Ye Feng said to Scarlett, "now I'm thinking about a problem. Even if I'm in the technology department, I have to find a way to get close to Dante before I'm found!"

Scarlett can't help frowning at Ye Feng's words. "You mean that once you enter the technology department, there will be two or a line in the future, and there will be no chance to meet Dante Emma?"

Hearing this, Ye Feng gave Scarlett a look of appreciation and said, "yes, after all, technology is semi closed, and Dante Emma is almost impossible to be there. Even if I can recite those technical terms, I have to operate them by hand in the laboratory. Even if I can muddle around for a few days, I will be found sooner or later At that time, if we had not met Dante Emma, the plan would have failed! "

Scarlett can't help frowning when she hears Ye Feng's words. After staring at Ye Feng for a long time, she sighs, "yes, it seems that time is pressing!"

Ye Feng took out a cigarette, lit one, while smoking while looking at the sea, his mind from time to time flashed all kinds of ideas, but still did not think of a feasible way.

Scarlett smell speech at this time toward Ye Feng way, "do you want me to help?"

Ye Feng smell speech brow a wrinkly looking at Scarlett way, "you help? How can you help? "

Scarlett sighed and shook her head. "We really can't help. We have too many limitations every day. We can't see Dante Emma, let alone seduce him. And if we have a chance to seduce him, we don't need you!"

Ye Feng smell speech can't help but white one eye, Scarlett way, "Kui you think out, unexpectedly want to seduce Dante Emma?"

Scarlett looked at Ye Feng and said, "what do you mean? Do you mean I'm not beautiful enough, Dante Emma doesn't like me at all? "

Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders and said, "you are really beautiful and have a good figure. If you really want to seduce a man, I believe your success rate should reach 99%. But what I want to say is that I have known Dante Emma for so long, and I have never seen him touch a woman!"

Scarlett couldn't help looking at Ye Feng and said, "that seems to be the opposite of you. What I heard about Satan is that she doesn't like women. How can Dante Emma not touch women? Is he... "

Then he stretched out a finger, then bent down and said, "is that it?" Then he said with a smile, "it seems that I'm really not sure, or you can do it yourself..."

Ye Feng immediately whitened Scarlett and said, "not only have I never seen him find a woman, but also have not seen him have too many entanglements with any man. What's more, as you said, we have no chance to meet Dante Emma!"

Scarlett took a deep breath and said, "well, that's it! You go to the tech department and say, "you have to see Dante Emma, or you won't work for them?"

But Ye Feng said, "the person in charge of the technology department is Tom. If it was feasible, he would have let us do it. Besides, my current identity is a doctor of chip. How could I know Dante Emma? Isn't it suspicious of me to ask to see him? "

Scarlett immediately added, "you said you wanted to see the person in charge?"

Ye Feng still shook his head and said, "Dr. chip is suspicious of disguise, and the person in charge can't find someone to replace it, and we can't expose it if we know that the other party isn't!"

When Scarlett heard this, she also felt that there was some truth. When the other party called someone casually, pretending to be the person in charge, there was no way.

At this time, Scarlett can't help muttering, "this can't, that can't, can't we just be trapped here and die?"

After smoking a cigarette, Ye Feng bounced out toward the sea, landed on the sponge, and was brought back to the shore with the waves.

Then Ye Feng stood up and said, "now I can only see the move. I hope there will be any chance in the next few days!"

Scarlett then stood up with Ye Feng, and then said to Ye Feng, "it's not your style to sit and wait to die!"

Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders and said, "it depends on the situation. Sometimes the situation is not good for you. No matter how strong it is, it's not a hero, but a show off! I won't do anything that I don't know for sure

Ye Feng said to walk toward the shore, Scarlett with Ye Feng behind, when the hand suddenly more than a sharp knife, toward Ye Feng walked in the past.

Ye Feng is still walking in front of her, and Scarlett is coming closer and closer behind her. When she is close to Ye Feng, Ye Feng suddenly turns around and looks at her.

Scarlett suddenly face a change, immediately put away the sharp knife in the hand, Zheng Zheng ground looking at Ye Feng way, "how?"

But Ye Feng shook his head and said, "no, just ask what's wrong with you? I feel like you're not looking right after you get up today. You seem to have a mind! "

Scarlett immediately said, "no, it's nothing. I just don't know when I can finish the task. I'm a little anxious, so I come here to relax!"

Ye Feng stares at Scarlett. After seeing that Scarlett is weak for a while, she steps forward to get close to Scarlett.Seeing this, Scarlett stepped back instinctively and said, "what's the matter?"

But Ye Feng stretched out his hand directly and snatched the sharp knife from her hand. He put it in his hand and looked at it. ,

Scarlett's face suddenly changed and she looked at Ye Feng, just wanted to say something.

But listen to Ye Feng this time way, "come out to relax, with such a dangerous thing in the body is not good! I'll keep it for you! " Then he turned around and continued to walk towards the shore, and said, "if you have anything in mind, just tell me. So far, we are still in the same line!"

Scarlett stood in the same place, staring at Ye Feng's back. In fact, Ye Feng didn't expose herself, but Scarlett knew that Ye Feng already knew that she had a sharp weapon hidden in her body.

He and Ye Feng had said so much, is to let Ye Feng relax vigilance, but did not expect Ye Feng actually knew, and actually did not question himself.

At this time, Ye Feng had already walked to the shore, turned back to Scarlett and said, "what are you still doing there? Go back

Scarlett smell speech immediately with the past, but in the heart is all kinds of entanglement, from last night's dream that Shrek blame himself did not revenge for her, Scarlett has been trying to find a way to kill Ye Feng, so she made such a, as if he was missing, but she knew that with Ye Feng's wisdom and ability, there must be a way to find himself, when the time comes Have pretended to be upset, and Ye Feng talk about their worries, let Ye Feng completely worry, try to see if you can kill Ye Feng.

But I didn't expect that this is the case. Ye Feng has been on guard for a long time, and she didn't expose herself face to face. Scarlett doesn't know what Ye Feng thinks.

But at this time, Scarlett had no other choice, and then walked toward the shore, until she came to Ye Feng's side, just wanted to say something.

Hendry over there came immediately and said to Yefeng and Scarlett, "master, madam, are you going back?"

Ye Feng said to Hendry, "go back first. My wife and I will go back."

Hendry was shocked, but he didn't refuse. He just said yes and drove back.

Ye Feng stood in the same place and looked at Scarlett, and said, "don't think wildly. I told you that your current ability is impossible. Don't have another time!"

With that, Ye Feng turned around and left. Scarlett saw that Ye Feng was calm, and immediately followed up, "do you know I want to kill you?"

Ye Feng said to Scarlett, "from your abnormal reaction in the morning, you can infer that you must have dreamt of Shrek last night, right? So you've got a desire for revenge? "

Scarlett couldn't help looking at Ye Feng in horror and said, "you can know all my dreams?"

Ye Feng looked at Scarlett and said, "I can't know what dreams you have, but your dream is called Shrek's name. I can hear you when I sleep next to you!"

Scarlett listen to Ye Feng so a say, can't help a burst of startled, originally is his dream, Ye Feng to hear.

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