Said Ye Feng and Scarlett went to the table, looking at the dishes at this table are more western style, only a plate of cold noodles, a little bit Oriental.

Ye Feng picked up a fork to fork a plate of cold noodles, put a piece of steak in front of him, chopped it up, mixed it in the cold noodles, and put some black pepper in it. Then he ate it.

Scarlett and Wenya are both stunned. It's the first time that people eat cold noodles like this. It's really a combination of Chinese and Western food.

Ye Feng then saw two people staring at themselves, and immediately said to them, "what are you looking at?"

Scarlett didn't say much. She picked up the fruit salad and began to eat it. After taking a bite, she frowned at Wen Ya and asked her what special material she had put in it.

Wenya said that there was a little more citrus and lemon juice in their hometown, so it tasted sour and sweet. Then she asked Scarlett if she didn't like it. She could do it again.

Scarlett shook her head. "No, it's delicious!"

Ye Feng then took a look at Wen Yan and said to her, "sit down and have dinner, too!"

Wen Ya shakes her head and says, "I'm a maid. How can I have dinner with my master and wife?"

But Ye Feng shrugged, "what century is this? How can there be such a class classification? "

Wenya said, "and now it's not a meal. Wenya is not hungry. Thank you for your concern!"

After Ye Feng nodded, he continued to eat. After a while, he wiped his mouth and said that he had eaten well. He asked Wenya where his room was.

Wenya immediately said to Yefeng, "please come with me. It's upstairs!"

Ye Feng got up and went with Wen Ya, turned back and said to Scarlett, "I'll go to bed first, and you'll have an early rest after eating!" Then she winked at Scarlett.

Scarlett quickly put down her fork, picked up the cloth, wiped her mouth, and said to Wen Ya who had already stepped up the corridor, "where is my room?"

Elegant smell speech but a surprised, standing in the same place, looking back at Scarlett way, "the master and wife is not in a room?"

Scarlett's heart immediately moved. She thought that Ye Feng winked at her just now. She really had some bad intentions.

Ye Feng immediately said, "she's joking with you. Let's go!"

Wenya nodded and led Ye Feng upstairs. Scarlett followed her all the way. She quickly came to the door of a room. Wenya pushed the door open and asked Ye Feng and Scarlett to go in.

After Ye Feng and Scarlett enter the door, it is actually a super large room, and in front of it is a whole piece of floor glass window.

At this time, Wenya goes over and opens the window screen. Suddenly, a sea is in front of her. If you don't consider that this island is TSL headquarters, it is absolutely an invincible sea view room.

Scarlett then walked towards the window, looking at the sea view and the coast outside, and could not help muttering, "what a pity for such a beautiful island!"

Wen Ya stood on one side and said, "what does the lady say?"

Scarlett shrugged her shoulders and said, "it's nothing. You can go out. I'll call you if there's anything else."

When Wenya heard this, she immediately replied, "I'll live downstairs. If you have anything, you can call me. Wenya can serve you 24 hours at any time!"

When I got to the door, I saw Ye Feng. I immediately put my hands in front of my knees and bowed to Ye Feng. Then I turned away and helped Ye Feng close the door.

After seeing Wenya leave, Ye Feng goes directly to the bedside, lies down on the bed and stretches. He didn't sleep well in the detention room under the abandoned factory last night. This big bed has a soft back and doesn't have a good sleep.

Scarlett stood at the window, looked back at Ye Feng and said, "do you really sleep?"

Ye Feng smell speech motionless ground to close eyes, mouth but say, "don't sleep to do what?"

Scarlett quickly walked to the bedside and then said to Ye Feng, "you can sleep, go to the sofa!"

But Ye Feng sneered, and directly pulled the quilt over his body and said, "is it possible? If you think too much, I won't mind if you sleep on the sofa! "

Scarlett, regardless of Ye Feng, immediately lay on the other side of the bed and pulled the quilt on her body. Fortunately, the bed was big enough and the bedding was big enough, which did not affect them.

Ye Feng really went to sleep at this time. There were two snores from time to time. Scarlett immediately sat up and glared at Ye Feng. Her heart was so big that she fell asleep so soon. Don't you know where they are now?

