There were only Ye Feng, the people who brought them and some of his subordinates in the cabin. The man then came to Ye Feng, winked at him and said softly, "next, after landing on the island, it's all up to you! I can't help you! "

Ye Feng nodded to the man, saying nothing. The man also nodded, and then went to the door.

Scarlett at this time a long sigh of relief, toward Ye Feng way, "we even if this is completely passed?"

Ye Feng can't help but turn his head to see Scarlett, "just now your reaction is quite exciting, I don't know, I really think you are my mistress!"

Scarlett smell speech can't help facial expression move, immediately white leaf maple one eye, "you pour is want of beauty!"

Ye Feng said to Scarlett solemnly, "it's not the question of whether you want to be beautiful or not, but you have to think about it clearly. Since you set foot on this cruise ship, your identity is my mistress, whether you want to or not, you are my mistress!"

Scarlett's face suddenly moved when she heard what Ye Feng said. However, seeing Ye Feng's serious face, she thought that it seemed to be the same thing. Since she came here, and these were explained in advance, it was nothing to blame.

Thinking of this, Scarlett nodded to Ye Feng and said, "I know!"

Ye Feng took a look at Scarlett and said, "I can tell you that with your ability, there are two or three out of ten people on Stewart Island, so if you show a little bit of horsemanship, you will be killed. In order to protect yourself at that time, I will not care about you!"

But Scarlett sneered, "you don't care? Don't forget, I'm your mistress

Ye Feng sneered and said, "it's just a mistress, not a wife. Besides, even if it's a wife, I can't know too many things. At that time, I will say that you deliberately seduce me with beauty. I don't know your background and identity, so I can get away!"

Scarlett smell speech a think is also, at that time Ye Feng if really say so, oneself is really a little way, but then another think, immediately toward Ye Feng way "at that time you are not afraid of me to give you up?"

Ye Feng sneers a way, "I can have 10000 kinds of ways to let you not open mouth at that time!"

Scarlett listen to Ye Feng said, heart can't help but take a breath, even in doubt whether he is right this time.

Soon the cruise ship roared. Ye Feng knew that she was going to the island, and immediately reminded Scarlett, "she's going to the island soon!"

Scarlett originally thought that Ye Feng's task was nothing, but at this time, listening to Ye Feng's words, she was a little nervous.

Soon the cruise ship entered the port. After the cruise ship stopped completely, someone came to inform Ye Feng that they were going ashore.

Several members of the TSL secret service team continued to escort Ye Feng and Scarlett. Although they were not handcuffed or hooded, the members around them were armed.

Scarlett came to Stewart Island for the first time. As soon as she got out of the cabin, she stood on the deck and had a look at the island. She thought it was a natural island like green mountains and green waters. But now, looking at it again, Stewart Island is a paradise, just like a small city, full of buildings.

Walking from the cruise ship to the shore, Scarlett asked Ye Feng in a low voice, "did you grow up on this island?"

Ye Feng shrugged and said, "yes, this is the place where I was born and raised!"

But Scarlett sneered, "where did you come from? Who gave birth to you and who raised you, even if they raised you for nothing, do you know how much money you earned for them? "

Ye Feng, listening to Scarlett's words, was shocked.

Scarlett continued, "you are abducted and sold by them. I can't hear the slightest hatred for this place from your mouth! How strange

Then Scarlett immediately added, "do you know what I do first when I grow up? I found the trafficker who abducted and sold me. I cut him one by one! "

Ye Feng can't help frowning when hearing the words, "didn't you grow up in an orphanage?"

Scarlett said, "I was abducted by a trafficker at first, but later I ran away, but I couldn't find my way home, and I couldn't tell all the information about my family, so I was sent to the orphanage by a kind-hearted person! But I will never forget the man who abducted and sold me

Ye Feng can't help looking at Scarlett more when she says this, but what he thinks is what Scarlett said to herself just now.

Yes, I was taken to Stewart Island after being abducted and trafficked. Over the years, I took Stewart Island as my home and never thought about my life experience.

Now, being reminded by Scarlett, Ye Feng seems to have been shocked all over. She is thinking about who her parents are and whether they are still alive.

At this time, the TSL Secret Service Department reminded Ye Feng, "it's time to pass the security check!"

Ye Feng just recovered. He looked up and saw that there was a big iron gate in front of him. After entering this gate, he entered the headquarters of TSL. In the past, this gate needed security inspection, and not everyone could go in and out at will.However, in the past two years, the security check here has been in vain. Almost the internal staff of TSL can go in and out without taking this road. I don't know why it has been started again recently.

At this time, the leader of TSL secret service department whispered to Ye Feng, "something happened on the Island recently. Whether it's TSL personnel or not, they have to go through the gate security check to get in and out of the island."

When a crowd passes by the gate, Ye Feng and Scarlett are taken into the security room for physical examination. Fortunately, when they are in the car, their guns have been confiscated.

After passing through the security gate, the leader of the secret service department takes Ye Feng and Scarlett to the building of the investigation and information department. After Ye Feng and Scarlett are handed over to the people of the investigation and information department, they are considered to have completed the task.

Ye Feng and Scarlett are led into the interrogation building by the people of the investigation department. They are soon taken to an interrogation room and let them sit down and wait.

This wait is more than half disappeared, but also did not come to ask a, Scarlett some can not help but stand up, went to the door, said, "what's the matter?"

Ye Feng advised Scarlett not to be impatient, "don't worry, they will not come to us for a while and a half!"

Scarlett can't help looking at Ye Feng in surprise when she hears the speech. "It has been tested on the ship, and it has been checked after going to the island. What else? Is it going to be closed for another 48 hours? "

Ye Feng shrugged and said, "maybe more than that, maybe more than 48 hours!"

Scarlett can't help but move when she hears the words. She immediately wants to say something, but she notices that Ye Feng's eyes are not right. Then she remembers that the identities of her and Ye Feng are different now.

And in the four corners of the interrogation room, there are cameras installed. When Scarlett saw this, her face suddenly moved and she immediately said, "don't they like your technology? Aren't you the chip master? Don't you comfort me that they all point to the chip technology in your hand, and they won't treat you badly anywhere? Look at this. We are just like prisoners. What's wrong with us? "

Ye Feng can't help but praise Scarlett's brain circuit is relatively fast, immediately sighed, "before all multinational companies, but this group of people, I guess it's not like what company, you'd better be careful, don't hurt me!"

Scarlett heard that Ye Feng was deliberately reminding herself not to talk on this topic, but she said to Ye Feng, "I don't care. You promised me that you would have a good life after you. Look, we come from Australia to New Zealand, and now we come to this desert island. This is what you call a good life?"

Ye Feng went to cold hum a way, "woman's view, what do you know? The characters who can build a city on this desert island are certainly not ordinary people. Moreover, you and they are all armed. Maybe they are some kind of armed organization! "

As soon as Scarlett heard this, she immediately made a look of horror. "Don't scare me!"

But Ye Feng said with a smile, "to scare you? What to be afraid of? I tell you that my technology is unique in the world. No matter they are multinational high-tech enterprises, government departments or even unknown military forces, whoever gets me will get treasure. Once the XOX series chips I study come out, they will be able to eat for a lifetime! "

Scarlett immediately said, "how many lives do I care about them? I just want to ask you, did you say that you raised me all my life before

Ye Feng immediately shrugged his shoulders and said, "after my technology comes into the market, don't mention raising you for a lifetime. Even if I can afford to raise you for several lifetimes, you can live a good life!"

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