Ye Feng continues to walk in front, Scarlett closely behind, at this time can not help but ask Ye Feng way, "you know I want to kill you, you still forgive me?"

But Ye Feng shrugged, "now kill you? I'm not going to report myself. Don't forget, you're my mistress now! "

On hearing this, Scarlett frowned and said, "you are not afraid that I can't kill you. On the contrary, it will cause your mission to fail. Then I will take revenge as well!"

Ye Feng stops, looks back at Scarlett, shakes her head and says, "no! You won't do that! "

Listen to Ye Feng say so, Scarlett can't help but a little angry to say, "you don't make it as if you know everything like the palm of your hand, everything is in control of the posture, OK?"

Ye Feng can't help looking at Scarlett with a frown. Before she speaks, Scarlett immediately says, "I've told you so long ago. I'm close to you. I'm here with you for revenge. I may attack you at any time..."

Hearing this, Scarlett nodded and said, "that's right. You're doing it. I didn't say anything, did I?"

Scarlett is hysterical and says to Ye Feng, "it's because you don't say anything. It's like you know everything. I especially hate your arrogance and superciliousness!"

Ye Feng smell speech a dismay, immediately a shrug a way, "hate to hate it, we are just fake lovers, not really, I can't ask you to like me?"

Scarlett was shocked when she heard the words, and then she blurted out, "but I just like you..."

Listen to Scarlett say so, Ye Feng suddenly face a change, looking at Scarlett, a time did not speak.

Scarlett squatted down and held her head in agony. She said, "I don't know what happened to me. I'm here to kill you. Now I like you. How can I stand up to Shrek? How can I be worthy of him... "

Ye Feng sighed, "in fact, you don't have to. If I don't kill Shrek, you will also kill me, so there's no hatred between us. If I was killed by Shrek at that time, who will take my revenge? Life and death should have been left out of our business for a long time. You should have realized this since you first accepted the task! "

At this time, Scarlett looked up at Ye Feng and said, "what I'm talking about now is not revenge, but what I like about you. Can't you hear me?"

Ye Feng was stunned, then shrugged his shoulders and said, "I'm honored that you like me, but it's also a normal thing. It's not my boast. I'm naturally attractive to women. Sometimes, I'm also very distressed..."

As soon as Scarlett heard this, she stood up and snorted, "you don't know anything at all!" Then he continued to walk forward.

While walking, Scarlett still scolds Ye Feng in her heart. This guy is so smelly, arrogant and arrogant. Is he blind? How can she fall in love with such a man?

Ye Feng followed Scarlett, but said, "in fact, I can understand your mood. It's because Shrek's Revenge has not been avenged, and you like me again, so your heart is very tangled at the moment. You feel sorry for Shrek, and you don't want to deal with me at all, so you're in a dilemma, right?"

Scarlett smell speech looked back at Ye Feng, this guy really seems to know everything, but Scarlett did not give Ye Feng a good look, "I take back just now!"

Ye Feng eyebrows a wrinkly way, "just now you said a lot of words, take back which one?"

Scarlett said immediately, "from now on, I don't like you!"

Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders and said, "that would be the best. If you can figure it out, it would be the best!"

Seeing Ye Feng's performance, Scarlett felt a sense of loss. She stared at Ye Feng and said, "I like you. Do you have a lot of pressure? How come when I say I don't like you, you don't even ask for any reason. It's as easy as getting rid of a burden? "

But after looking at Scarlett for a long time, Ye Feng took a deep breath and said to Scarlett solemnly, "in fact, it's unnecessary to make it so complicated. It's because your own knot hasn't been untied, so you are in such pain. Like me or hate me. In fact, it's really nothing to me. After all, it's your thoughts and feelings. I can't control it, but do you have any I have never thought that your Emotionalization may affect your life. After all, your future is still very long. You can't live forever in Shrek's hatred. Naturally, you can't live forever in liking me or hating me. You have your own life. You should think more about yourself! "

Scarlett listen to Ye Feng said so, can't help staring at Ye Feng for a long time, this just come back to God, "I like you, really nothing to you?"

Ye Feng shrugged and said, "you still don't understand. You've been struggling with these details. Are these important?"

But Scarlett nodded to Ye Feng and said, "it's very important! Maybe it's not important to you, but it's important to me! "

Ye Feng hears the speech and looks at Scarlett silently for a while and says, "can I tell you now that I like you too, and you can completely put down Shrek's hatred and ignore it?"Scarlett can't help but be stunned. Yes, what are you struggling with? If Ye Feng tells herself that he also likes herself, I'm afraid that she will not be happy, but should be more entangled.

Ye Feng saw that Scarlett didn't speak, and continued to say, "if I tell you that I don't like you at all, will you immediately ignore everything and kill me, even if you die with me?"

Scarlett Wen Yan stares at Ye Feng for a long time. She knows that Ye Feng has fully guessed her own state of mind. If Ye Feng really says she doesn't like herself, she is likely to do so.

Ye Feng saw that Scarlett didn't say a word, then he took a deep breath and said, "including your revenge, do you think you can get revenge if you get close to me?"

Then Ye Feng lit another cigarette and took a deep breath. Then he said to Scarlett, "if Shrek was not killed by me, but by thunder, would you like to revenge on God? I don't know what you dreamt about Shrek last night, but what I know is that if Shrek is alive in heaven, I know that you get so much pain for revenge. If he really loved you, I hope you can let him go Abandon this hatred! Don't take revenge on him

Ye Feng said here, smoked a cigarette and continued to say, "maybe Shrek in your dream is to let you take revenge, but that's not Shrek's meaning. It's just that there is a seed of revenge in your heart. It's you who remind yourself to take revenge, not Shrek!"

Scarlett listen to Ye Feng say so, immediately a burst of silence, Zheng Zheng looking at Ye Feng, for a long time also can't say a word.

At this time, Ye Feng took out the sharp knife, went to Scarlett's face, handed the sharp knife in her hand to Scarlett's hand, let her hold it tightly, then dragged her hand to her abdomen.

All of a sudden, Scarlett didn't respond. The knife had penetrated into Ye Feng's abdomen, and it immediately began to flow down the handle to Scarlett's hand.

Scarlett's face suddenly changed, released her hand holding the handle, stepped back, looked at Ye Feng in surprise and said, "what are you doing? Why? "

At this time, Ye Feng holds the handle of the knife tied in her abdomen with one hand and looks at Scarlett in front of her and says, "don't you have been struggling for revenge? Now you have killed me for Shrek once. Your task has been completed. Should you put down your heart knot?"

To tell you the truth, Scarlett had been really thinking about how to kill Ye Feng or be killed by Ye Feng in the end, but she never thought it would be this kind of form. For a moment, Scarlett was stunned on the spot, and her mind was blank.

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