Scarlett can't help looking back at Ye Feng, but she doesn't say anything. Instead, she goes directly to the bathroom, locks the door of the bathroom and sits on the toilet in a daze.

Ye Feng can't help but shrug. She doesn't know what nerve Scarlett has. She doesn't care about her. She continues to smoke cigarettes and looks out of the window.

At this time, there was a knock on the door. Ye Feng immediately got up to open the door, but saw Wen Yazheng standing at the door. When Ye Feng opened the door, he immediately put his hands in front of his knees, bent 90 degrees toward Ye Feng and said, "good morning, sir. Breakfast is ready. Please go down to eat!"

Ye Feng took a look at Wen Yan, then nodded and said, "change clothes and go down!"

Wenya immediately bows to Ye Feng and then turns to leave the door.

At this time, Ye Feng closed the door and went to the bathroom door and knocked on the door of the room

But Scarlett said to Ye Feng quietly, "you go, I'm not hungry!"

At this time, Ye Feng walked towards the cloakroom and asked Scarlett, "then I will send Wenya to you later?"

However, she did not hear Scarlett's answer. After entering the cloakroom, Ye Feng was stunned. This cloakroom seems to be several times larger than a normal suite. Actually, the whole wall inside is full of suits and ties, and men's watches have all kinds of shoes and belts.

The other wall is full of women's clothes, as well as all kinds of high-heeled shoes, bras, brooches, jewelry and necklaces. There are hundreds of dresses alone.

Ye Feng casually picked a plain shirt and put it on, and then changed a pair of trousers. After putting it on, she went out and saw that Scarlett was still in the bathroom.

Ye Feng knocked on the door again and asked Scarlett, "what are you doing? Go downstairs to have dinner!"

Scarlett then opened the door, looked at Ye Feng and took a deep breath. Then she said to Ye Feng, "I'll go down in a moment! I'm going to change! "

Ye Feng can't help but look back at Scarlett, who is heading for the cloakroom. She breathes a cool breath in her mouth. "What's this girl doing in the early morning? It's a nightmare after a night?"

But Ye Feng didn't say much. He went downstairs directly. The gentleness downstairs, Kelly and Hendry, were standing on the other side of the corridor. Seeing Ye Feng coming downstairs, they immediately bowed 90 degrees and said, "good morning, master!"

Ye Feng looks at the three people like this and thinks that the service here is like this now. Fortunately, he is not really Li Tian. Otherwise, seeing this kind of imperial service here, it is estimated that NIMA would have given up his arms.

After arriving at the restaurant, Hendry helps Ye Feng move his stool, Kaili helps Ye Feng take the meal and put it on her lap, while Wenya opens her throat with a glass of water.

After drinking a mouthful of water, Ye Feng picked up a piece of bread and took a cup of milk to eat.

Kaili stood on Ye Feng's side and said to Ye Feng, "master, the first step of your journey today is to go to the technology department, where there are special people waiting for you! When you come back in the evening, we will get everything ready for you! If you have anything you need or want to eat, you can tell us that we will try our best to meet all your requirements. "

Ye Feng can't help frowning slightly when he hears the words and looks at Kaili, "technology department? Shall I go myself? "

Kelly immediately said with a smile, "Oh, no, Hendry will see you off later!"

Ye Feng can't help looking at Hendry. Hendry immediately nods to Ye Feng, "master, I said, I am responsible for many things besides being a gardener!"

Ye Feng couldn't help nodding and didn't say much. At this time, he asked Kelly, "what should my wife do after I go to the technology department?"

Kelly said immediately, "my wife can go for a walk at home or anywhere in the VIP area! As long as you don't leave the VIP area, your wife will be free in all her actions! "

Ye Feng can't help but look at Kaili and say, "what if my wife accidentally goes out of the VIP area?"

Kelly still had a polite smile on her face and said, "no, my wife won't be out of the VIP area!"

Yefeng listen to Kaili said the meaning of general, but she did not elaborate, Yefeng also did not ask what.

At this time, Scarlett came down from the upstairs. Seeing this, Kelly immediately welcomed her and said, "good morning, madam!"

Scarlett nodded slightly and then asked, "what's breakfast?"

