After driving through the red light, soon there were three forks. Ye Feng asked Scarlett where she should go again. Scarlett didn't say much this time, just said a left turn.

Ye Feng immediately turned the steering wheel and began to turn left. Then he passed a few intersections and entered the township area of inverkajil. Soon the car drove to the end of the road and there was a farm.

After the car stopped, Ye Feng saw a man and a woman on the farm. Two people dressed up as farmers and women stood up straight after hearing the sound of the car, and they came towards LAN.

Scarlett opened the back door of the car and walked towards the two people. The two people were surprised at first. Then they put down their busy tools excitedly and ran towards Scarlett excitedly.

Seeing this, Ye Feng and Amy get out of the car and walk slowly towards the other side. Ye Feng also observes the surrounding environment. It should be a farm farm that is independent of the world. It's more simple than AI Gehua's and Amy's.

At this time, a pair of men and women ran to Scarlett's face, all excitedly hugged Scarlett and gave her a kiss on the forehead.

Scarlett also warmly hugged a man and a woman, then slowly released, toward the two people, "a friend of mine is going to live here for a while!"

The woman can't help but look at Ye Feng and Amy and ask Scarlett, "is it the young man or the girl?"

Scarlett looked back at Yefeng and Amy and said, "it's the girl!"

The woman immediately nodded and said, "no problem..."

Before the woman finished, Scarlett immediately added, "I know there's no problem with you, but there's something wrong with us!"

The woman can't help but be stunned when she hears the words. Then she looks at Scarlett in surprise and says, "honey, what's the problem?"

Scarlett then looked back at Ye Feng and Amy, and then said to Ye Feng, "you'd better explain the situation!"

Hearing this, Ye Feng and Amy walked over and nodded to a pair of middle-aged men. Then he said, "there's something wrong with her body. She may faint at any time..."

The middle-aged woman immediately frowned and said, "is this hypoglycemia?"

Middle aged man corrects a way however, "should be anaemia!"

Ye Feng shrugged and said, "it's almost the same. In short, she may faint at any time, so before I come to pick her up, you must not let her leave your sight. I don't know if it's trouble?"

The middle-aged man immediately agreed, "what's the trouble? No trouble. She lives here. Don't worry. I can let my wife watch her 24 hours!"

Ye Feng immediately said thanks, and then looked at Scarlett again. After hesitating for a moment, she said, "in fact, she has a little problem besides fainting!"

The middle-aged man immediately said slightly unhappily, "if you have anything to say, just finish it all at once. It's a long time for you to grind and haw

Ye Feng smiles calmly. This kind of man in the western countryside is more straightforward, and he knows it. Thinking of this, he takes a deep breath. "After she faints, she may have a different temperament, and even doesn't think she is her!"

But the middle-aged man looked at Ye Feng and said, "what do you mean? What is she? She's not her? What does that mean? "

But the middle-aged woman said impatiently to the middle-aged man, "what do you know? I've seen all these TV dramas. It's schizophrenia! Is that right? "

The middle-aged man took a dubious look at Amy and immediately said to his wife, "I think she's good. What's wrong with her? Do you watch too many TV plays? I told you a long time ago, don't watch those useless TV dramas all day long. It's better to do more farm work than anything else! "

But the middle-aged woman looked at her old man and said, "what do you know, you old man who doesn't understand customs? Farm work is on the material level, and TV series is on the spiritual level..."

Ye Feng can see that the middle-aged couple like to bicker. I'm afraid they'll fight endlessly. He immediately interrupts, "what Auntie said is right, but there's something wrong with her spirit!"

On hearing this, the middle-aged woman immediately took a proud look at the middle-aged man and said, "am I right?"

Scarlett didn't speak all the time. At this time, she couldn't help looking at Amy secretly, but she thought that the words she overheard in the hotel at that time were not all fake. Is there really another person in Amy's body? Or is it just schizophrenia?

At this time, Ye Feng said to the middle-aged couple, "that's troublesome for uncle and aunt!"

