Ye Feng listen to Scarlett said, can't help but look at Scarlett, it seems that he didn't give Scarlett any commitment, how he and she evolved into this kind of deep rain dog blood plot?

However, Ye Feng didn't say much at this time. Anyway, Scarlett was a beautiful woman. Although she didn't treat her like Amy and Du Yuexiu, she shared weal and woe with her on Stewart Island.

What's more, it's a woman who can put down her hatred for killing her man for her own sake. Ye Feng thinks that she puts her hand around Scarlett's shoulder. She doesn't say anything, but she thinks that anyway, let's take Scarlett out of Stewart Island alive.

Ye Feng then lived in the volunteer building for three days. Tom came twice in the way, Hendry came once a day, and Wenya brought food to him before noon every day.

For three days, Jack didn't come again. Ye Feng doesn't know how jack arranged to meet zhuomus. Now he lives in the hospital, so he can only wait for news passively.

Three days later, the doctor said that Ye Feng could be discharged from the hospital and go home to recuperate, but still need to pay attention, don't tear the wound, wait for ten days to remove the stitches.

After returning to the villa, Ye Feng lies on the second floor of the room all day. Scarlett takes the place of elegant work. She doesn't need to be elegant for three meals a day. She sends them upstairs to Ye Feng in person.

After another two days, as long as Ye Feng didn't have strenuous exercise, he couldn't feel the pain in his abdomen. It can be said that he recovered very quickly.

On this day, Scarlett goes upstairs with the food, but Ye Feng comes down from the bed and tells Scarlett that she wants to go downstairs to have a breath. She's not in hospital any more. It's just like being in hospital.

Scarlett just asked if ye Feng's wound still hurt. Ye Feng directly tore open the gauze and showed it to Scarlett. Although the wound was still there, the thread on the wound was still there, but the skin and flesh tissue had begun to bond. It really didn't seem to matter.

No way, Scarlett had to promise Ye Feng downstairs, had to reach out to help Ye Feng, but Ye Feng refused.

Ye Feng walks down the stairs by herself. Hendry, Kelly and Wenya all stand at the bottom of the stairs and watch Ye Feng. With every step Ye Feng takes, Scarlett's heart will crack, fearing that Ye Feng will open the wound.

But fortunately, Ye Feng walked down the building smoothly, and Scarlett could not help but take a long breath.

Wenya immediately went upstairs at this time and brought down the food that Scarlett had just brought upstairs. Let Ye Feng and Scarlett sit at the table to eat.

After eating a little, Ye Feng put down his knife and fork, then got up and said, "I'm going out for a walk!"

Without waiting for Scarlett to speak this time, Hendry immediately said, "master, you're recovering from a big injury. You'd better not go out. If you want to take a walk, just scatter in your yard..."

Ye Feng stares at Hendry and says nothing, but nods and says, "just walk in the yard!"

Say Ye Feng went out, Hendry also want to follow, Ye Feng said, "don't you follow me, wife will accompany me for a while!"

While she was talking, Scarlett came out and held Ye Feng with her hand. Then she turned to Hendry and said, "go and help you. I'll just accompany you!"

Say two people also ignore Heng Deli, walk toward the garden of the yard, there is a hanging chair over there, Ye Feng goes there, then sit on it.

Scarlett sits on the side of Ye Feng and looks at Ye Feng. She can't help feeling a sense of happiness. It seems that the days when Ye Feng was injured these days are the life she yearns for. Every day, two people are together, taking care of him and greeting herself.

Thinking of this, Scarlett could not help leaning her head on Ye Feng's shoulder and said, "if only she could do this forever, how good would it be?"

Hearing this, Ye Feng can't help but look at Scarlett. She thinks that Scarlett has taken care of herself these days. She insists on taking food for herself every day. She also takes water to wipe her body, and even helps her to go to the toilet. Even if it's really her wife, it's just like this, isn't it?

Thinking of this, Ye Feng can't help reaching out and embracing Scarlett in her arms. After a kiss on her forehead, she said, "don't worry, there will be such a day in the future!"

Although Scarlett knows that they are on Stewart Island now, they don't know when they can finish the task. Even if they can finish the task, they don't know whether they can leave alive. This kind of day may stay in this period forever.

Think of here, Scarlett reached out to hold Ye Feng tightly, as if a little loose, Ye Feng will disappear from his eyes.

When I think of the time when I met Ye Feng, they have changed from killing each other to loving each other now. The things they have experienced pour into Scarlett's heart. Scarlett never believes in fate or even God. At this time, I can't help feeling the wonder of fate.

Looking at Ye Feng's face, Scarlett can't help kissing Ye Feng. Seeing Ye Feng's head, she turns red and buries her head in Ye Feng's arms.

Ye Feng reaches out his hand to touch Scarlett's hair, but there is no evil idea in his mind. It's not that Ye Feng is not interested in Scarlett, but he doesn't have the mind to think about these things. He doesn't come to Stewart Island on vacation with Scarlett.What Ye Feng thinks in his mind at this time is that Jack said to arrange it as soon as possible, but there has been no movement for several days. Has something happened.

But Ye Feng thought that when he was in the ward a few days ago, Tom didn't come to see any abnormal performance. If Jack had something to do, Tom would not know.

Scarlett then looked up at Ye Feng, but saw that Ye Feng was looking at the flower bed in front of her in a daze. She couldn't help asking, "what do you think?"

Ye Feng this just returned to God, shook his head a way, "we have come for how long, waste of time a little more!"

But Scarlett said to Ye Feng, "I think this kind of wasted time is good. At least we are relatively peaceful here these days, aren't we? There are no swords and swords, no intrigues, just me and you... " Then he said angrily, "no, there are three followers!"

At this time, the sky was still clear, suddenly began to cloud, the whole yard suddenly dark up.

Hendry came over and said to Yefeng and Scarlett, "Sir, madam, it seems that there is going to be a rainstorm. Hurry back!"

Ye Feng then stood up and looked up at the sky. He couldn't help nodding his head. When he was here before, he knew that there would be rainstorm season on Stewart Island in some specific periods. Sometimes it would be a month. It seems that it's almost the thunderstorm Festival.

Scarlett holds Ye Feng upstairs and tells Hendry to have a rest early. If there's nothing wrong, don't disturb them upstairs. After entering, she locks the door.

When she turned around again, she saw that Ye Feng was standing at the landing window, and the window was full of rain, and the scene outside had begun to twist.

Scarlett went to the window and stood beside Ye Feng. Looking out of the window, she saw that it had been pouring rain outside, and some roads had begun to accumulate water.

Scarlett can't help but say to Ye Feng, "the rainstorm is so sudden!"

The leaf maple smell speech side head saw a leaf maple way, "is very suddenly, only afraid under this rainstorm, still don't know how many dark places, wash not to arrive!"

Scarlett smell speech, can't help but toward Ye Feng way, "you still think about the investigation department that person in charge of the words? But then again, it seems that he hasn't heard from us for a long time. Is there anything wrong with him? "

Hearing Scarlett say so, Ye Feng's brow is tight, which is what he is worried about. If Jack's words are true, then he is more likely to have an accident.

Scarlett saw that Ye Feng's face was even more wrong when she heard what she said. She immediately said, "but maybe something happened on the island, so it was delayed?"

Ye Feng can't help nodding and said, "I hope so, but I always feel that the calm surface of these days is just the calm before the storm. Something should happen!"

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