At this time, Ye Feng has been sitting on the ground, still holding the handle of the knife in his abdomen, the blood is still flowing out, and his face seems to be a little pale.

Scarlett can't help standing on the spot, staring at Ye Feng sitting on the ground, and she doesn't know what to do.

But Scarlett knows that as long as she doesn't care about Ye Feng, she will bleed too much and die.

In fact, Ye Feng can save herself, but Scarlett doesn't want to save herself at all.

Scarlett looked at Ye Feng and said, "why? Why are you doing this? "

Ye Feng took a deep breath and said, "this is to help you eliminate your demons. Don't you want revenge? Do you want me to die? I think it's done for you now! "

Scarlett can not help but immediately said, "I revenge, I will have my own way, do not need you like this!"

Ye Feng shrugged and said, "I'm sorry for you!"

Scarlett stares at Ye Feng, but sees that Ye Feng's body seems to be unable to support, and her hands are already on the ground.

Seeing Ye Feng like this, Scarlett is very tangled. She immediately goes to tear off her clothes, picks up the cloth strip and helps Ye Feng tear open her shirt. She uses the cloth strip to help Ye Feng encircle the dagger of the sharp knife and hold it with her hand. Then she looks around and sees a camera not far away. She immediately waves to the other side, hoping that the people on the other side of the camera can see it.

At the same time, Scarlett said to Ye Feng, "you are not allowed to die!"

But Ye Feng said with a miserable smile, "don't you want me to die? Don't you want revenge? "

Scarlett said at once, "I said, I'll take revenge by my own way. You can't die before I kill you!"

Ye Feng said with a smile to Scarlett, "the result is not death?"

Scarlett hugged Ye Feng and said, "don't die. You owe me a life. Your life is mine. You can't die before I let you die!"

But Ye Feng said weakly to Scarlett, "now it seems that you can't help it!"

Scarlett saw that Ye Feng's face was getting worse and worse, and she kept saying to Ye Feng, "I don't care. I don't want you to die. You can't die. Do you hear me..."

Ye Feng at this time but the whole body relaxed down, eyes also slightly put on, as if asleep, motionless, more like dead.

Seeing this, Scarlett kept shaking Ye Feng's body, and her mouth was still crying not to die.

And at this time, a Mercedes Benz came, stopped at the side of Ye Feng and Scarlett, and it was Hendry who got on and off the car.

Hendry a see Ye Feng so, face suddenly a change, hurriedly went to the back of the trunk there, take out a medicine box, anxious to go to Ye Feng's side.

When Scarlett saw Hendry coming, she felt a glimmer of hope in her heart. She kept asking Hendry, "how is he? Is he dead? "

Hendry did not say anything, a serious face, at this time picked up a pair of scissors, along the blade of Ye Feng's place to cut his clothes, put aside the bloody cloth, looking at Ye Feng's dagger in the stomach, then picked up disinfectant, and gauze and disinfection cotton, this just handed Scarlett way, "I'll help him draw the knife, you press his wound."

Scarlett immediately nodded, picked up the sterilized cotton and prepared.

Hendry then took a deep breath, nodded to Scarlett, and immediately pulled out the dagger with a strong hand. Suddenly, a blood arrow spattered out and sprayed on Hendry's face.

Scarlett immediately pressed the leaf maple's wound with sterilized cotton, and the white cotton instantly turned into blood red.

After pressing for a long time, Hendry took over his hand, then picked up a wound patch, took off the cotton and immediately pasted it on it to prevent Ye Feng from bleeding again. Then he put things away, picked Ye Feng up directly from the ground and put it in the back seat of the car.

Scarlett immediately followed. Hendry got on the bus and drove away to the duty building.

On the way, Scarlett kept staring at Ye Feng, and she kept shouting, "I know you're not dead. You must hear me. I don't want you to die..."

As he drove, Hendry looked into the rearview mirror and said, "what happened to you and the master, ma'am, and why?"

Scarlett did not speak, just can't stop let Ye Feng don't die, Hendry see also don't ask.

Soon the train arrived at the volunteer building. Hendry immediately got off the car and came to the building with Ye Feng in his arms. He went directly to the emergency room.

Seeing this, the medical staff immediately pushed away a lying car and asked Hendry to put down Ye Feng. Then they pushed it into the emergency room. Obviously, they had already received the news and were waiting here.

After Ye Feng was pushed into the emergency room, medical staff came to ask Hendry and Scarlett what the situation was.

Scarlett just said, "he was stabbed by me. I don't think the rest of him was hurt, so I stabbed him in the stomach!"The medical staff immediately nodded and didn't ask much. After all, they were not outside the hospital. They didn't have to ask what kind of dispute caused the injury. Finally, they had to ask the police to take a statement.

But Hendry then asked Scarlett, "madam, what happened between you and the master? Why did the master get stabbed?"

Scarlett looked at Hendry and said nothing.

Seeing this, Hendry looked at Scarlett again, but did not ask any more questions.

About half an hour later, the emergency room door opened, and Hendry immediately stood up and went to ask about the situation.

Scarlett immediately got up and walked over, but heard the doctor say, "there's no danger for the moment, but the injured person lost too much blood. She may have to rest for a few days!"

Hendry nodded and said thank you to the doctor. He asked the doctor, "can we go and see him?"

The doctor said, "whatever, but the patient will be transferred to the ward later, and he is still in a coma and can't speak! It's estimated that we will not wake up until after tonight. "

Speaking, a medical staff has pushed Ye Feng out of the consulting room, to the ward, Scarlett see immediately with the past.

Hendry took a look at Scarlett's appearance, did not see much, and then asked the doctor about Ye Feng's specific situation, went to one side to pick up the phone and began to report.

And Scarlett has been following Ye Feng's bed beside the car, watching Ye Feng in blood transfusion, and hanging nutrients and so on, her face is still pale.

After arriving at the ward, Ye Feng was carried onto the bed by the medical staff, and then moved the blood bottle and nutrients to the edge of the bed, which left the ward.

Scarlett was sitting on Ye Feng's bed with a stool, looking at Ye Feng on the bed and holding his hand. She didn't know what to do.

Think of Ye Feng actually use this method to let oneself eliminate hatred, Scarlett heart only heartache, heartache If Ye Feng what, she even don't want to live feeling.

But at this time there is also a sense of happiness, fortunately Ye Feng nothing, was rescued back, if not, he really have the mood to die.

After a long time, Hendry came in and looked at Ye Feng on the edge of the hospital bed. He didn't say anything. After staying for a while, he said to Scarlett, "madam, you should watch the master first. I'll go back and come back later!"

Scarlett nodded to Hendry, who left without saying anything.

Scarlett then looked at Ye Feng on the bed and said, "I've put down my hatred. I won't take revenge on you in the future! Will you wake up soon? "

But Ye Feng on the bed, still lying there motionless, as if asleep.

Scarlett holds Ye Feng's hand tightly. Looking at Ye Feng now, she feels that her nose is sour and her tears are coming down.

Scarlett felt that even when Shrek died, she didn't feel so sad.

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