Kelly immediately replied, "milk and bread, as well as hot dogs and simple, if the wife has any special needs, you can let gentle do it!"

Scarlett shakes her head and goes to the dining table. Kelly immediately follows her and moves her stool to sit down.

Scarlett took a sip of the milk, stuffed some bread, and asked Kelly, "what's the plan for your master today?"

Kelly immediately said to Scarlett, "as I have just said to the master, today he will go to the technology department and hand over to the people in the technology department. He will come back in the evening!"

After hearing the speech, Scarlett immediately nodded, and then said to Ye Feng, "then you should hand it over with others. I'll wait for you at home!"Ye Feng can't help staring at Scarlett for a moment. This woman has been a little different since she got up in the morning, but she doesn't have the energy to ask him for the time being. She just hopes she doesn't have any problems.

Ye Feng immediately put down the milk cup, clapped the crumbs on his hands, and then stood up. Hendry immediately helped Ye Feng move the stool and asked him, "master, do you want to go to the technology department now?"

Ye Feng nodded and said to Hendry, "you go out and wait for a while. My wife and I have something to say!" Then he took another look at Kelly and Wenya.

Kaili and Wenya immediately smile and nod, and they all retreat out of the villa.

Now there are only Ye Feng and Scarlett at the dining table. Ye Feng said, "if you have any questions, wait until I come back in the evening, but don't act alone!"

Scarlett threw a wink at Ye Feng and then said, "husband, what do you say? What can I do?"

After staring at Scarlett for a long time, Ye Feng pointed to Ye Feng and said, "there's a set!"

Finish saying Ye Feng head also don't return of walk toward the door, Scarlett but toward Ye Feng way, "husband walk slowly, I wait for you to come back!"

Ye Feng listened to this, can't help but fight a cold war, looked back and glanced at Scarlett, but saw that Scarlett was smiling at herself.

Ye Feng can't help but look at Scarlett a few more eyes, or opened the door to go out, but in the mouth is muttering, "this woman what plane?"

Hendry, Kelly and Wenya are standing at the gate of the yard. There is a Mercedes outside.

See Ye Feng came, Hendry immediately went to open the back door, please Ye Feng sit in, Hendry immediately went to the front driver's seat to sit in.

After Hendry started the car, Ye Feng couldn't help laughing at Hendry and said, "it seems that my driver will be you in the future!"

After looking back at Ye Feng, Henry immediately nodded to Ye Feng and said, "yes, sir!"

Ye Feng nodded with a smile and said nothing more. Hendry immediately turned to start the car, stepped on the accelerator and drove out of the VIP villa area towards the work area.

After a while, he stopped in front of the building of the technology department. After the car stopped, two staff members came at the door of the building, opened the door of the back seat and asked Ye Feng to go down.

After Ye Feng got off, Hendry got off and said to Ye Feng, "master, I'll pick you up here at six o'clock in the evening!"

Ye Feng nodded to Hendry. Hendry immediately got on the car and drove away, while Ye Feng was led into the building by two staff members.

After entering the elevator, the staff pressed the top button. Ye Feng saw that they didn't speak and stood behind him. He couldn't help looking back at them.

Two people see Ye Feng to see to oneself, all politely toward Ye Feng nod a smile, but still didn't say anything.

When the elevator arrived at the top floor, the elevator opened, and they immediately went out first. Standing on both sides of the elevator, they politely extended their hands and asked Ye Feng to get out of the elevator.

After Ye Feng walked out of the elevator, they immediately led Ye Feng to the office at the end of the corridor. After arriving at the door of the office, they knocked on the door.

Inside the door immediately came a voice, please enter, the staff immediately opened the door, please Ye Feng in.

Ye Feng just came in and saw Tom sitting at his desk, but on one side of the sofa, there were two people Ye Feng didn't know.

Tom said to the two staff members that you can go out. Then he got up and walked over to Ye Feng, shaking hands and said, "Hello, Dr. Li Tian! I'm the head of the technology department here, Jackson! "

Ye Feng's secret way, this boy also came back? However, he held out his hand to Tom, and Tom immediately introduced Ye Feng to the other two people, both of whom are chip professionals from the technology department here. They have been here for several years, and each of them has its own studio.

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