Scarlett can't help staring at Ye Feng for a long time, she thought Ye Feng and Tom's these requirements confrontation, or really want to bring yourself.

Now it seems that Ye Feng's purpose is to kick herself out. Thinking of this, Scarlett immediately says to Ye Feng, "of course, I promise. No matter what happens, I will follow you!"

Ye Feng smiles, smokes a cigarette, looks at Scarlett and says, "so, are you sure you can catch Dante Emma alive?"

Scarlett shrugged her shoulders and said, "I don't have to worry about this. I'm sure I'll go. I don't care whether I can catch you alive. It's mainly about you. Anyway, to put it bluntly, no matter what tricks you play today, I'll follow you. You can't expect to leave me alone!"

Ye Feng finished smoking a cigarette, nodded to Scarlett and said, "OK, just have your words, then I'll talk to Tom!" Then she looked at Scarlett and waited for three seconds. Seeing that she didn't speak, she immediately walked towards Tom.

In front of Tom, Ye Feng immediately nodded to him and said, "OK, we promise you!"

On hearing this, Tom could not help but frown and say, "you think it over and have a discussion? We're asking for Dante Emma alive! "

Ye Feng nodded firmly, but he didn't speak this time. Scarlett came over and said directly to Tom, "we've considered it very clearly, and we've discussed it. We'll take Dante Emma alive for you!"

Tom can't help but take a look at Scarlett, and then looks at Ye Feng with an unexpected look on his face.

Ye Feng shrugged at Tom and said, "what she said is what I mean!"

Tom smell speech but hastily say, "that I still need to communicate for a while!" Said immediately picked up the phone to the side to continue to talk on the phone.

Ye Feng knows where Tom is going to communicate. It's obvious that their purpose is to use this request to get rid of Scarlett, so they don't consider their promise as an option at all.

Scarlett said to Ye Feng at this time, "in fact, we can go by ourselves. We don't need to cooperate with them at all!"

But Ye Feng said to Scarlett, "at any time, don't ignore the strength of the team. Every time you perform a task, it's absolutely impossible to do anything by yourself. Your success is the success of everyone!"

Scarlett smell speech originally want to retort a few words, but carefully ponder, and feel Ye Feng said seems to be very reasonable, no words to retort.

She can't help looking at Ye Feng, but she sees that Ye Feng is looking at Tom not far away with a smile. Scarlett feels that she really can't guess Ye Feng.

Scarlett even in the moment just now, there was a kind of Ye Feng who really taught herself as an apprentice, but it was impossible to think about it.

Although I really sincerely worship him as a teacher, the purpose of my worship is also very obvious, and I told Ye Feng that after learning Ye Feng's skills, I killed Ye Feng with the skills that Ye Feng taught me.

At this time, Tom came back with a dignified face and said to Ye Feng, "it's agreed that you can take your apprentice or assistant, but there can't be anyone else. We're not going sightseeing on the island. There's no need for the whole tour group?"

Ye Feng shrugged at Tom and said, "just the two of us! Too many people are useless! "

Tom said that's good. Then he said to Ye Feng and Scarlett, "follow me!" Then he turned and walked towards the factory building.

Ye Feng and Scarlett follow Tom. When they get into the factory, they don't find anything different. There are only some old machines out of production in the huge factory, but no one.

But Tom kept walking forward until a steel pipe welding down the stairs, stopped a little, looked at the two, and then continued to walk down.

At the end of the stairs, there was an iron door, but Tom didn't open it. Instead, he pressed a rivet on the side of the iron door, and there was a crack in the brick wall on one side, and a monitor appeared inside.

Tom went over, put his head close to the monitor, and opened his eyes wide. The monitor was scanning at his pupil. When the scanning was over, there was a sound of dots. Then the brick wall cracked again. Then it sank back, moved to one side, and a door appeared.

Tom took the lead and said to Yefeng and Scarlett, "follow me in!"

Ye Feng and Scarlett looked at each other and immediately followed Tom into the corridor. It was a long and thin corridor. After walking for a while, there was another door. This time, no pupil detection was required.

Tom just opened the door. When the door opened, it was a bright and clear place, and there were many people in it. They were busy, as if no one had noticed that they were coming.

Ye Feng casually looked around and knew that it was a secret base or something, and it should only be one of the organizations. After all, if it was the headquarters or something, it would be impossible to bring himself.Tom continued to take Ye Feng and Scarlett towards the front, and went to a door, pushed the door, stood at the door and said to Ye Feng and Scarlett, "please come in!" Said he went first.

After Ye Feng and Scarlett follow in, they find that this is actually a weapons depot. There are all kinds of guns on the table or on the wall.

Tom stood there, picked up a handful, played with it, and then threw it on the table. Then he turned back to Ye Feng and Scarlett and said, "choose whatever you want, and pick up some of them!"

Ye Feng shrugged and said, "is that what you prepared for us?"

But Tom said with a smile, "of course, it's more than that. You can get it yourself. Of course, I know. I'll let you choose. I'm just killing time and asking you to wait a little longer. After all, you've got one more person on your side. You have a lot of things to prepare temporarily!"

Ye Feng didn't speak. She picked up the gun on the table and played with it. Scarlett stood by the wall and looked at all kinds of weapons on the wall.

Tom then said, "you'll be here later. I'll be there soon."

Ye Feng said a casual, but saw Tom left here, closed the door.

Scarlett saw this and said, "isn't it a trap?"

But Ye Feng shrugged, "no! Moreover, he was afraid that we might have such misunderstandings before he brought us here, which means to tell us that they had no intention, otherwise they would not have given us weapons! "

Scarlett thinks it's right. If it's a trap, even if they don't know who they are, they should know who Ye Feng is. If they give Ye Feng a gun, isn't it a suicide?

Thinking of this, Scarlett thinks that she can know this just by thinking about it, but she has never thought about it. Did she do things without thinking before?

Ye Feng picked two small pistols, put them in his hand and said, "this is pretty good!" Then she saw Scarlett take down a sniper gun from the wall, and her face changed. "Do you think you can take this gun to the island?"

Scarlett thought so, and immediately put the sniper gun on the wall, looking for a pistol again.

At this moment, Tom pushed the door and came in. He stood at the door and asked, "have you chosen it?" Seeing that they both had guns in their hands, they gave a loud finger and said, "follow me!"

Ye Feng and Scarlett immediately go out to follow Tom, around the collective office area, go to another door, push the door and go.

As soon as I entered the door, I saw that there were several other people who looked like staff members, as well as several computer instruments.

After entering the door, Tom asked Ye Feng and Scarlett to sit on one side of the stool. Then a staff member took a suitcase and put it in front of and behind Ye Feng's face. When he opened the suitcase, it turned out to be a silicone mask.

Ye Feng then knew why Tom said to wait a little longer, that is, to prepare such a human skin mask for Scarlett, who joined temporarily.

Tom then said to Ye Feng, "your appearance has been blacklisted by TSL. As soon as you appear on Stewart Island, any monitoring system will alarm you, so you have to change your face to pass Go

Then he nodded to the staff standing in front of Ye Feng, "you can start!"

The staff immediately picked up the silicone mask and began to put it on Ye Feng's face. At this time, Tom said to Scarlett, "you don't belong to TSL, so you don't need too much make-up, just in case, so you still need to change a little bit!"

With that, several staff members immediately went to help Scarlett change her clothes.

After nearly half an hour's hard work on both sides, Ye Feng and Scarlett have completely changed their appearance. It's estimated that people they know can't recognize them.

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