The canteen is not very big, but it looks very high-end and refreshing, and it's self-service. The three people used to order something casually and find a seat to sit down.

After three people sit down, each eat their own, no one said, after all, Ye Feng has said, action, as long as you tell him the goal on the line, the rest of the things don't need Tom they explain.

So Tom has nothing to say. In addition to Ye Feng's name of Satan, there is a brand effect here, and they have nothing to worry about. Otherwise, they would not come to Ye Feng specially to do it.

After dinner, Tom looked at the watch on his wrist and said to them, "it's almost time. It's time to prepare in advance."

Scarlett asked Tom, "is there anything else to prepare?"

Tom got up and said to them, "TSL people are waiting for you outside. Now you can get used to it first! Let's go

Then Tom walked out of the dining hall. When Ye Feng got up, Scarlett looked at Ye Feng. She wanted to ask, but she didn't say anything.

Two people followed Tom out of the canteen, directly left the underground, to the ground, Tom continued to take two people from a factory, to another factory.

in this factory, there has been a Honda Odyssey waiting there for a long time, and there are several people sitting on the car. When they see Ye Feng and Tom coming, they immediately get off the car.

Ye Feng saw that one or two of them were familiar with each other, but they were not from his previous group. They were only familiar with each other and could not be named.

After seeing these familiar faces, Ye Feng could not help sighing that the New Zealand government had infiltrated TSL to such an extent.

Several people nodded to Tom at this time, and then looked at Ye Feng again. They were all surprised. Ye Feng thought they recognized himself at first, but he thought it was wrong. Now he was disguised and wearing a silicone mask. They thought he was more similar to the real Li Tian.

Tom then whispered to Ye Feng, "they don't know your true identity. Don't worry!" Said immediately in front of a few TSL people nodded, "are you almost ready?"

Several people all nodded. The leader immediately said to Tom, "it's almost time. Now you can catch the cruise ship back to the island, or you'll have to wait for the evening."

Tom immediately nodded, then turned to Ye Feng and said, "well, I'll ask you for everything next!"

Ye Feng nodded to Tom and said nothing. He opened the door and sat on it.

Scarlett immediately got into the car and sat on Ye Feng's side. When TSL saw this, they immediately took out two black cloth covers and put them on. Then they took out handcuffs and handcuffed them.

Ye Feng knows that this is to do enough drama, since Li Tian and his mistress are taken by them, it must be like this.

Tom walked to the car, patted the roof of the car and said to Yefeng and Scarlett, "I can only take you here!"

Then he patted the roof of the car and signaled the TSL people to drive. Soon the car left the abandoned factory, drove on the road and drove toward the seaside.

On the way, Scarlett asked the members of TSL, "how long will it take to wear this headgear?"

But the man in the co pilot's seat said, "if you don't think of any mistakes, you'd better not have all kinds of requirements. You're not going on holiday!"

Scarlett just wanted to say something more, Ye Feng immediately said, "that's it! Don't make trouble

Listen to Ye Feng say so, Scarlett cold hum a, lean the body on the back of the seat, no longer speak.

The car bumped all the way. After about 40 minutes, it finally began to slow down. Moreover, it heard the sound of the waves beating on the shore. Ye Feng knew that it was time to get to the dock.

Soon the car stopped, the co driver reminded Ye Feng and Scarlett, "when we get to the port, we will be on the cruise ship later. Maybe someone will come to check you, or someone will check you when we get to the shore. You should be prepared!"

Ye Feng nodded slightly, but Scarlett was a little nervous. She had carried out numerous tasks, but she had never been so hooded. She didn't know where to carry out the task.

After a while, the car started to move again and bumped a few times. Ye Feng knew it was MPV and was about to get on the boat. When the car drove smoothly, Ye Feng knew it was on the cruise ship.

At this time, someone came to knock on the door, and then the front co pilot's door opened. After the co pilot got out of the car, he went to the side of the car after communicating with the people beside the car, and then went to the back of the car and said, "take the people down and accept the inspection!"

