Scarlett said a few words of complaint with some emotion, and finally sighed, "I don't know when I can go out!"

Ye Feng confidently said, "soon, don't worry! At this time, they should be worried. They don't understand my temper. If I'm not happy, I'd rather die with technology. No one wants to get it! "

Scarlett can't help but look at Ye Feng more at this time. She has to admire this guy's urgency. At this time, she can think of many details in the face of danger.

The purpose of Ye Feng's saying this is that there are cameras and probably voice devices here. What he says here can be heard.

He began to appear very arrogant, which is the pride of a technical talent, but at the same time, he was worried that if the other party wanted to kill him, this arrogant temperament would hang them for a few days.

But Ye Feng will technical personnel that pride performance incisively and vividly, would rather die than be insulted by this tone of performance is just right.

Sure enough, less than a quarter of an hour or so, the door of the interrogation room was opened, and then a person came in, sitting in a wheelchair, it was Jack.

When Jack comes in with an electric wheelchair, the door of the interrogation room is closed again immediately. His electric wheelchair is opened in front of Ye Feng and Scarlett, and then it stops.

Ye Feng looks at Jack, feeling a little empty. After all, Jack may know himself, not only himself, but also himself who has Cao Yihai's body.

Scarlett doesn't know Jack, but she says to him quietly, "are you in charge here?"

Jack said immediately, "I'm in charge of the investigation department here!"

Scarlett said immediately, "what do you want? Take us to the island and do nothing about it! "

Jack immediately apologized to the two humanity, "let you be wronged, I just want to say, we sincerely invite you to come here, if there is anything wrong in the process, I'll apologize to you first!"

Scarlett immediately said, "we don't need to talk about these scenes. We just want to know when we will be free."

But Jack said to Scarlett, "take it easy. We'll arrange accommodation for you, but freedom is relative. What we can guarantee now is that Mr. Li's freedom is between the laboratory and the residence, while Miss Juliet's freedom is in all the accommodation areas!"

As soon as Scarlett heard this, her face suddenly moved. She stood up and said, "what kind of freedom is this? I'm leaving the island

Jack shrugged his shoulders and said, "with all due respect, in the present situation, I can't help you! But I can tell you that you don't have to worry about living here. We have everything on the island. You can enjoy what you can enjoy in the outside world and here. And everything here is free for you forever! "

Scarlett smell speech even busy way, "forever free?"

Jack nodded solemnly and said, "yes, it's free forever!"

Scarlett said in a loud voice, "that's not the point, OK? What I want is absolute freedom. I'm... " Then he took a look at Ye Feng, who didn't speak all the time, and continued, "doesn't my husband have any money? Am I the kind of person who wants to be free? "

Jack looks at Scarlett speechless and doesn't talk any more.

Ye Feng then cleared his throat and said to Jack, "OK, you don't have to worry about her. I want to know who is behind you? And the real purpose for which you arrested me! "

Jack is familiar with Ye Feng's voice. He can't help looking at Ye Feng. He frowns slightly and says, "your voice is very familiar. Have we seen it before?"

Ye Feng a listen to this words, heart immediately move, yes, although his appearance has changed, the voice is still Cao Yihai.

But on the surface, he humed coldly, "don't get close to me. You haven't answered my question yet!"

This time, Ye Feng deliberately pinches a little voice and coarsens his voice to talk with Jack.

Jack stared at Ye Feng's face for a long time before he said, "Mr. Li, I can't answer you about this matter, because I'm only responsible for investigating your past and making sure you won't leave Stewart Island now. As for what you want to do and who you want to do, I don't need to consider, and I don't need to explain. Someone will talk to you in the future Explain clearly

Jack then took another look at them and continued, "now you just need to tell you that after I let you go to your place on the island, you are relatively free, but this freedom is limited..."

When she said that Scarlett wanted to speak, she immediately interrupted her and said, "don't tangle with me about word games. I also know that restrictions and freedom are against each other, but I'm sorry, I can only do this here!"

Jack took another look at Ye Feng and continued, "as long as you don't want to open an island and leave your living atmosphere, your life here is unrestricted and not monitored!"Speaking of this, he suddenly said in a deep voice, "but if you think about how to get out of here and take action, then we will not be able to ensure the safety of your lives at that time! I'm finished. Do you understand? "

Scarlett just wants to say something against Jack, but she is stopped by Ye Feng. Ye Feng asks Jack, "when will someone come and talk to me face to face about my concerns?"

Jack shrugged and said, "soon, the specific time is not within my scope of work. I can't give the exact time!"

After hearing this, Ye Feng immediately pondered, stood up and said to Scarlett, "let's go! After being locked up for so long, I haven't had a good sleep, and I haven't had a good meal. Let's live here first! "

Scarlett said with a melancholy face, "but..."

has the final say, "what's wrong? I has the final say, or do you have the final say?"

Scarlett's face moved a little. She stamped her feet and turned away.

Jack said to them, "you don't have to be like this. If you need anything to live here, just talk to your housekeeper."

Ye Feng smell speech heart next move, residence still have housekeeper now? But he didn't say anything, just nodded, shrugged and said, "can we go now?"

Jack immediately moved the electric wheelchair to one side and said, "anytime!" Then he clapped his hands, and two big men came in immediately. Jack said immediately, "send two distinguished guests to their houses!"

The two men immediately went to Ye Feng and Scarlett's side and stretched out their hands, "please!"

Ye Feng didn't say anything more, and immediately walked towards the door with Scarlett. At this time, Jack's voice came from behind his back and said, "Satan..."

Ye Feng smell speech heart next move, secret way Jack really is through the voice began to doubt himself, but a face surprised look back to Jack, "ah? What? "

Jack looked at Ye Feng, shrugged his shoulders and said with a smile, "nothing, light!"

Ye Feng this just eh a, followed two big men to leave the inquisition room, and out of the inquisition building, the door already had a transfer waiting for two people.

After they got off the bus, they were immediately sent to the car. The car drove to the other end of the island, and soon they saw a villa group on the hillside not far away.

Ye Feng is very familiar with this place. He knows that the place on the island for those foreign technicians is the so-called VIP area.

The car quickly drove into the VIP area, bypassed several winding paths and stopped in front of a villa.

The people on the bus came down and asked Ye Feng and Scarlett to get off. At the door of the villa, there was a middle-aged woman, a young girl and a middle-aged man.

When they saw Ye Feng and Scarlett coming, they immediately bent down and said, "Hello, master and wife!"

Ye Feng smell speech can't help but look at three people, then nodded, walked into the villa courtyard, the car outside immediately drove away.

At this time, the middle-aged woman came and walked forward behind Ye Feng and Scarlett, introducing herself, "I'm the housekeeper here. The master can call me Kelly. This is Wenya, the master's wife's maid, and that is Hendry, the gardener!"

When Wenya and Hendry heard what Carey, the housekeeper, said, "Hello, master and wife!"

Ye Feng still nodded, did not say anything, continue to walk towards the door of the villa, into the lobby after a look, the environment here is wrong.

Although Ye Feng has been here for more than ten or twenty years, he has been to the VIP area several times, and he has always sent the VIP to the door and left. It's the first time he has seen what's going on inside.

Then he went to the sofa and sat down. Then he said to Kelly, "get us something to eat first, and then go to the water. We're ready to go to bed when we finish eating! I'm so tired

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