she can help me find someone to take charge of your safety, and she can learn something from me, but this time is only limited to the completion of my task."

On hearing this, Scarlett immediately leaned forward and interrupted, "master, you didn't ask for that before!"

Ye Feng took a look at Scarlett and said, "I'm adding it temporarily now. If you don't agree, I'll stop and let you off immediately. You just think we haven't met and talked about any problems today!"

Said Ye Feng also hit the steering wheel, toward the side of the road, slowly the car began to slow down.

As soon as Scarlett saw this, she had made up her mind in the flow of her eyes. Then she said to Ye Feng, "OK, the task is over when it's over!"

Ye Feng listen to Scarlett said, this just stepped on the accelerator, Jeep immediately began to speed up toward the middle of the road.

Amy said to Ye Feng, "I'm not going with her! I don't need protection! I can protect myself

Ye Feng smell speech but toward Ai Mei way, "you generally don't need people to take care of, but encounter special circumstances, how do you do?"

Of course, Amy knows what special situation Ye Feng said. She can't help pondering for a long time.

Ye Feng, of course, knew what Amy was worried about, and immediately said to her, "don't worry, Scarlett won't do anything to you before she achieves her goal. I will definitely pick you up!"

Amy takes a look at Ye Feng, then looks back at Scarlett in the back seat, and says to Ye Feng, "isn't she going to avenge her man?"

Scarlett then said to Ye Feng, "master, this question has something to do with me. Is it up to me to answer it?"

Ye Feng sees Scarlett from the rear mirror and nods to acquiesce. Anyway, he is not afraid of Scarlett's nonsense. Amy still believes in herself.

Scarlett then said to Amy, "I've talked with master. I've never given up the idea of revenge. I'm at master's side, and I'm likely to retaliate at any time. But master is not afraid. He has confidence in his own strength, so you don't have to worry. I can assure you that there are only two results. One is in the process of master completing his task I didn't get revenge. At that time, he will force me to hand you over. Second, if I succeed in revenge, you won't be of any use to me. I will also let you go, because I won't worry about you coming to me for revenge, because it's impossible, so I don't need to worry! In both cases, you won't have a problem. What else do you have to worry about? "

Amy smell speech but toward Ye Feng way, "do you believe her words?"But Ye Feng shrugged, "I don't believe it! But I believe in the binding of interests between us! "

Amy frowned and asked, "what's the benefit?"

Ye Feng explained to Amy, "first of all, she really helps me take care of your safety. This is the real benefit I can get. She can stay with me and learn everything she wants from me. Of course, when she is by my side, she is always thinking about revenge on me, but for what reason, this is Scarlett's interest, and we are not alone If the interests of all parties are crossed, then cooperation can be achieved. The most reliable cooperation is the cooperation of binding interests! "

Before Amy spoke, Ye Feng continued, "so don't worry, don't worry about your own safety!" I know what you're worried about most is me. I don't think it's safe for Scarlett to be with me, is it

Amy's heart moved when she heard what Ye Feng said. In fact, when he said that he was for his own safety, she was really a little aggrieved. She was completely worried about Ye Feng, and she didn't think about her own safety at all.

But listen to Ye Feng later so a say, immediately in the heart and feel happy a lot, at this time toward Ye Feng said, "you know good, then you still take her?"

But Ye Feng said to Amy, "you can rest assured that Scarlett is not stupid at all. When she is not sure to kill me, she will never do it, because for her, the chance to kill me is one time. If you miss it, you will never have this chance again in this life, so she must be at the most sure time!"

Then she continued, "and the most sure time is when she understands my life habits and really learns some skills from me, but at that time, I would have come to pick you up long ago!"

Scarlett smell speech heart a burst of unhappy looking at Ye Feng way, "master, are you praising me?"

Ye Feng ignored Scarlett, while Amy stared at Ye Feng for a long time, then nodded and said, "since you have decided, I don't have much to say."

As soon as Scarlett heard this, she immediately said to Amy, "so you agreed?"

While driving, Ye Feng took a look at Amy and said, "do you agree?"

Amy then said to Ye Feng, "what can I disagree with? If I follow my own idea, of course I want to be with you, but I also know that I can't help you with anything and will definitely become a burden to you. I don't want you to be in any danger!"

Scarlett then grinned at Amy and said, "don't worry, I haven't killed my master yet. Before that, I won't let others kill him first! Don't worry about that! "

Ye Feng ignored Scarlett, but said to Amy softly, "don't worry, I won't let myself be in any danger before I come back to see you. This is my guarantee to you!"

Amy nodded and didn't speak. Scarlett in the back seat was depressed. It seemed that she thought of Shrek when she saw Ye Feng and Amy showing their love in front of her face. But it didn't seem to be entirely for Shrek. She always felt sour and uncomfortable.

But at this time, Ye Feng asked Scarlett, "there are four forks in front. Where do you go now?"

But Scarlett said in silence, "where do you like to go?" Then he felt that he was not supposed to be angry at this time. He immediately changed his tongue and said, "just drive straight over!"

Ye Feng then looked at Scarlett from the rearview mirror, but saw that Scarlett was looking out of the window. Her face was thick, just like two people before, and her heart could not help but move.

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