TSL immediately took Ye Feng and Scarlett out of the car, pushed them to one side, and soon came to a cabin door and pushed them in.

After entering the cabin, someone immediately took off the black cloth hoods on Ye Feng's and Scarlett's heads. They suddenly lit up in front of each other. They could not help subconsciously reaching out to block the light in front of them.At this time, someone immediately pulled the two people, pressed them to sit on the stool, and then untied their handcuffs.

After they sat down, they looked at the people on both sides, only to find that several people on the scene were accompanied by guns, and each of them looked at them covetously.

In front of Ye Feng and Scarlett, there are two people sitting, staring at them up and down. One of them, Ye Feng, is from the investigation department of TSL.

The person standing on the side of Ye Feng and Scarlett is the person who brought them back this time and sat in the co pilot. Obviously, he is the executive head of this mission.

At this time, the person from the investigation department that Ye Feng knew picked up a photo and went to Ye Feng. He put the photo beside Ye Feng's face and took a comparative look at Ye Feng.

I can't help it. After comparing the photos, the man reached out and pinched Ye Feng's mouth. After a few tugs, he released his hand.

Ye Feng knows that this is the other party's way to prevent his own face changing, but he secretly praises Tom's face changing technology. He clearly wears a silicone mask, which is actually the same as that on his face. Even he can't feel it. Is there any problem in being pinched like this?

The person in the investigation department walks up to Scarlett next to Ye Feng and stares at her for a long time. Then he asks the humanist who brought them, "who is this?"

The man immediately said, "this is Li Tian's mistress. When we found Li Tian, he was making out with his mistress!"

Investigation department immediately frowned, then said, "we only want Li Tian, what do you bring his mistress to do?"

The man immediately said, "we wanted to get rid of his mistress first, but Li Tian said that he knew why we went. As long as we touch his mistress, we can't expect him to say a word or do half a thing for us."

Hearing this, the people of the investigation department immediately looked at Ye Feng and hummed, "kill her, you don't say anything? Do nothing? "

Ye Feng sneered at this time and said, "don't you come for chip technology? That's right. As long as you touch her a hair, I'm sure I won't say anything or do anything. You just kill us!"

The person in the investigation department, after staring at Ye Feng for a long time, immediately took out a gun and immediately touched Scarlett's skull.

Scarlett instinctively moves under her feet and wants to resist, but thinking of her identity at this time, she has to follow her tight posture and immediately pretend to be nervous and say, "don't kill me, don't kill me!"

The man in the investigation department stared at Scarlett for a long time, until he saw the fear in Scarlett's eyes. Then he raised his mouth slightly and put down the pistol.

But as soon as he turned around, he immediately fired a shot at Scarlett's feet, "bang".

Scarlett suddenly a Leng, but immediately know what the other party's intention, immediately pretend to hold the head, keep yelling.

People in the investigation department laughed when they heard that Scarlett had passed their test.

Then the man went to Ye Feng again, seemingly casual, but in fact, he was testing Ye Feng and asked him a few questions about Li Tian's privacy.

Fortunately, Ye Feng has already carried it on his back. Although it is a common problem that is not easy to pay attention to, this person also asked the question that Ye Feng made a mistake and was asked by Scarlett, but Ye Feng answered it like a stream.

Finally, Ye Feng also deliberately appears impatient to ask the humanitarian, "what do you want to do, is to investigate my family background?"

That person sees Ye Feng answer of all have no problem, at this time a smile way, "how can, you are we invite of noble guest!"

But Ye Feng sneered, "distinguished guest? Why can't I see where it is? "

That person immediately toward leaf Feng compensate smile way, "noble guest, please a little patience, immediately arrived on shore, we will try our best to arrange, won't be impolite!"

At this time, Ye Feng pretended to be ignorant and said, "where are you going to take me?"

The man did not answer, just said you know when you get to the place, then nodded to Ye Feng and Scarlett, and then left the cabin with his people.

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