Ye Feng shook hands with the two technicians in the past. Tom asked Ye Feng to sit down and then said with a smile, "this time I invited Dr. Li here, it may be a little unpleasant. Here I want to apologize to Dr. Li again!" Then he asked Ye Feng, "I don't know the living environment last night. What's not satisfied with Dr. Li? We can coordinate it! "

Ye Feng waved his hand and said to Tom, "is there anything unsatisfied?"

Tom said with a smile, "there is no dissatisfaction!" Then he took out a cigarette and handed it to Ye Feng. Then he took out a lighter to light the cigarette for Ye Feng, and then he lit it himself.

Ye Feng took a puff of his cigarette and looked at Tom. He felt that he was really an undercover agent. He knew who he was, and it was the same as his first meeting.

But since Tom is in charge of the technology department, it's relatively easy for him to muddle through.

Tom took a puff and then said to the other two, "tell Dr. Li about your progress and problems."

The two immediately told Ye Feng about their research and development progress on the chip and the problems they encountered.

What's more, some of the problems mentioned by these two people are quite professional, and two professional words pop up from time to time, and they all pass by casually. If you don't pay attention to them, you may neglect them.

Ye Feng at this time while smoking, while looking at the two people, always did not speak.

But Tom is staring at Ye Feng, he has given Ye Feng some information in advance, but he also found that many nouns are not in the information.

Looking at Ye Feng silent, Tom can't help for Ye Feng began to pinch a cold sweat, if exposed in front of the same technician, then his identity will be exposed immediately.

At this time, a technician saw that Ye Feng didn't say a word, and suddenly stopped the introduction. Instead, he asked Ye Feng, "Dr. Li, these questions, you see..."

But Ye Feng waved his hand and said, "don't worry, you can finish the question at one time! I'll say it again

That person smell speech this just nodded, then continue to begin to introduce, two people mutually subsidize, you a word I a language of say full more than half an hour.

Finally, both of them finished, sitting there with four eyes, staring at Ye Feng, waiting for Ye Feng's answer.

Ye Feng saw this and then put out the cigarette. He shrugged his shoulders and said, "the problems you mentioned are all small problems..."

Then he stood up, began to talk, and said almost all the professional words on his back.

However, the difficulty of this question is not whether the professional terms can be used, but how to connect these professional terms, and it can not be used in the wrong place, otherwise it is just that the professional terms have no meaning at all, and the most important thing is not to answer the wrong questions.

But Ye Feng actually answered correctly, which can be seen from the performance of the two technicians nodding frequently.

Tom was still hanging a heart, at this time also completely put down, it seems that the organization to find leaf maple is absolutely wise choice.

But just when Tom felt at ease, one of the technicians said to Ye Feng, "Dr. Li, we have a basic understanding of what you said, but the key point is that several core technologies have been difficult to break through at present We can't understand this problem. Please explain it in detail! "

As soon as Tom heard this, his heart began to move. In fact, there were no so-called core issues in the information given to Ye Feng. When Tom stopped, his whole heart began to raise them again. The secret was not good.

But Ye Feng lit a cigarette again, and then said with a sneer, "of course I can explain the so-called core technology!"

Tom frowned and whispered, "don't talk nonsense. These two technicians used to be big names in the chip technology industry. You can't fool them by just fooling them.".

But at this time, Ye Feng is looking at two humanitarians, "but this core technology, if you can't break through, it's your problem, your technology is limited!"

Said Ye Feng also looked at Tom, this just a shrug way, "I think this is why you will invite me to the main reason?"

Tom immediately nodded and said, "Dr. Li, please come because of this problem!"

But Ye Feng said with a smile, "that's it. This is my current life preserver. If I teach them, what should I do? God knows what you're going to do with me? "

Tom thought that Ye Feng's answer was excellent. He made full use of this point and could refuse to answer all the questions about these aspects after two technicians.

Tom looked at Ye Feng in embarrassment and said, "Dr. Li..."

Ye Feng reached out his hand and interrupted Tom. "I don't care what you think and what you will do next. I won't say this kind of core technology casually, let alone teach everyone. As the saying goes, I still rely on it to eat after teaching my apprentices. Moreover, if you have spent so many years studying it, you haven't tasted it yet How about sharing with others? Would you like to? I don't care whether you like it or not, I only control this technology in my own hands, and I direct my own research! If you can't, I refuse all cooperation! "Two technical personnel's facial expression is very ugly, but takes the leaf maple to have no way appearance.

Tom also showed his embarrassment on purpose. Finally, he sighed and said to the two technicians, "otherwise, go back first. I'll talk to Dr. Li again!"

Two technicians smell speech, immediately stand up, quite some disdain to see Ye Feng one eye, completely a pair of you don't see us, we also don't want you.

See two technicians angry and go, Tom a moment hanging heart but completely put down, at least Ye Feng in this pass is the past.

After waiting for the two technicians to leave and close the door, Tom nodded to Ye Feng's appreciation, but the flow of his eyes seemed to remind Ye Feng not to talk.

Then Tom said to Ye Feng, "about Dr. Li's request, we will convey it to them."

What kind of person Ye Feng is? Of course, he knows such an important "interview". In fact, Tom can be the master. There must be a camera leading to an office.

At this time, Tom used a detail to confirm Ye Feng's idea. He "subconsciously" pressed his ear to show that he actually had a headset in his ear.

After listening to the people in the headset for a moment, Tom immediately said to Ye Feng, "in this way, Dr. Li, I'll come here first today. For your request, we need a day to discuss it and give you a reply. We'll call your driver and ask him to come to meet you!"

But Ye Feng said impatiently, "what do you mean? I'm going back to that villa? Don't think that if you live in a villa for me and get some servants to take care of me, I'm really happy. I tell you, no matter how good it is, it's just a luxury prison for me! "

Tom frowned and said, "does Dr. Li have any other requirements?"

Ye Feng shrugged and said, "I have a hobby. I like fishing in my spare time. Please help me prepare a fishing rod! A lot of my inspiration comes from fishing! "

When Tom heard this, he couldn't help praising Ye Feng. In fact, Li Tian's hobbies did mention fishing, but it never indicated that Li Tian's creativity was related to fishing.

Thinking of this, Tom immediately nodded to Ye Feng, "I'll apply for it!"

Ye Feng then stood up and said, "make a decision as soon as possible. I'll tell you that once my technology is launched, it's not a 4g5g problem, but a leap in both quality and quantity, which is likely to completely change the world's speculation about the future of the network!"

Tom immediately nodded and flattered, saying that he would give Dr. Li an answer as soon as possible.

Ye Feng just turned around and left Tom's office, and then someone came to pick him up downstairs. When Ye Feng arrived downstairs, Hendry had already driven to pick him up.

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