The housekeeper Kaili immediately told the maid Wenya to prepare. She went to the tea room and asked Ye Feng and Scarlett, "what would you like to drink, master and wife?"

Ye Feng said to make two cups of tea. Then she took a look at Scarlett and winked at her. Scarlett looked at Ye Feng blankly and didn't quite understand what Ye Feng meant.

Hendry, the gardener, came up to Yefeng and Scarlett and said, "what's the matter, master and wife? In addition to being a gardener, I am also a domestic servant. I usually do some trivial things. If you have anything to do, just tell me! "

Ye Feng smell speech immediately toward Hendry nodded, then said, "nothing, you will all go down, my wife and I say something in private!"

As soon as Hendry heard this, he just said a good word, then he slowly stepped back until he reached the door, and then he turned and walked out of the door.

Caretaker Kelly made two pots of tea and came over. After handing them to Ye Feng and Scarlett, she immediately asked if ye Feng and Scarlett had any orders.

After taking a sip of the tea cup, Ye Feng also said to Kelly in Hendry's words, "it's nothing. You all go down. Don't come in without my orders in the future!"

Carey, the housekeeper, could not help nodding. She went to the kitchen and asked her to prepare the meal for the master and wife. After preparing the meal, she went to clean up the bedroom.

Wenya nods and says that she knows. Then Kaili goes out. Wenya continues to be busy in the kitchen and says to Ye Feng and Scarlett, "don't worry, master and wife. It will be OK in a moment."

Ye Feng said not to worry, slowly, then see Scarlett to speak, Ye Feng immediately made a look, let her say nothing.

Then Ye Feng stood up and walked around the living room. He looked as if he was wandering around. In fact, he was scanning every corner of the living room with his eyes to see if there were monitors and eavesdroppers.

After a circle of observation, Ye Feng found that he was worried too much. There was really no monitoring equipment here.

Ye Feng finally sat down and winked at Scarlett, telling her that there was no problem and that she could talk at ease.

Then Ye Feng also knew that most people here are technical experts. Using these devices is undoubtedly a way to look down on these people's technology. It's easy to be found. If you don't say it, it may also cause their disgust. On the contrary, it's counterproductive.

Moreover, these people are basically helpless, and generally they are not threatening, so it's better to let them go completely, instead, it seems that they are open and magnanimous here.

At this time, Ye Feng glanced at the maid who was cooking in the kitchen. She thought that if there was no arrangement on the equipment, it was not certain whether there was any special arrangement on the hands.

But at this time, Wenya continued to cook, not like watching them.

Ye Feng see so, this just toward Scarlett way, "here should be temporarily safe!"

Scarlett took a long breath and whispered to Ye Feng, "it's very tiring to pretend like this!"

Ye Feng whispered to Scarlett, "although it's safe at present, it doesn't mean it's safe all the time. TSL won't make us so secure. If there's nothing on the equipment, it must be the arrangement of personnel!"

Scarlett can't help but look at the elegance of cooking, and then whispered to Ye Feng, "no, I think that girl is also very responsible!"

But Ye Feng sneered, "on Stewart Island, where did you come from?"

On hearing this, Scarlett's heart suddenly moved, her brow slightly frowned and said, "so, they are all monitoring us?"

Ye Feng shrugged and said, "not all of them, but at least one of them is. It's hard to say who it is now!"

After taking a deep breath, Scarlett said, "no matter how much it is, I'm really a little hungry when I smell the food in the kitchen."

At this time, Ye Feng amplified his voice and said, "yes!" He said to Chao Wenya, "Wenya, are you a professional cook?"

Wenya heard Ye Feng talking to herself in the kitchen and immediately said, "no, but I can cook. I just don't know if it's in line with the taste of the master and wife!"

Scarlett then stood up and walked towards the kitchen, and from time to time she turned back and winked at Ye Feng.

