Hendry stopped the car and immediately came down to salute Ye Feng. After calling the master, he immediately went to open the back door and asked Ye Feng to get on.

After Ye Feng got on the bus, Hendry immediately got on the bus and drove to the VIP villa area. On the way, Hendry said to Ye Feng, "master, there is something I want to report to you!"

Ye Feng smell speech eyebrow can't help a wrinkly way, "what matter?" In the heart actually faintly feels, the matter is likely to be related with Scarlett.

Sure enough, Hendry said at the moment, "the wife is gone!"

Ye Feng a listen to this, heart immediately a Lin, really want what to come what, in the morning found Scarlett some problems, did not expect to have an accident.

Ye Feng then asked Hendry, "is it gone? Why is it missing? Aren't you heavily guarded here? Have you looked for it? "

Hendry immediately said, "I've been looking for it all the time. I've almost checked the whole VIP area, and I've seen the surveillance, but I didn't find it. We don't even know when my wife left the villa!"

Ye Feng ponders for a while. What is Scarlett doing in her heart? But he asked Hendry, "your men didn't catch her, did they? Have you ever asked? "

Hendry said at once, "I've already asked. No one has seen my wife!"

Ye Feng frowned and said, "it can't be such a coincidence. I just refused to share my technology in the technology department, and my wife disappeared here. Is that your way of hospitality?"

Although he said that in his mouth, he knew in his heart that this matter might really have nothing to do with TSL. He was just trying to make use of the excuse to consolidate his image as Li Tian.

Hendry quickly explained, "master, this matter certainly has nothing to do with us, but we will try our best to find the wife and give you an account!"

Ye Feng hummed coldly, pondered for a while, and didn't speak any more, but she looked out of the window, still thinking about Scarlett's abnormal behavior after she got up in the morning.

Soon the car arrived at the door of the villa, Kaili and Wenya also stayed here, looking anxious. Seeing Ye Feng get off the car, they all came over.

Ye Feng said, "have you looked in the villa?"

Kelly said immediately, "I've searched every corner, the entire VIP area! None of them

Ye Feng lights a cigarette, smokes a cigarette and turns around the yard. Hendry and several of them follow Ye Feng.

Ye Feng suddenly thought of something. Since yesterday, Scarlett has been standing at the landing window of her room, looking at the seaside. She also stood there after she got up this morning.

Thinking of this, Ye Feng immediately walked towards the door of the villa, and then sat in the driver's seat of Mercedes Benz.

Hendry immediately ran after him, knocked on the window and said, "where are you going, sir? I'll help you drive! "

But Ye Feng said, "no, don't worry, I won't leave the VIP area!" Then he immediately stepped on the accelerator, and the car drove out in an instant.

Soon Ye Feng followed the cement road to the seaside. There was no road ahead. There was a beach in front of him.

Ye Feng immediately stopped the car and walked towards the beach. As soon as he got to the beach, he heard the sound of the car engine coming from the roadside.

Ye Feng looked back, but saw another Mercedes Benz stopped by the side of the road. Hendry opened the door and stood out. He said to Ye Feng, "master, do you want to help me?"

Ye Feng immediately put out his hand to stop, "you just stand there and wait! Don't come down

Hendry can only stand in the same place, watching Ye Feng walk towards the sea, but a pair of eyes have never left Ye Feng.

After walking to the seaside, Ye Feng stood there, looked around, and finally locked his eyes on the left side of a stone forest.

Ye Feng immediately went to the other side. Hendry, who was on the road in the distance, saw this, and followed Ye Feng's direction, walking to one side. His eyes never left Ye Feng.

At this time, after Ye Feng came to the boulder, Hendry saw that Ye Feng had disappeared from time to time, and was blocked by the boulder.

Hendry immediately picked up the phone, dialed a number, said a few words, immediately hung up the phone, eyes continue to stare there.

After a while, not far from the shore came a motorboat, far away, stopped near Ye Feng, but not close, just looking at Ye Feng from a distance.

Ye Feng can also understand that they are worried about jumping into the sea to escape, so they let the motorboat monitor themselves on the sea to prevent their abnormal behavior.

After Ye Feng took a look, he continued to walk towards the front. After a while, he saw a figure sitting there in front of him.

When Ye Feng walked in a few steps, she saw that she was really Scarlett, but she was sitting there, staring at the sea in front of her. She didn't notice that Ye Feng was standing nearby.

Ye Feng stood in place to see for a while, went to Scarlett's side, Scarlett this just noticed Ye Feng came, side head looked at him.

Ye Feng also sat down at this time, sitting beside Scarlett, stretched a stretch, directly lying on the rocks, hands pillow behind his head, said, "what are you looking at?"But Scarlett said to Ye Feng, "how do you know I'm here?"

But Ye Feng said with a smile, "you are standing in front of the landing window. From last night, you saw this morning. Apart from here, where else can you go?"

Scarlett can't help but stare at Ye Feng. After a long time, she turns her head and continues to look at the sea in front of her.

When the yacht at sea finds out where Ye Feng and Scarlett are, it immediately calls Hendry to inform him that Li Tian and Juliet have found them.

Hendry can't help but feel relieved when he hears this. He takes a long breath and asks what Ye Feng and Scarlett are doing on the coast.

The people on the yacht said that there were two people, one sitting on the stone and the other lying on the stone, as if no one had spoken. Most importantly, neither of them had obvious intention to escape.

Hendry listened to what the other party said, and then he completely let down his heart and said that it was good. Then he hung up the phone, took out a cigarette, walked back to the Mercedes Benz, lit it and sat on the front of the car, smoking a cigarette while watching the waves.

At this time, Ye Feng sat up and said to Scarlett, "talk about it. I obviously feel that you are different in the morning. What happened?"

Scarlett smell speech at this time saw a leaf maple, a pair of words and stop appearance, finally shook her head way, "nothing? I just feel that the scenery here is pretty good, so I can't come here alone to have a look at the scenery? "

Ye Feng said to Scarlett, "you need to take advantage of Hendry to see the scenery. Don't they pay attention?"

Scarlett said, "you look at the scenery. Do you like to be followed by three dogs?"

Ye Feng was stunned and then laughed. He nodded and said, "OK, I'll accompany you to see the scenery, until you don't want to see it!"

Scarlett then looked at Ye Feng in surprise and said, "didn't you go to the technology department? Why are you back so soon? Found out? "

Ye Feng sneered and said, "how can I be found if I go out in person? I just don't want to share the technology, so they need to discuss it! So I came back first! "

Scarlett was stunned, then sneered, "what do you mean you don't want to share technology, you don't have technology to share at all?"

Ye Feng can't help laughing when he hears the words, "see through, don't say through! If not, how can I get out? Do you really want to share with others how I disguised as Li Tian? "

Scarlett then stares at Ye Feng for a long time. Finally, after taking a deep breath, she stands up and stretches, "OK, I don't want to see it. Go back!"

Ye Feng is still sitting there, "you look good, I haven't looked good, here is a rare quiet place, I'll sit for a while!"

Scarlett can't help staring at Ye Feng. After a moment, she sits down and says to Ye Feng, "you look like you have a mind too!"

But Ye Feng looked at Scarlett and said, "is that true? So you're thinking? "

Scarlett smell speech, immediately know that he said wrong, but said, "I'm asking you, what do you think?"

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