Scarlett has been with Ye Feng by the bed, but she never leaves. In the middle of the way, Kaili and Wenya also come to make some soup for Ye Feng, hoping to drink it when Ye Feng wakes up.

But Ye Feng didn't wake up, so Scarlett let them go back first. She had to stay with Ye Feng. Until Ye Feng, Scarlett was sleepy. She also held Ye Feng's hand and fell asleep beside Ye Feng's bed.

After she fell asleep, Scarlett had another dream and also had a dream of Shrek. But this time, it seems that Shrek is not so fierce as last time. She just stands far away and looks at Scarlett.

Scarlett couldn't even see Shrek's face clearly. Her only impression was that Shrek was laughing and finally disappeared in a strong light.

When Scarlett wakes up, she still remembers the situation in her dream. She can't help but ask herself, what does this dream represent? Is it true that as Ye Feng said, Shrek is to give up revenge?

Just thinking about it, she felt the movement of Ye Feng's hand in her hand. She immediately sat up and looked at Ye Feng on the bed. However, he frowned slightly and looked like he was about to wake up.

Scarlett was so excited that she yelled at the doctor immediately. Then she felt that she still couldn't do it. She had to call the doctor herself.

But Scarlett is just about to leave, but her hand is grabbed by Ye Feng. Scarlett immediately looks back and sees that Ye Feng has opened her eyes and is staring at Scarlett.

Scarlett immediately walked over and touched Ye Feng's face. "Are you awake? Are you awake at last

Involuntarily, he felt tears streaming down his cheek. He immediately wiped them away, but he still looked at Ye Feng excitedly and said, "you finally wake up!"

Ye Feng then looked at Scarlett and asked, "who are you?"

Scarlett's face suddenly changed. She looked at Ye Feng and said, "what?"

Ye Feng immediately asked again, "who are you?"

Scarlett suddenly face big change, staring at Ye Feng to see a way, "you don't remember who I am?"

Ye Feng shook his head and said he didn't know him.

Scarlett stood in the same place for a long time and then recovered. The doctor didn't say that the sequela of the knife wound was amnesia.

Think of Scarlett immediately and toward the door called a doctor, just ready to go, don't want to immediately be Ye Feng pulled.

Scarlett looked back, but saw Ye Feng on the bed was smiling at herself, and the smiling Scarlett was all covered.

Ye Feng said with a smile to Scarlett, "I just got a knife in my stomach. How can I lose my memory?"

Scarlett a listen to this, also reaction come over, this just now oneself still think so, just don't dare to confirm, mainly is he didn't think Ye Feng will cheat himself.

Think of her immediately on the body of leaf maple a beat, excited tunnel, "you incredibly cheat me?"

Ye Feng immediately frowned and snorted. Scarlett was worried again. She looked at Ye Feng and said, "what's the matter with you? Did I hit your wound? "

But Ye Feng said to Scarlett with a smile, "why did you suddenly lose your brain? You believe what I do and say? My wound is on my stomach. You hit me on the arm. "

As soon as Scarlett heard this, she immediately glared at Ye Feng, released her hand, sat aside and said, "you don't have a word of truth!"

Ye Feng see Scarlett so, can't help toward Scarlett way, "I'm really OK! You can rest assured! "

Scarlett but white leaf maple a way, "you have nothing to do with me?"

But Ye Feng said with a smile, "who is in my coma, and I have been saying don't die, don't die?"

On hearing this, Scarlett immediately looked at Ye Feng in surprise and said, "you lied to me again? You're not in a coma at all? "

But Ye Feng said, "it's really coma, but I can hear you. I want to answer you, too. I don't want to die, but I can't speak!"

Scarlett looked at Ye Feng at this time. Just as she was about to say something, Hendry came in. Seeing Ye Feng awake, she immediately went to the bedside and said, "master, are you awake at last?"

Ye Feng nodded to Hendry and said nothing.

Hendry asked Ye Feng, "master, why did you get hurt?"

Scarlett then said to Hendry, "he just woke up. Can you give him a rest for a few days?"

Hendry could not help saying sorry when he heard this, and he did not speak any more.

Ye Feng then toward Hendry way, "you go back, ward don't need so many people!"

Hendry nodded and said to Ye Feng, "master, please have a rest. I'll see you tomorrow!" Then he turned around and left the ward. After going out, he took out his mobile phone and made a call.

Scarlett said to Ye Feng at this time, "but it's him today, or I really don't know what to do!"

Ye Feng nodded and said that she knew, but Scarlett said to Ye Feng, "are you stupid? If there is no Hendry, aren't you really dead?"But Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders and said, "isn't that true? Don't you just want me to die? "

But Scarlett said to Ye Feng, "yes, yes, I just want you to die. Go to die!"

Ye Feng smiles and doesn't speak. Scarlett looks at Ye Feng at this time and suddenly says, "are you counting everything, knowing Hendry will come to save you?"

Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders and said, "there's a saying that it's better to be a man than a God. Even if I'm more careful, if Hendry comes a little late, I'll still die."

But Scarlett said, "so you calculated that?"

Ye Feng said, "I don't deny it. I'm gambling!"

Scarlett frowned. "Bet? What's the bet? "

Ye Feng looked at Scarlett and said, "I bet you won't let me die! If you want me to die, even if I count the time when Hendry arrived, I will die, so I just gave my life to you for a gamble. "

But Scarlett looked at Ye Feng in surprise and said, "do you believe I won't kill you?"

Ye Feng said to Scarlett, "there is still some self-confidence, but there are still risks. After all, your mood at the moment is fluctuating, and anything can happen."

Scarlett listen to Ye Feng said, immediately heart move, yes, Ye Feng said right, he was really hesitant to save Ye Feng.

If my mind was a little bit biased at that time, Ye Feng could not live at all. Let alone Hendry would come to save Ye Feng, I could make up another knife on Ye Feng before Hendry came.

Therefore, Ye Feng said that he was gambling, which is not wrong at all. He was gambling, whether he would kill him or not.

Thinking of this, Scarlett could not help holding Ye Feng's hand and said, "I don't mean I don't want to kill you, but I didn't kill you when you die like this. I've already said that your life is mine. You can't die before I do it myself!"

Ye Feng smell speech but toward Scarlett a smile way, "line, line, line, don't die! It's like I want to die! "

And at this time, a person came in outside the ward, no one else, it was Tom.

Tom walked quickly to Ye Feng's side, frowned slightly, and asked Ye Feng, "what's the matter?"

Ye Feng said, "a small accident, can't die, don't make a fuss!"

Tom moved a stool to sit beside Ye Feng, and then whispered, "what are you doing? Just now, I transferred the surveillance. Did you stab yourself with a knife? "

Ye Feng smell speech wry smile a way, "the thing has already happened, now investigate is what reason, still have meaning?"

But Tom reminded Ye Feng in a deep voice, "don't forget the purpose of your coming here!"

But Ye Feng said with a smile to Tom, "my injury is also a necessary part of this mission!"

On hearing this, Tom and Scarlett could not help looking at Ye Feng.

Scarlett, in particular, realized that Ye Feng had already included everything. This injury was one of his plans? This was completely unexpected to him.

But Tom asked Ye Feng, "what do you mean? I don't understand

Ye Feng said to Tom, "once I enter the test line of the technology department, there is almost no chance to contact Dante Emma, but now I am injured, so the time to enter the technology department will be delayed. During this period, I will look for opportunities again!"

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