In addition, Scarlett didn't sleep well last night, and she was sleepy at this time. However, Ye Feng's snoring kept coming from her ears, which made her unable to sleep at all.

Scarlett thought and immediately kicked Ye Feng's butt. She didn't want to be caught by Ye Feng as soon as she kicked out, and she heard Ye Feng's voice saying, "if you want to go to bed, you should go to bed earlier. There should be nothing wrong today, but someone will come tomorrow morning! I don't have the energy to make trouble with you

Scarlett immediately retracted her foot, but Ye Feng didn't catch it. Scarlett said to Ye Feng, "what are you snoring when you're not asleep? How can people sleep when you have so much noise? "Ye Feng turned over and faced Scarlett, but turned a blind eye to her. He just said, "sleep!"

Scarlett was about to say something when she caught a glimpse of the door. It seemed that someone was flashing under the crack of the door, but she didn't make a sound.

See so, Scarlett immediately pushed Ye Feng, then pointed to the door, Ye Feng turned over, immediately looked at the door, heart is also a move, then sat up.

Scarlett asked Ye Feng in a low voice, "shall I go and have a look?"

Ye Feng has not uttered a word, staring at the door for a while, and then fell back to sleep, "go to sleep! I've been tired for several days! "

Scarlett pointed to the door and murmured, "how do you sleep?"

But Ye Feng said in a low voice, "maybe it's just to listen to whether we have a real relationship, or to perform a show for them?"

On hearing this, Scarlett turned red. After a low scolding, she immediately fell asleep and did not speak.

However, she was still a little uneasy. From time to time, she looked at whether the people at the door were still there.

The man outside didn't seem to hear anything, so she left immediately. Scarlett turned over and patted Ye Feng's face, who would it be? elegant? Kelly or Hendry? "

Ye Feng didn't open his eyes. He immediately turned his back to Scarlett and said, "tomorrow morning!"

Scarlett couldn't, so she had to lie down again, but her mind was filtering elegance over and over again. Kelly and Hendry were thinking about who it would be.

However, Scarlett is really a little tired, thinking and gradually falling asleep. In her dream, Scarlett actually dreams that she is held in her arms by Ye Feng and sleeps, and it seems that there is no sense of disobedience, so she is sweet in her heart.

Just when Scarlett wants to kiss Ye Feng, Ye Feng's face turns into Shrek's, and she stares at her and says, "why don't you take revenge on me? You even got involved with him. Are you worthy of me? "

Scarlett immediately woke up after seeing this. She opened her eyes and saw that it was already dawn. Then she turned to one side and saw that Ye Feng was no longer in bed.

Scarlett quickly and instinctively looked at her clothes and thought that she had been lying in the same bed with Ye Feng all night.

Thinking of her dream and Shrek's face, Scarlett suddenly got out of bed, rushed to the bathroom, washed her face with cold water, and looked at her face in the mirror.

Scarlett gasps, looks at herself in the mirror and thinks about Shrek. She immediately lowers her head and pours cold water on her face to calm herself down.

immediately Scarlett felt something wrong. On the side of his head, he saw Ye Feng lying in the bathtub and looking at himself in amazement. Fortunately, Ye Feng had made a bubble in the bathtub and could only see the head of Ye Feng.

Scarlett suddenly exclaimed to Ye Feng, "how can you be here?"

But Ye Feng shrugged, "why can't I be here? I was too tired yesterday. I went to bed without a bath. Of course, I have to take a bath in the morning to stretch my body? "

Then Ye Feng whistled to Scarlett, "do you want to join us?"

Scarlett immediately gave Ye Feng a white look, and then went out of the bathroom, went to the French window, looked at the morning sea outside the window, her mind kept telling herself, "don't forget what you came to do, you have to revenge!"

Ye Feng came out of the bathroom at this time. She was only wearing a bathrobe. After sitting down on the sofa in the window, she lit a cigarette. Looking at Scarlett standing at the window, her body was still slightly trembling, "what? Have you had a nightmare? "

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