Listen to Ye Feng say so, Scarlett shrugged a way, "you carry your back, you don't care about me, as I don't exist!"

Ye Feng took a look at Scarlett, and then continued to look at the information. Scarlett noticed that Ye Feng had already read ten lines at a glance, and had already seen the second page in a short time.

About half an hour or so, Ye Feng has finished reading the first half of Li Tian's personal profile, and then handed the information to Scarlett, who is staring at herself, and said, "just in time, you can help me see my mistakes!"

Scarlett knew that he was going to help him prepare the manuscript. She picked up the manuscript and said, "back it up!"

Ye Feng immediately began to recite from the first page of Li Tian's birth, but he never stopped talking.

Scarlett is a little surprised, what is Ye Feng's brain? There are so many trivial things that Ye Feng can recite.

However, Scarlett also found that Ye Feng recited these words, which were not exactly the same. They all had the right general meaning, and the mistakes in the details of the words didn't affect her.

When Ye Feng finished reciting, she asked Scarlett, "is there any problem? How many mistakes? "

Scarlett said to Yefeng, "there's only one! Li Tiantian's university year should be August, 86, not June. There are no other problems! "

Ye Feng nodded after hearing the speech and recited "August 86" several times. He continued to take the second half of it and began to look at it. In fact, this is the difficult point. After all, there are many professional terms related to chips, and even some of them are somewhat obnoxious.

This time, Ye Feng obviously didn't see it as fast as before. It was almost as thick as her resume. After reading it for nearly two hours, she wanted to pass it to Scarlett.

At this time, she found that Scarlett had been sitting on one side and sleeping against the wall. Ye Feng shook her head and reviewed the file. She felt that she was right, so she stopped.

After a while, someone pushed a dining car to deliver food to Ye Feng and Scarlett. Ye Feng then put down the manuscript and walked out of the guard room. He had a look at the food in the corridor. He immediately asked the man to move two stools and eat in the corridor.

When the two moved to the stool, Ye Feng had already stood and began to eat. When the stool came, Ye Feng continued to eat after sitting down.

When Ye Feng is almost full, Scarlett wakes up. Seeing that Ye Feng is eating, she immediately gets up and goes out. Seeing that there are already leftovers in the dining car, she can't help but say to Ye Feng, "why don't you call me?"

Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders and said, "when hunger and sleepiness come at the same time, I'd rather sleep than eat. Besides, you are still a woman. Women don't like to eat much by nature. They want to keep fit, so you don't wake you up when you go on a diet and sleep in the future!"

Scarlett can't help but look at Ye Feng. In order to follow Ye Feng, she hasn't had a safe meal for several times.

She did not care so much at this time, picked up the knife and fork also began to eat, but Ye Feng wiped his mouth and said, "eat quickly, after eating, help me carry the food below!"

Scarlett immediately glanced at Ye Feng again. She didn't call herself after dinner. She wanted to find herself carrying these things. She really doubted whether he thought he was coming for revenge, so she was playing with herself on purpose.

When Scarlett finished eating, Ye Feng had been sitting there with the information waiting for Scarlett.

Scarlett went to the door and took a look. "I don't care about my back!"

Ye Feng smell speech looked up at Scarlett, but saw that Scarlett had turned and walked towards her single room. When she got inside, she lay on the bed and stretched out. Then she muttered, "sleep, sleep!"

Ye Feng sighed to Scarlett, "OK, if you don't help me, when I go to the island, don't blame me for not helping you. Anyway, I can't wait to get rid of your burden!"

Scarlett a listen to Ye Feng so say, immediately sat up from the bed, staring at Ye Feng here, but see Ye Feng at this time is lying down.

She hesitated for a moment, or toward the leaf maple that single room walked in the past, a hand, silent good angry said, "take it, help you back!"