The middle-aged man immediately said, "it doesn't matter. Scarlett's friend is our friend. Although our conditions are general, we will certainly treat this girl as a guest of honor!"

The middle-aged woman immediately said to Ye Feng, "yes, if you don't think our environment is bad, you can rest assured to give her to me. I promise that when you come back to pick her up, you will be a complete and healthy girl!"

Ye Feng can't help nodding, but listen to Scarlett way, "so relieved?"

Ye Feng also nodded to Scarlett, then turned to Amy and said, "you live here for a while, I'll pick you up soon!"At this time, Amy went up and hugged Ye Feng, buried her head under his shoulder, took a deep breath, slowly pushed Ye Feng away, looked at Ye Feng with a smile on her face and said, "don't worry. I'll be fine!"

Ye Feng saw that Amy looked at herself with a smile on her face at this time. Although she had a beautiful smile, Ye Feng knew that Amy was forced to smile in order not to worry about herself.

But Ye Feng knew that if he exposed her, it would upset Amy, so he just nodded and shook her hand. Then he said to Scarlett, "let's go!"

Scarlett immediately said to the middle-aged men and women, "I'll go first, and I'll come to see you after I'm busy"

the middle-aged men and women immediately looked at Scarlett, and some of them were reluctant to give up looking at her, but no one said anything, as if they were used to this kind of difference. After watching Scarlett and Ye Feng get on the jeep, they just waved with a smile.

After starting the car, Ye Feng took a look at Amy. Originally, she saw that Amy looked down. Seeing that she was looking at her, she immediately waved with a smile.

Ye Feng didn't think much about it. He immediately started the car, turned around, and immediately drove away from the farm. However, his eyes looked at the farm from the rear mirror. His car had been driving far away, and the three people there were still standing there.

After waiting for three people to disappear from the mirror, Ye Feng breathed a little.

All the way, Scarlett has been observing Ye Feng. Of course, she also noticed Ye Feng's exhalation. She can't help but say to Ye Feng, "how? Can't bear it? "

Ye Feng did not answer Scarlett's question. Instead, she asked Scarlett, "who are the farm couple?"

In Ye Feng's impression, from the time Scarlett promised that she would find someone to take care of Amy, Ye Feng thought that she should be the same type of people as Scarlett, but she never thought that she was just a pair of ordinary farmers and women.

Scarlett listen to Ye Feng so ask yourself, a shrug way, "you don't care, anyway will help you take care of her, this you can rest assured?"

Ye Feng can't help glancing at Scarlett, and finds that Scarlett's expression seems to be wrong, and her eyes have already looked out of the window.

Ye Feng didn't ask much. It must be that Scarlett has something to hide. After all, she has no interest in knowing each other's privacy.

At this time, Ye Feng's mobile phone suddenly rang. When he picked it up, it was a strange number. He got through easily, and Tom's voice came from the phone, "we are ready here, when can you..."

Before Tom finished, Ye Feng immediately said, "I can do it at any time, but the plan has changed a little. Maybe more people will participate in it!"

When Tom heard this, he couldn't help but wonder, "you're not going to take ameden Island, are you? To tell you the truth, we recruited Amy to deal with you specially. In fact, she has no other skills. If you take her with you, it may affect your action... "

Ye Feng sighed, "first of all, I have to thank you for your frankness. Second, what I want to tell you is that I didn't bring him. What I brought is a person you are familiar with!"

Tom pondered for a while before he said, "who are we familiar with? Forget it. Come here first. Let's meet again! I'll send the address to your mobile phone! "

After Tom hung up, Ye Feng quickly received a text message, which was a map location sent by Tom. Ye Feng immediately turned it on and put it in front of the car for navigation.

Scarlett then took a look at the location of the mobile phone and said to Ye Feng, "they may not know me! We take on the task through the middleman! "

But Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders and said, "it's just to make them confused. If they can win over a little initiative, they can win over a little!"

Scarlett can't help but take a look at Ye Feng, and keep Ye Feng's words firmly in mind. Since Ye Feng has been worshipped as her teacher, naturally any learning opportunity will not be missed.

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