Soon the car arrived at the designated place. From the outside, it looked like an abandoned factory. After Ye Feng drove the jeep into the factory, he saw Tom coming from a factory. It seemed that Tom was the only one in the factory.

Ye Feng and Scarlett immediately get off the car, Tom can't help looking at Scarlett, the eyes tell Ye Feng, he really don't know Scarlett.

Tom looked at Scarlett and said to Ye Feng, "who is she? You want to participate in this project? It doesn't seem to fit what we said before, does it? "

Ye Feng said, "she is my apprentice and my assistant. She has participated in all my previous actions."

Tom sneered, "I'm also from TSL. Why didn't I know you had such an apprentice and assistant?"

But Ye Feng said to Tom, "who told you that my apprentice and assistant must be from TSL?"

Tom couldn't help frowning. After looking at Scarlett again, he immediately said to Ye Feng, "no, this task is very important. We only trust you!"

But Ye Feng said to Tom, "since you only trust me, you should also trust my choice! This is the man I brought with me. Now tell me not to do it? "

Tom said to Ye Feng, "you're right. We should believe the people you brought. But this task is very important. We can't make any mistakes, so we can't take the risk, and I can't be the master!"

Ye Feng sighed a little, lit a cigarette and said to Tom, "if you can't be the master, you should say it earlier. Come and talk to me if you can be the master! Or no one needs to talk about it. Let's call it a day! "

Then Ye Feng said to Scarlett, "let's go!" As soon as Scarlett heard this, she immediately followed Ye Feng to the jeep.

When Tom saw this, he immediately stopped two people, "wait a minute!"

Ye Feng stopped, holding his cigarette end, looked back at Tom and said, "what else can I say? You don't believe me, you can't be the master yourself! I feel like I've been teased by you. I'm very angry now! "

Listening to Ye Feng's words, Tom walked up to Ye Feng and said, "don't worry. We have a common goal. We can discuss whether we take you as an assistant or not."

Ye Feng is cold hum a way, "don't have to discuss, must take her, if don't take her, our cooperation immediately end!"

Tom could not help but sneer and said, "Satan, don't forget that general Edgar is still waiting to be released in the detention house of the military court. Don't you even care about him?"

Ye Feng said to Tom, "I can't do it. I'll bloody wash the detention house of the military court. Although it's difficult, I believe I can do it! It's better than going to the island to die, isn't it

Tom can't help but ponder when he hears the words, and then he says to Ye Feng, "if you allow me to make a phone call, I'll give you a reply later!" Then he picked up his cell phone and dialed a number, then turned over and walked to one side.

Scarlett then said to Ye Feng, "it seems that this matter is very difficult. They won't easily promise you to take me with them!"

Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders and said, "no one can tell until the end! Why don't we make a bet? "

Scarlett smell speech eyebrow slightly Cu ground looking at leaf Feng way, "bet what?"

Ye Feng immediately said, "he will certainly agree!"

But Scarlett snorted coldly, "to tell you the truth, you are the only one who can carry out this task. Of course they will agree!"

But Ye Feng said with a smile, "I haven't finished my words yet. They will agree, but they will definitely have one more request. Let's bet on what this request is!"

Scarlett frowned and said, "how can I know what they will ask for?"

But Ye Feng said to Scarlett, "I'll know!"

Scarlett smell speech facial expression tiny move ground looking at leaf maple way, "can you still read mind skill?"

Ye Feng shrugged and said, "there is no mind reading skill, but I can analyze it. I bet they will ask me to capture Dante alive!"

Scarlett frowned and said, "Dante? You mean Dante Emma? "

But Ye Feng could not help looking at Scarlett in surprise and said, "do you know him?"

Scarlett said immediately, "Dante Emma, who doesn't know? Just like your name of Satan, how many people in this field don't know? I just didn't know he was from TSL! "

He said with a look on his face. "Is Dante Emma your target on the island this time? He's a top secret agent next only to you

Ye Feng is a smile way, "you also said, is second only to me, not me next to him, what do you worry about?"

Scarlett snorted, "what am I worried about? What worries me? But what did they want you to do? Kill Dante Emma? "

Seeing Ye Feng nodded, he immediately took a cold breath. "It may be easier to kill Dante Emma, but it's too difficult to catch her alive."

Ye Feng said with a smile, "so my requirements have changed, and they will raise their requirements accordingly!"Just then, Tom hung up and walked over to this side. Ye Feng asked, "bet or not?"

Scarlett heard the words and said, "they may ask for other things, and they can ask for other things. I don't believe you can guess so accurately. They will let you complete a task that you find difficult yourself!"

The voice just fell, Tom had already arrived at two people's body, this just said to Ye Feng, "I and superior asked for instructions, he promised you can take your assistant!"

Ye Feng smell speech immediately looked at Scarlett, Scarlett shrugged a way, this they don't look for you can also look for who? I'm sure I will. What's so proud of?

But at this time, Tom continued to say to Ye Feng, "but since there are some changes between your side and what we initially promised, do you allow us to change our plan?"

Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders and said, "of course, just say it!"

Tom said immediately, "you were alone, so we gave you the task of killing and planting, but the task has changed. We need you to bring Dante Emma back alive!"

Ye Fengxin's next joy was really guessed by himself, but his face was frowned and said, "it's not so difficult and easy to complete. You should know that Dante Emma is not an ordinary person. I dare not even kill him, let alone capture him alive?"

Then she secretly turned to one side. Scarlett, who was looking at herself in surprise, blinked and swore that she had won the bet.

Tom then said to Ye Feng, "if you are alone, of course, we will not put forward such excessive demands. Since you have so much confidence in your assistants and apprentices this time, we believe that with the ability of your teachers and apprentices, we will certainly cooperate to complete this task!"

But Ye Feng said to Tom, "there is no room for discussion?"

Tom said at once, "of course, it's not that there's no room for negotiation. That's that we all return to the original agreement. You carry out the task alone, and the task is still to kill Dante Emma!"

After pondering for a while, Ye Feng said to Tom, "let's discuss it with our master?"

Tom shrugged and walked away.

After Tom left, Ye Feng looked at Scarlett and said, "how about it? I didn't bet right? "

But Scarlett said, "why? In fact, they can make many other excessive demands, which means that they actually want to cooperate. But if you can't meet the requirements, you can only let me go immediately. But why do you know that they will definitely raise this? There must be some reasons I don't know! "

But Ye Feng said to Scarlett, "the top of an organization, the living mouth can tell a lot of secrets, but the dead mouth has no secrets. There are many secrets on Stewart Island that they want to know. They didn't ask for it at that time, and they didn't have full confidence in me, so they asked me to kill Dante Emma, even if he didn't If you can't get his secret, it's better to destroy him directly! Now they know that there is an assistant I trust very much on my side. Of course, they think that the original idea may come true. Of course, they have to have a try! "

After all, when Ye Feng came here, she showed that she trusted her very much. How can a person like Ye Feng trust a person who has no ability? What's more, this person is still Satan's Apprentice?

Thinking of this, Scarlett asked Ye Feng, "what do you want to discuss with me?"

Ye Feng said to Scarlett, "of course I want to ask you, are you sure you can capture Dante Emma alive?"

On hearing this, Scarlett was stunned. "Catch alive Dante Emma

Ye Feng eyebrows slightly a wrinkly way, "see your appearance is to tell me, you are not sure?"? OK, I'll go back. According to what they said, go back to the original agreement. You can't go up with me! That's not my fault! "

Scarlett smell speech facial expression immediately move a way, "originally you are to want to kick me out?"

Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders and said, "that's not all. You can promise with confidence."

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