Don't want to leaf maple but lie a shrug way, "don't force, force no happiness, since don't want to, even if, sleep! Anyway, when I go to the island, even if I'm not familiar with the information, with my familiarity with the island, it's not a problem for me to protect myself, but it's you. I may not be able to take care of you at that time You may wish for yourself

Scarlett saw that although Ye Feng's voice was not light or heavy, she was obviously threatening herself. What made her most angry was that she had no way to take her.

Thinking of this, Scarlett couldn't help but get angry, but she couldn't help it. At this time, listening to Ye Feng, she started to shout on purpose, so she had to say in a low voice, "I'm wrong. Can't I help you carry it?"

As soon as Ye Feng heard this, he immediately sat up and said nothing more. He immediately handed the information to Scarlett and began to recite these professional terms and explanations.

Scarlett is depressed, but she has nowhere to vent. She still wants to take advantage of Ye Feng's back to scold him.

But it wasn't until Ye Feng recited all of them that Scarlett found that none of them was wrong.Scarlett can't help frowning at Ye Feng at this time and said, "you didn't learn this before, did you?"

Ye Feng immediately shrugged his shoulders and said to Scarlett, "that's right." Then she got the answer from Scarlett's eyes. She immediately fell asleep and said, "thank you. Go to sleep!"

Then she looked back at Scarlett and stood beside her bed, frowning and saying, "why don't you go to sleep? You don't want to practice a couple's life in advance, do you

Originally, Scarlett was still staring at Ye Feng. As soon as she heard this, she immediately went to her single room without looking back. She did not forget to close the iron door.

But Ye Feng said with a smile, "it's no use not to practice. Once you go to the island, there will be no internship opportunities, so you can work directly!"

Ye Feng also deliberately amplified the voice, said to Scarlett, see Scarlett did not respond to himself, immediately smile, fell asleep.

Scarlett can't sleep here. Although Ye Feng is probably joking and deliberately stimulating herself, what he said is right. Once on Stewart Island, everything will come true. If she doesn't adapt to it, others can see through it at a glance.

Scarlett is thinking about whether she wants to play the role of lover with Ye Feng after she goes to the island. Her heart is really tangled.

I've come to find Ye Feng for revenge. Now I've come to this step. I'm not only going to follow Ye Feng to help him go to Stewart Island, but also going to bed with him? Isn't stealing chicken not eating rice?

With this doubt, Scarlett gradually closed her eyes. After all, these two days To be exact, I haven't had a sound sleep since Shrek was killed by Ye Feng. I either dream of Shrek's tragic death or that I was shot in the head by Ye Feng.

Now that she has come to this stage, Scarlett knows that she may have no choice but to stick to her head. When the time comes, it's time to make every move.

The next day, as soon as Ye Feng woke up, Tom came over and asked how Ye Feng was preparing. Ye Feng gave the information back to Tom and said, "I've got it all on my back!"

Tom looked at Ye Feng with admiration, "No.1 in TSL is really not a false name!" Then he collected the information and looked at Ye Feng carefully. Then he said, "go to the technician and check your silicone mask again to see if there is any problem. Once you get on the island, you will not have the technical support. It's up to you!"

Ye Feng nodded and followed Tom to walk outside. At this time, Scarlett woke up and stretched her waist. Seeing Ye Feng following Tom, she immediately ran after him.

When Tom saw Scarlett wake up, he nodded and said, "go and check it, too!"

When they got to the technical department, the technicians helped Ye Feng and Scarlett check their makeup respectively. After confirming that there was no problem, Tom said, "let's go to breakfast first! Let's talk about the specific plan when we have dinner! "

Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders and said, "you don't need to talk to me about the specific plan. You've been in TSL, and you know a little bit about my style. You just need to tell me the goal, time and place of the task. How and when to implement the other tasks will depend on the specific situation and specific things. At this time, it's the key to ensure that the task can be completed 100%, so you are the same, Don't teach me how to do it, I know how to do it! "

Tom listened to what Ye Feng said. After a while of pondering, he nodded and said with a smile, "well, then it's convenient for you. Everything depends on you!" Then he immediately added a word to eat, and left the technology department with Ye Feng and Scarlett.

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