Ye Feng looks a little older at this time, and the original Cao Yihai's black frame glasses have also been replaced with gold-plated ones. With a glance of his beard, he looks like a doctor from a research laboratory, and looks more calm.

At this time, the blonde Scarlett's hair has changed from golden to brown, her blue pupil has also changed into golden, her hair has been straightened into a lot, her eyelashes have moved a little bit, and she is wearing a pair of glasses.

Tom took out a stack of materials and said to Ye Feng and Scarlett, "now you are Dr. Li Tianhe and assistant Juliet of chip technology project. Not long ago, you were resigned from oakles company in Australia, so you were hired by New Zealand's newlesne group, but you were hijacked by TSL!"

Ye Feng and Scarlett can't help nodding when they hear the speech. It seems that Tom has already prepared their identities for them, and it also shows that in addition to the technology department, there are Tom and their staff in the secret service department in TSL, and all this has been arranged.

Scarlett then asked Tom, "these two are real people, aren't they?"

Tom shook his head at Scarlett and said, "originally, Dr. Li Tian exists, but this assistant doesn't exist. That's why we just think it's not suitable for you to come in, because TSL's task to the secret service department is to kidnap Li Tian. Now there's a sudden addition of you, and we have to make up some things to go in!"

Then Tom looked at Ye Feng and Scarlett and said, "now there are several options. Let's see which one is more reasonable! 1、 It is Juliet who is Li Tian's assistant. Because the cooperation project was resigned together, it is also the same to come to New Zealand. "

Ye Feng said to Tom, "it seems that there will be loopholes. After all, whether there is Juliet or not, the Logistics Technology Department of TSL doesn't have a dry meal. It can be found by checking!"

Tom nodded and said, "yes, that's right. This kind of fictional character is easy to find out, so there is another one. Juliet is Li Tian's mistress. After being fired this time, she came to New Zealand with her mistress and lied that she was Li Tian's assistant."

Hearing this, Ye Feng can't help looking at Scarlett, then shook his head and said, "if I were Li Tian, I wouldn't like a woman like Juliet at all!"

As soon as Scarlett heard this, she immediately looked at Ye Feng. She was surprised and said, "why? My Jude Juliet is very good. It's very reasonable to have such a mistress in such a technical house as Li Tian

Ye Feng smell speech a smile way, "so say, you also agree with the second plan?"

Scarlett immediately nodded and said, "of course I agree. This plan is very good..." Say to feel where not to look at leaf maple way, "also agree? So you're in favor of that? "

Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders and said, "compared with the first one, of course the second one is more secure, but if so, you can start now, but my mistress!"

Scarlett's face moved slightly and her heart leaped. Tom also explained to Ye Feng and Scarlett at this time, "if you are sure of this relationship, then you will live in this capacity in the next days. When you go to Stewart Island, it will not be so easy to see Dante Emma, so you may live on it for a long time For some time, if you show a trace of the horse's feet, it is likely that your identity will be torn down. "

Scarlett said to Tom, "what does it mean to live in this capacity?"

Ye Feng said with a smile to Scarlett, "it's still too late for you to regret now. TSL is a technical talent of future generations, and this kidnapping of Li Tian should be the same. So once Li Tian landed on the island, he would certainly be subject to some restrictions and even torture in the early stage, but then he would certainly be able to give the greatest freedom under the premise of limited system. At that time, you said that Li Tian and his wife were in love What kind of life should a woman lead on the island? "

As soon as Scarlett heard this, she said instinctively, "how can that be? Is a mistress equal to a husband and wife? No way... "

Tom was just about to speak, but Ye Feng interrupted, "everything has to pay a price. It's impossible for everything to come according to your own wishes. You regret it now. It's definitely too late. I believe Tom and they want you to quit more than I do, because even the fictional mistress status may be found out to be false. There is a certain risk. Let's face it We should ensure 100% safety when we carry out the task! "

Then Ye Feng asked Tom, "don't you think so?"

Tom immediately nodded and said, "if so, of course it's the safest..."

Scarlett didn't wait for Tom to finish, immediately sneered, "you just want me to quit, but I'm not fooled, I don't give up!"

Ye Feng and Tom can't help frowning when they hear the speech. Ye Feng reminds Scarlett, "do you want a couple's life?"

Scarlett took a look at Ye Feng, then hummed coldly, "husband and wife life is husband and wife life, you are not afraid, what am I afraid of?"

Ye Feng listen to Scarlett said so, can't help staring at Scarlett looked at some, in the heart of the secret way, this girl in order to revenge is really free to go?But Scarlett looked at Ye Feng white, and said to Tom, "if you continue with the second one, what else can you add?"

Tom was also in a trance. Then he came back and said to Scarlett, "Oh, if that's the case, we must grasp the details well and not show any flaws! In fact, it's much easier. After all, if you are his assistant, you may have to face a lot of technical problems and recite a lot of things. However, if you are only a mistress, what the mistress doesn't know is normal! "

Ye Feng smell speech but toward Tom way, "you mean, I want to recite a lot of technical information?"

Tom took out a stack of data from one side and put it in front of Ye Feng, saying, "yes, these are Li Tian's personal data, and the chip research project he participated in, especially some technical terms, which are also divided into professional and oral parts. They have to be memorized. If you don't want to talk with other technicians, it's likely that you're not right."

Ye Feng takes a look at the information in front of him. Li Tian's resume in front of him is easy to recite. He used to disguise his other identity when performing tasks. It's very easy for him to recite other people's information.

The difficulty lies in the technical aspects of the back half stack, which takes a certain amount of time to thoroughly memorize it.

Tom then said to Ye Feng, "you only have one day to memorize these documents. At the same time tomorrow, we will take you to the island. It's up to you then!"

Ye Feng smell speech a dismay way, "one day time?"

Tom smell speech looking at Ye Feng way, "what's the problem?"

Ye Feng knew that if it wasn't for special circumstances, they couldn't be in such a hurry. After all, they also wanted to perform the task better with higher security. There must be a reason for this decision.

So Ye Feng didn't talk much, so he nodded and said, "I'll fight for it!"

Tom took a look at Ye Feng and Scarlett and said, "you will live here tonight. We have provided accommodation for you. Someone will come to pick you up at this time tomorrow."

Then Tom took Ye Feng and Scarlett out of the room and led them to the other side. After passing through a few corridors, he stopped at a door. After opening the door, he said to Ye Feng and Scarlett, "we don't live here, so we don't have any guest rooms, only this kind of detention room!"

Scarlett walked in and saw that there were iron railings on both sides, just like the prison. She couldn't help saying, "this environment is too bad, isn't it?"

But Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders and said, "it's just a night, nothing!" Then he went into the first room and said, "this is it!"

Tom went to open the iron door, then opened the iron door opposite, and said to Scarlett, "then you live opposite!"

After Ye Feng went in with the manuscript, he sat on the stone bed and began to recite the materials.

Tom nodded and said to Scarlett, "when it's dinner time, someone will give you food. I won't lock the door. After all, you're not here to go to jail!"

After Tom left, Scarlett took a look at Ye Feng, and then went to his room. Looking at Ye Feng reciting information, she couldn't help saying to him, "what will happen when you go to the island tomorrow?"

Ye Feng put down her manuscript and looked at Scarlett. "There are two possibilities, one is to muddle through, the other is to be found on the spot and killed on the spot!"

When Scarlett heard this, she couldn't help thinking, "did I go? Did it really increase the risk?"

Ye Feng can't help but take a look at Scarlett and said, "there must be risks. Even if you don't go, there are risks. For example, if you disturb my information now, tomorrow I will be asked, and we will be exposed!"

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