Ye Feng suddenly understands that Scarlett is going to test her elegance at this time. After all, she may have to live here for a period of time. If someone is always staring at her, that's not the case, so Ye Feng doesn't stop her.

Scarlett went to the kitchen, picked up a pair of scissors on the table and said, "let me help you!"

On hearing this, Wen Ya immediately put down her things and said to Scarlett, "Oh, madam, you don't need your help. You'd better go and sit in the living room. I'll be fine in a moment."

Then she reached for the knife in Scarlett's hand and said, "that's OK!"

Scarlett immediately released her hand, and the sharp knife in her hand immediately began to fall towards the ground.At the same time, Wenya suddenly took out her hand, grabbed the handle of the sharp knife, and then put it on the cabinet.

Scarlett's face suddenly moved. She looked at Wen Ya and said, "I can't see it. Your hands and feet are quite flexible."

Wenya seems to be aware of something. She looks a little flustered, but she still pretends to be calm and says, "it's nothing. I'm a maid!"

Scarlett said with a sneer, "I just praise you for your Dexterity. I didn't say you're not a maid!"

Wen Ya's face suddenly changed again. She quickly turned away from the topic and said, "madam, you'd better go to the living room and wait. I'll be fine in a moment."

Scarlett said nothing more, clapped her hands and walked out of the kitchen towards Ye Feng.

At this time, the elegant in the kitchen took a look at Scarlett's back, and then looked at Ye Feng. Seeing that Ye Feng was staring at this side, she immediately lowered her head and continued to be busy.

Scarlett sat opposite Ye Feng, shrugged her shoulders and said, "it seems very clear that she will not be a simple maid!"

But Ye Feng said to Scarlett, "I said, on Stewart Island! There is no simple person, she will point skill, does not mean that she is the person who monitors us

Scarlett heard Ye Feng say so, her face moved slightly, and then said, "or, I'll test the other two?"

But Ye Feng said with a smile, "don't test, Kelly and Hendry are skilled, you can see it!"

Scarlett smell speech complexion can't help but move a way, "see all can see?"

Ye Feng immediately said to Scarlett, "that Hendry's standing posture is just like a practitioner! And the way Kelly looks at people reveals that she's not simple! "

Scarlett listen to Ye Feng say so, face can't help but slightly move, then some slightly angry way, "since you can see, I want to test, why don't you stop?"

Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders and said, "although I can see it, I can't see if people hide anything. You can test it to see if they will deliberately hide the fact that they have skills!"

Scarlett smell speech immediately toward Ye Feng said, "that you just see that elegant is not deliberately hide?"

Ye Feng shook his head and said, "what do you think?"

Scarlett shrugged her shoulders and said, "I think her hand is totally subconscious, but after I found out, she looked funny. I don't know if she wanted to hide anything!"

Ye Feng said to Scarlett, "I think the opposite of you."

On hearing this, Scarlett's face suddenly moved. She looked at Ye Feng in surprise and said, "on the contrary? How is that possible? "

Ye Feng said, "she dodged because she was nervous!"

Scarlett frowned, "nervous?"

Ye Feng immediately said, "she is nervous. She should be worried about the taste of the food she cooks! Don't believe it

Scarlett can't help but look at the elegant side when she hears the words. She sees that he is trying the dishes at this time. She looks nervous and frowns when she has something wrong with the taste.

Seeing this, Scarlett can't help but frown a little, looking at the elegant and serious way of cooking, and a little like what Ye Feng said.

Ye Feng reminds Scarlett at this time, "in fact, I have been observing her since she came into the kitchen. Her nervousness has been on the rise from the beginning!"

Scarlett listen to Ye Feng say so, this just thoroughly convinced, originally this guy insight, after entering the door, everything has been in his eyes.

And at this time, the elegant kitchen called, "dinner is ready, master and wife, you can eat!" Then he put the good things on the table.

Ye Feng shrugged, stood up and said to Scarlett, "don't say anything more, eat first!"

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